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Misaki shifted. Not far from her Ivy was squirming as Asarya teased her about finally going naked. Something Misaki thought Ivy seemed to be enjoying. Her protests just didn’t feel serious. In the corner, Lily was watching it unfold with clear amusement. Misaki had to admit that it was amusing, but her mind was elsewhere.

Given that she had just beat back the eval team, it was perhaps not that surprising that she had a few notifications. Nothing too surprising. They were high-level, so she gained bonus resources. Other than the extra DP she didn’t really care, but she figured she would be able to put it to use. More importantly, she had gained a few levels in the process which apparently meant she had passed a milestone.


You have reached level 25!
Milestone reached! As a dungeon, you gain the following:

Trait Gained Dungeon Efficiency I
Dungeon resource production increased by 25%
Trait Gained Dungeon Resource Capacity I
Dungeon resource caps increased by 25%
New Free Trait available. Please pick one from the following list:
Dungeon Instances
Adaptive Dungeon difficulty
Improved Pheromone Potency
Dungeon Tactics

A couple of those she was already familiar with namely instances and tactics. She’d passed them both up before when she was first setting up her dungeon. It was nice to see that she had another crack at them. Honestly they were both good picks. The other two were new.

Adaptive Dungeon Difficulty: Allows the dungeon to temporarily buff or nerf her monsters to better match the abilities of the challengers. The strength of the buff is determined by the average level of the challengers. Floor limit rules still apply, but are adjusted according to the dungeon’s level.

Improved Pheromone Potency: Increases the potency of pheromone-type traits by 25%.

Misaki studied the descriptions. It was hard to say if the new ones were worth it. Especially the one about pheromone potency. Considering what she just watched? Her Pheromones were already fairly potent. They got those adventurers horny and because of that, the one snapped and betrayed the other two. An unfortunate series of events that culminated in a rape on her doorstep. Literally. So that one was definitely out, sure the pheromones had proved themselves, but they were clearly potent enough. She didn’t need something more potent if they could do that.

That left her with three to pick from and she just didn’t know which one to choose. Adaptive dungeon difficulty sounded useful. Being able to adjust according to the challenger certainly had its applications, but there was that last line that left her with questions about it. What exactly did it mean about floor limits?

Then there were tactics and instances. Both of them had their own appeal. Tactics was a direct combat buff for her monsters. As it allowed them to better fight as a group. Tactics could easily prove to be invaluable. There was no discounting it. Even if she wasn’t sure how much it would actually help. Dewari did tell her it was good, so Misaki was seriously considering it.

Of course she could not forget about Instances. There were just so many applications she could think of for that one. The ability would allow her to give a better experience to multiple challenges. Now did she need it? Not one bit. Certainly not right now. She was a smaller dungeon and still rather young. In addition to that, Misaki didn’t get many visitors. Not counting the monsters, she had only two parties of challengers. Both of which failed, but with that huge camp out there? She was sure to get more. So while she didn’t need it now, she might later. Grabbing it could be argued as future-proofing.

So that left her with a big question. Honestly she wasn’t sure which ability she wanted to go for. Glancing up, the others seemed occupied. Well mostly. Reiko had taken the opportunity to curl up next to her and was using her lap as a pillow. It was cute honestly.

Taking her mind off the problem for a moment, she started giving her elven pet some attention. She was rewarded almost instantly with some pleasant mewling. Then Reiko looked up with an inviting smile, while shifting to present herself. One hand lifting the hem of her mini dress to reveal her bare pussy. “Mistress want to play?”

Misaki blinked. She knew what Reiko wanted but actually going that far? Her mind blinked to her lack of a dick, but then for a moment she thought about Reiko. She sighed, and then gave her a smile. “I guess we can play a little.”

She reached out and touched the blue haired elf between her legs. Her fingers seeking out her sensitive bits. Gently Misaki began to tease the other girl’s pussy lips. The light touching proved electric for Reiko however, who vocalized her enjoyment of the touching.

Thankfully she didn’t try to reciprocate the touches. Misaki didn’t want that. Not right now anyway. She knew why. As Reiko was mewling under her touch, Misaki found herself thinking about the poor man who got murdered and then raped right in front of her. Her vision turned red for a moment just thinking about that. Consent is important damn it. Where is the fun in just taking a girl like that?! She hoped that the bastard suffered, he gave a bad name to playboys and girls everywhere. The game existed for a reason.

