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Mira blinked the light from her eyes. Then rolled over, as a cool breeze brushed her skin. Wait!? Light? Cool breeze? Her eyes shot open and she was greeted with a forest clearing, the wind rustling the leaves. Naked young ladies were sprawled out on the grass sleeping, while neatly placed piles of equipment lay next to them. Mira glanced down, finding herself naked as well, and strangely sticky.

Her memories flooded back in as she recalled the night before. The march home after a successful quest was, well, mostly successful. A few things had gone wrong, they had even lost someone to the slime. Thankfully Flamewind was the only person to die, there had been a few others with injuries worth worrying about, but Delilah and the other healers in the expeditionary party had been able to patch them up. Thanks to those efforts their losses had been fairly light.

Then that dragon got the drop on them on the way back. It just landed right in front of them. Her mind blanked on what happened after that. She recalled seeing it about to use its dragon breath, and telling the group to drop to the ground. After that it was all a blank. What even happened after that?

Mira glanced to the side, where she could see a notification blinking, waiting for her attention. Hopefully it had a few answers for her, and when she opened it, she was greeted with quite the list. She... blinked as she looked at it. No words quite seemed to be fit for the notification.

You have been hit with mind-slaving Jelly.
You failed to resist
For the next five hours, your mind belongs to the Jelly Dragon Azaria

You have participated in the Ritual of the Jelly Egg

You are pregnant!

The mind-slaving jelly effects have expired. Your mind is now free.

She stared at it blankly, not sure what to think or say about that. Mira had never heard of a mind-slaving jelly. She knew a Jelly Dragon’s breath could have varying effects based on color. Pink jelly was known to leave people insatiably horny, while Red Jelly would melt clothing, Green would disintegrate metal armor, and blue would turn men into girls and girls into boys. Jelly dragons were known to use all of those effects and it was why they were so hard to deal with. While Mira wasn’t familiar with every color, she had read some of the effects. Mind altering ones weren’t on the list she had read.

Then there was the whole ritual of the jelly egg. What was that about, and why was she pregnant? A tear graced her face as she considered it. She had been violated, mind and body.

Suddenly bare arms wrapped around her and pulled her into a hug. They were so strong, she couldn’t even think to resist as the slightly larger girl started stroking her head. She looked up, and Delilah gave her a smile, even as she saw the tears in her eyes too. It had happened to her too. “It’s okay, it’s okay, we have each other. Everything will be alright.”

Tears streamed down her face, “But!”

“Shh, you were there for us, let us be there for you!”

“I failed! I wanted to protect you!”

“You did not! It was a dragon for the gods' sake! How could we expect you to protect us from that?”

“But it raped you!”

The hug tightened, “...It raped all of us and honestly I am not sure if its better to remember or not.”

There was that alright, she only knew because of the evidence. She didn’t actually remember the encounter.”

Michael spoke up at that moment, “Well we could ask Aidera, I think she could help us remember what happened.”

Mira looked over and noted the tears on her face. Her heart sank further. She failed, she really failed, but at least she was paying the price with them. In her heart, she made a choice, she was going to make this up to them. Already she started thinking about the dragon babies they were now all expecting, thanks to this incident. Obviously no one would want them, but there was a dungeon nearby. Dungeons loved children, so maybe she could make a run and try talking with the avatar of the dungeon? Little did she realize how that choice might affect the future of the dungeon.

Phillip sleepily approached the door, as someone was knocking on it. It had woken her from some nice dreams that she was enjoying after a nice evening meal and some fun with Misaki. The two had a really good night, they even joined some of the celebrations from the notification that the regional boss had been defeated. People had naturally been panicked by its appearance, but they would gladly take an excuse for a celebration. It had been a fun night!

Now she just wanted to cuddle with her for a while longer, there was just something nice about the simple pleasure of laying against the warm body of your lover. The very thought made her blush a little. It was a bit of a strange one to her as well. Phillip had spent so long without a lover that a part of her had been wondering if she would ever find the love she was looking for.

Taking a moment by the door to compose herself, Phillip undid the locks and opened the door. She figured it was probably Melisa coming to get her for the guild or something. Yet she froze a moment later when she saw the figures in the door. One of them in particular catching her attention.

They had long steel-gray hair that shimmered in the early morning light like silver, a surprisingly youthful face with piercing green eyes that sparkled like gems and reflected the wisdom of many years. Slim features encased in a lovely dress that did surprisingly little to hide what was beneath yet felt quite tasteful. Yet rather than looking down at her like she had in the past she now had to look up. Only a little, but it felt strange to look up at all.

