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Misaki slumped into her sofa. Suddenly having two more residents was interesting. One of them proved to be easier to deal with than the other. That one proved to be the new slime girl Susan. It had been kind of cute watching her eat some cloth and then curl up. Of course that had happened after spending over an hour just calming her down. The poor girl had her entire future ripped out from under her. Something Misaki actually understood. Something similar had happened to her, what with that rollercoaster crashing into her hotel. Lily had been there as well. That was fun actually, but Lily had to leave with Asarya for her lessons.

Which left her largely alone for the other guest. Who wasn’t happy at all. Not that Misaki could do anything about that. That tiny woman was a headache and a half. In the end, she dropped that goddess off with her Arachne Demons. As she just decided that it wasn’t worth dealing with her.

She yawned and glanced outside. It had been a long day and it was sadly not over just yet. Misaki glanced at her floors. A party had just left. One of her regulars, a team of four girls. They never went past floor one and the last three times they challenged the boss they lost. Of course, considering how it always went after, she had a feeling they liked losing. Rolling over on the sofa she decided to take a nap. As she knew her regulars, it would likely be an hour before the next run. No need to be up. With that she drifted away.

When she woke, she wasn’t sure how long her nap had been, but clearly she missed something. She had an intruder, a strong one. Her gaze focused on them, and then she couldn’t help but stare. The girl was utterly adorable. An enchanting princess. A clumsy one, but her movements somehow had a grace to them. Entranced, Misaki settled in to watch. Not even mad that her nap was interrupted

Phillip stood in front of the dungeon and hesitated for a moment. She let out a breath as she centered herself. Normally she would not feel this way about a run, but this wasn’t exactly a normal run. She still had her trusty sword, even if felt so much larger in her hand then she was used to. Her armor however was changed and her body was so tiny. She took another breath, the goddess wasn’t entirely wrong, this would be a good chance to practice. Besides, she was level 188. Chances were none of them could hurt her.

With one last breath to center herself and her thoughts, she stepped into the dungeon. The entry seemed so much larger and more intimidating than it did the other day, and she couldn’t help but keep an extra eye on every shadow.

In the first room, she encountered a pair of low level demons. Who proved to be a bit of exercise and not much more. It did take longer than it should, thanks to her accidentally misjudging her reach, a few times. The trap in the doorway leading deeper into the dungeon was cute, but easy to circumvent. Phillip might not be a rogue, but she had been dungeon diving plenty of times. As such she had picked up a few tricks that rogues and scouts would use to spot traps. Didn’t help her with disarming them, as she lacked the skills. That had always been someone else’s job and with a younger dungeon, it likely wasn’t needed.

Passing the trap, she soon reached the first fork and turned left. Bypassing the trap there in the process. It was meant to make people go right, which if you wanted more rewards was a good choice anyway. Also meant more challenge. Neither of which was what she was looking for at the moment. Phillip didn’t think her goal would be that way anyway and the goddess would have said so if it was. Her goal was the avatar of the dungeon and not only would that complete her quest, but it might even give her leads for the other.

She passed through the simple gauntlet that was the first floor and bypassed the second dead end as well before challenging the boss. Not that it was any challenge even in her condition, she didn’t even need spells. Regardless, she didn’t like how that fight went any better than the last. She ended up taking a couple hits she should not and missed opportunities she would not have before.

As she entered the second floor, she lamented that fact. Taking a breath, she recalled what she learned while at the guild earlier. While there were no leads, the eval team did have a report to make. It seems they ran afoul of Tina as well. Only Susan ended up going solo on this one. Something about a silly bet. Regardless they did get to watch her mistakes. Apparently there was a floor transfer trap in the right-hand puzzle room. Leads right to a special challenge area, The Harpy’s Nest. The area apparently had invulnerable enemies, which usually meant you had to figure out their weakness or avoid them. That sounded like a promising area for a real workout, but she wasn’t going to go out of her way to visit the area.

As it would turn out, she would not be visiting the area. Phillip found both puzzles easy enough and once she activated the switches, it was a simple matter to pass through the dungeon gate. Making her the first to actually reach the second floor boss.

Name: Meifa

Gender: Female

Race: Demonic Dragon Girl

Level: 25

Age: 15

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: Draconic Lust Mage

Shields: 8000/8000

Subclass: Spellclaw

Mana: 10,000

Titles: Dungeon Boss

Out of habit, she used Analyze to get a feel for her opponent and took a combat stance upon entering the room. Meifa on the other hand didn’t get into a combat stance instead she giggled, “Well if you want you can go on ahead, or you can stay. I enjoy a good workout as much as the next girl. If you know what I mean.”