Then her mind flashed to her own choices. Her fingers froze for a moment. If she hadn’t picked that curse that guy would still have his dick. He wouldn’t have been raped in front of her either. She sighed, not that it would have helped the other girl. She’s been raped too. Sure it didn’t go to full on impregnation sex, but it was rape nonetheless. Another surge of anger rippled through her at the thought. She didn’t like being used like this.

By the gods her dungeon wasn’t meant to be used by bastards like that. Then Reiko spoke, “Mistress?”

She blinked, realizing that she had left Reiko hanging, she pushed the thoughts aside. Focusing her efforts on giving Reiko a good time. The young elf certainly deserved some attention and it wasn’t right to work a girl up and just leave her.

She resumed her movements tracing the outer labia. Rubbing them gently. Occasionally sneaking in movements to the inner labia but avoiding the clit. She was saving that for later. Each little movement eliciting cute little mewls and vocalizations from Reiko. Her expressions were especially fun. The looks on her face emboldened Misaki and she started to speed up her movements.

Pausing or slowing just a bit, every time she saw Reiko was about to reach release. Letting the heat build in the other girl’s core as her past came back to her. Misaki knew the game quite well and the only way to get a girl to come back was to make sure she really enjoyed it. Of course, getting her to spread her legs in the first place was half the game. Something Misaki really enjoyed, just as much as the sex itself. The sex was really the reward at the end of the road. For a brief moment she thought of that uncouth bastard and felt a rise of bile in her throat. Something she forced down. It wasn’t time to think about that.

Sensing that Reiko was right where she wanted her, Misaki finally went for the other girl’s clit. Her fingers already sticky with juiced slide over the wet folds of sensitive flesh and went right for the very sensitive little nub. With an expert touch, learned from her past life and proving that she knew her way around a girl’s pussy, she grasped the little bean. Rolling it and then tugging on it lightly. Just the right way to feel good without actually hurting. The effect was super effective. Reiko gasped, her eyes rolled up and her back arched as she let loose a stream of pussy juices. Along with some rather loud vocalizations.

Suddenly Ivy spoke up, “What are you two doing!?”

Misaki looked up, “um, playing with my pet?”

Asarya giggled, while Ivy shouted, “In front of my daughter! What are... wait horny demon, of course you weren’t thinking!”

Misaki gave her a look and was about to say something when Asarya spoke up. “You can’t shield your daughter from sex. It’s sex. It’s a mother’s duty to teach her when she starts showing interest and guess what!? Your daughter has interest.”

Lily shifted, “That looked like it felt really good, why didn’t...” Lily blinked and then put her hands on her mouth. A look of fear on her face.

Misaki felt a lump of worry as well, when she noticed how Ivy was now looking between them. “You touched my daughter too!?”

Misaki wasn’t sure what to say. Lily slumped, while Asarya seemed to enjoy it.

Reiko, having recovered from her orgasm, positioned herself defensively in front of Misaki.

Ivy glared then glanced back at Lily. “Come on, we are leaving.”

Lily gave her mom a look, “MOM! It wasn’t like that. Remember my past life?”

Ivy, still looking mad, nodded.

“Well, um... Misaki and I, we were ,um...”

Misaki seeing that Lily wasn’t comfortable finished for her. “We were lovers in our last life.” That was a lie, they were more like friends with benefits, but it covered things nicely.

Ivy, some of the heat taken out of her looked between them. A certain amount of confusion was clear on her face. Her shoulders shifting, she focused on Lily, “Lily dear? I think it’s time we talked about your past life. Clearly, there are things I should know.”

Lily sighed and then nodded, “I guess we should.”

Misaki collecting Reiko spoke to Asarya. “Why don’t we leave these two alone? I feel something like this requires a bit of privacy.”

Asarya nodded, “Yes mother and daughter bonding is best done without others.”

With that they left the room. As they did, Misaki’s mind wandered back to her choices. She was still quite split on which one she should take. Closing the door behind her, she glanced at her two partners. Maybe she should ask? It couldn’t hurt.