Words froze in her throat, as she stood there like a deer before a dragon unable to move. She didn’t know what to do or say. Phillip hadn’t even told her what had happened, she had tried many times to write a letter explaining what had been done to her, but where would she even begin? Every time she sat down for that letter, her words would leave her.

Behind her mother a familiar face was peeking out. By the Gods it was Lilyn, not her too! She glanced between the two, as the seconds stretched on into days. Her words continued to elude her as the weight of the moment slammed into her gut like a rock from the heavens.

Then her mother spoke, “Phillip? That you?”

Lilyn blinked, her eyes widening, “The pretty girl is my knight?”

Words still frozen, Phillip nodded as her mother embraced her and dragged her inside. Lilyn followed happily as her mother began, “So how did this happen to you? Not that I mind having another daughter, but I would love to hear the story.”

Phillip let her mother pull her down onto the sofa she kept in the foyer that Misaki had helped her build. Yet she remained silent for a moment or two. Not sure where to begin, but eventually she opened her mouth as Lilyn leaned in, looking eager to hear the story. “Yeah, how did my knight turn into a big sister!?

She took a breath while she settled in her mother’s lap, like a kid once again and finally spoke, “I should have told you already, but I just couldn’t ever find the words. It all started...”

Phillip was in the middle of her recounting, when footsteps came down the stairs and a naked dungeon girl entered the room. “Hey um, Phillip? W...”

She trailed off as she saw the group on the sofa. Her gaze switching between Phillip and her mother and the young girl lounging nearby her rapt attention on Phillip. Only that young girl was now looking at Misaki. As she stood there completely naked with everything on display.

Phillip flushed red and jumped to her feet. “Misaki!...”

She was cut off by her mother, “So Phillip, who is the naked girl in your house?”

Phillip looked between the people in the room, not even sure where to start. Where would she even begin? Misaki was not only her newfound lover, but also the future mother of one of her kids. While she was pregnant with the other one. Even if that count proved off, they were both pregnant. What was she going to say about that? Still she found the words, “Um, Mother I would like you to meet my girlfriend and soon-to-be wife, Misaki, Avatar of the Borderlands Dungeon.”

Misaki blinked, “Mother!? Why didn’t you tell me your family was coming!!? I would have dressed in something more appropriate.”

Phillip retorted, “Anything would be more appropriate, you’re naked!”

Misaki snapped her fingers, and her Dress of the Succubus outfit formed around her. She smiled, “Better?”

Not really, but she wasn’t going to argue about it. As her mother started laughing, “Glad to see you finally finding someone. So when do I meet my grandbabies?”

Phillip blushed, not sure what to say. She couldn’t just tell her mother that she was pregnant, but Misaki had no qualms about that. “In about eight months, I think.”

Her mother smiled, “Oh? You move fast, Phillip already got her pregnant?”

She blushed deeper, and protested, “It’s not like that!”

“Well, actually we both are,” commented Misaki.

Her mother giggled, and then Lilyn commented, “Does that mean I am getting some little sisters soon?”

Eventually the three girls moved to check on the others. The dragon had hit the whole camp, plenty of people needed consoling once they realized they were pregnant with the dragon’s spawn. As they were checking on people Michael found Emiri sleeping in the shade of a small tree on the edge of the clearing. Only he wasn’t a boy anymore, but now had some cute breasts and a naked little pussy. Like everyone else, she was coated in sticky slime.

Emiri blinked the sun out of her eyes when they woke her up, and then when she noticed her body she just stared for a solid minute or two before cursing. “What the fuck did that thrice cursed slimy beast do to my body!!!?”

Mira pulled the newly minted girl into a hug, and started stroking her head, “It’s alright. Everything will be fine.”

Delilah and Michael joined her in comforting Emiri, who would prove to be just one of several such victims. Not that there was anything they could do for the newly minted girls. Mira didn’t know what the dragon had against them or why it had chosen to gift them all with its babies, she vowed in her heart to hunt it down. Even if she knew that was likely many years off, she just didn’t yet have the strength to confront such a mighty creature.

Eventually, the expedition packed up the pieces, and took what they could with them as they went back to the town. In worse dress than they had been planning. As many girls no longer had clothes, thankfully Delilah still had her robe. Most items people considered precious for one reason or another survived, but any clothing not deemed precious by someone was gone. The dragon had likely eaten it. Mira wasn’t looking forward to returning to town naked but at least she had friends in her misery.


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