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Fixed up some of the missing stuff from Kiro Quest and polished a few bits. Check the changelog for more. Image pack link, below! <3

Changelog:  https://www.fenoxo.com/backers-tits-sharpening-the-blade/ 

Image Pack: https://mega.nz/#!H4QUCSIC!8vdG5hsb22qUwRaF907GJ0ai7kjFVZMPCFoqHgWfxXs 

To gain access to backer builds, create an account on fenoxo.com, then open your "Profile" and click the button to link with Patreon. 

(If you have problems with password reset or verification, try highlighting the address and copy/pasting it into the address bar. Some email clients mangle the link.) 




Which ship bust is pictured here?


Is the dungeon still being worked on or does this build roughly complete it?

Fenoxo Fenfen

Roughly complete. Actually getting Kiro onboard isn't done yet, and it turns out there's another optional enemy encounter or two to plunk in, but the bulk of it is done.


For some reason the image pack is stuck on silly mode permanently for me.


Definitely worth the wait, Kiro came out amazing as always Fen. Thanks for making our dreams come true about recruiting this busty Tanuki. P.S: I always thought the way to say Tanuki was like "Ta-nu-key" . Thanks for teaching me that it is pronounced "Tanucky" from Character Select.


I have some characters I now want to be bimbos anyway to bring Dr Badger back if I locked her up?


when can we recruit kiro? i can do the quest but i cant get her on my crew


Any thoughts on having Adjatha draw a new Kiro/bimbofied bust? The current one is a fine placeholder, but it looks a little unrefined, especially compared to Po's standard fuckdolls (they look great).