Phillip turned red, it was hard not to. Especially given how suggestive her movements were. They were so direct, not even a dense idiot could miss her implications. At least she hoped not.

Relaxing a little, she blinked, “You’re just letting me go on?”

The boss chuckled, “My job is to evaluate challengers, not fight everyone who reaches me. There is more than one way to do that and based on how you swept through the floor? Well I’d love to carry your kid, but I would hate to fight you. I enjoy a good workout, not getting clobbered in under twenty seconds.”

Red, she nodded, “I.. um, see.” She was about to just go on ahead, when a thought occurred to her, “What can you tell me about the next floor?”

Meifa smiled, “Kiss me first. Then I’ll give you a few useful hints.”

Her blush deepened. The demon was very aggressive with her flirting. Gears turned, she wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea, but the floor ahead was largely unknown.  The only thing she knew was that there was a special challenge area there. Based on the name, she could guess that harpies were present on the floor. Beyond that, she knew nothing. With that in mind, she gave Meifa a second look.

The other girl stood around a hundred and fifty centimeters tall forcing Phillip to look up. It felt kind of weird having to look up at a girl, she was so used to everyone being smaller. Not only was the other girl larger, she was clearly athletic with a lithe build. It gave her a somewhat intimidating air, that was only enhanced by her natural defenses. Her body was protected by gorgeous red and silver scales that decorated her body in a fashion that seemed to resemble clothing. The pattern gave the impression that she was wearing long gloves that ended at the elbow, and knee length socks, her hands and feet ended in claws that somehow seemed elegant. Across her chest her scales seemed to cup the underside of her breasts, stopping just below the nipple. Down below, a dotting of thin scales framed her pussy. The entirety of her back was dotted with scales, and from between her shoulders emerged a set of gorgeous draconic wings, protected by long loose scales that gave the impression of feathers. Her skin was smooth, creamy and pale, which suited her wonderfully. The combination gave her a clear air of power and beauty, a potent pairing.

Her face was lovely, and the beauty it held was hard to describe with words. Her eyes were large and expressive, which when paired with that small nose, the smattering of scales and her soft lips created a form of exotic beauty. She had a pair of pointed elfin ears and two dark black horns forming a crown that sat upon her head of fiery red hair that fell just past her shoulders. Features that only added to the exotic form she had. It was easy to see many people having difficulty turning her down. This was the kind of girl that would turn heads and she was hitting on her. A fact that felt weird. Maybe a couple of days ago not so much, she’d received that kind of attention before, but now that she was suddenly turned into this? It made her stomach feel weird.

She took a breath, “I um... uh, guess that might be... alright.”

Meifa smiled and closed the distance in an instant. Before she had any chance to reconsider her choice, she felt Meifa’s soft lips pressing against her own. A tongue darted into her mouth and she gasped at the intrusion, for a moment she did nothing. Then she felt fingers rubbing over her panties. She blinked, this cheeky demon!  Phillip pushed her away.

Meifa giggled, “Sorry, sorry. It was worth a shot.” she stretched lewdly, “Anyway you wanted info on the next floor. I’ll give you a brief rundown. Immediately past the stairs is a temporary rest area. It will be safe for a while. Not that you need it. Beyond that you will be in the mountains. The terrain is treacherous and narrow, and you will find Harpies common on the floor. Thankfully for you, there is a series of caverns beyond the first bridge that will take you to the end of the floor. They are dark, trapped, and full of Arachne Demons, but for you I think that is the better route through the floor. Just be careful not to wander into their nest, it’s a special Challenge area.”

Meifa shifted, pausing her speech. Then she suggestively played with her breasts, “I can tell you more, for the right price of course.”

Phillip gulped, shook her head and made for the door, “I, uh, better get going. Thanks!”

Misaki stared at Meifa. A feeling of heat flaring as she thought about that kiss. That should have been her. The fact Meifa kissed the adorable little challenger wasn’t the issue. Misaki wanted to be first. Why, she didn’t know, but she was so cute.

Forcibly she pushed the line of thought away and watched the intruder make her way into the third floor. Silently wishing that she would hurry up. Misaki couldn’t wait to meet her in person and she didn’t know why.
