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Amy shifted in her seat and placed her spoon down. Her plate was about empty and glancing around that seemed to be the case for most of the people at the table. Glancing over at where Sierra and her daughter Sienna were sitting, she noted that they too seemed done with their food.

Suddenly Aidera was pressing against her. Guiding her hand towards the other girl’s sex. She blinked again, Aidera smiled, “Huh, not as satisfying as it usually is.”

Amy rubbed her clit a little in that way she likes and noted she wasn’t responding like she normally would. Looking back at the Guild Mistress, “So is there a reason we don’t feel...”

“Embarrassment or arousal? Perfectly normal after being in the ritual. After such an intense and satisfying experience most girls end up in a state of Sexual Burnout. Don’t worry it's quite temporary. Usually lasts no more than a day.”

She nodded. “I see, but I don’t really remember the ritual. Just fragments, the rest is a haze. Is that normal?”

Sierra sighed, “It happens and I’m afraid I don’t remember much either. I think the goddess Akulie paid us a visit last night and had her fun.”

Amy remembered that notification and inquired, “So, um why didn’t you warn us about the goddess?”

“It slipped my mind.”

Amy stood up, “Slipped your mind!”

Thomas commented, “That’s a very important detail to just forget.”

“Hey! In my defense I’ve been to these rituals before, several times. It’s how I got Sienna. Not once has the goddess paid me a visit before today.”

Amy leaned back in her seat. Staring at the ceiling, “Any idea what happened during the ritual?”

“You mean once the goddess showed up? From what I have been told, the rituals she attends are more blessed than usual. Supposedly she helps direct people for more fruitful pairings and has some fun with those she likes.”

Amy blinked, “Direct? Can’t see that taking much effort. That potion was pretty damn potent. I was ready to fuck anything. I fucked Thomas.”

Thomas nodded, “I recall. Drank that and next thing I knew we were kissing.”

Sierra giggled, “You sure that was the potion?”

Amy nodded, “She’s my sister!”

Sierra sighed, “Hate to tell you this but the potion simply gets you into a very sexual state. It lowers inhibitions, it doesn’t create desires.”

“Huh? What are you saying?”

Aidera shifted, “She is saying that on some level you find Thomas attractive and evidently she likes you too.”

Both of them blinked, “But SHE’S MY SISTER!”

The two dark elves laughed, “Like that really matters!”

Amy gave them a look and Thomas nodded along, “She’s my sister!”

Aidera sighed. The others shared looks and then Sierra sighed, “It doesn’t matter. Just because you share blood doesn’t mean you can’t be attracted to each other. Dogs for example don’t care. My mother kept them and let me tell you. If they went in a heat, they didn’t care if the other dog was their sibling or parent or whatever. They’d just do it. In contrast humans care, but that doesn’t stop them from falling in love with their own blood.”

Amy blinked, she nearly spoke but stopped herself. Grumbling she commented about that potion still being too strong but she didn’t like the subject. Thankfully Thomas thought of something else.

“So um I’m not that familiar with Akulie. Anything you can tell us?”

“Akulie is part of the Dark Pantheon. Particularly the subset of the Drow pantheon, but she is also highly revered among us Dark Elves as well. She is a Fertility Goddess and her domain primarily deals with breeding and girl love. In fact she is particularly fond of young lovers in all female relationships, especially the more interesting permutations.”

Amy blinked then glanced at Thomas and Aidera. Her mind raced as she realized the implications. Did she bless the three of us because... She didn’t dare finish that thought. It didn’t bother her too much right now, but she just knew that it would later. Obviously she needed time to think and digest that.

Not long after that, the group started to file away from the table. Clean up, take baths. The mansion had some really lovely baths and she got to enjoy one with her entire party plus Aidera. Thomas naturally seemed unsure where to look. Although definitely less embarrassed then she would have expected. After enjoying a lovely bath with her closest friends, Amy and Co found some clothes and headed back for the inn. They had a little time to kill anyway. The trip to the dungeon wasn’t scheduled until tomorrow afterall. Perhaps they would find something fun to do before the trip?

Ivy suddenly felt arms wrapped around her. For a moment or two she simply accepted the presence of the small body pressed against her. It was comforting. Before long she felt the tears stop and she looked back to see Misaki’s face. She blinked. A bit of terror rose up and she broke the hug.

“WHAT! Why did you touch me!? You shouldn’t be...” Ivy blinked. Misaki wasn’t stripping. Why wasn’t she stripping?”

Ivy blinked again as Misaki frowned. “What’s wrong?”

Ivy took a breath, “Why aren’t you naked? You should be naked already...”

Misaki blinked, “That doesn’t make sense. Why would I be naked?”

Ivy just stared at her confused. Then she remembered. Erosi had changed her power. Reaching for her skill, she used Analyze.

Touch of Primal Restoration: Passive Skill. On physical contact with a target, they are restored to a primal state. Skill fails if the user is clothed. Skills effects become permanent after 120 hours. Skill effects can be canceled if the user puts clothes on before the effects become permanent.  Skill effects can be muted or less effective under certain conditions.

Glad to see you are looking at it. I was able to add an extra exclusion clause to your unfortunate skill. But in Misaki’s case, she is a dungeon. They haven’t changed since the primal era, so naturally, your skill won’t work on her. Her monsters on the other hand would have been vulnerable so they are excluded. Now. Neither will it work on those blessed with my protection.

Skill doesn’t work on Dungeon monsters. Doesn’t work on the blessed of Erosi and related gods. The effect can now be canceled at holy sites related to Erosi and related gods. Requires positive favor with those gods.

She stared at the new window. Misaki was immune? The clear addition from Erosi was obvious. Her mind raced as she realized the implications. Doesn’t work on the blessed of Erosi? DOESN’T WORK!!!? She could still play with Lily! That was great news! Suddenly her skill didn’t seem that scary.

Ivy shared the window and then said, “I’ve been running from this cursed skill for a long time. I’m finally free! Why didn’t I try to find a new patron sooner?”

Misaki frowned, “I uh see. Should I point out the obvious gaps in the protection?”

Ivy saw them but she didn’t care. She was free. Well, partially. This was progress. Happily she shot to her feet and dragged Misaki out of the room. Ivy felt like celebrating. It was time to throw a party!

Carol shifted in her seat as she studied the garment before her. It wasn’t anything all that special and her mind wasn’t really on it. In fact she was really wondering how much Sienna enjoyed her dress. She had put a lot of effort into it, even enlisted a little help. Part of her regretted not going to the party, but it wasn’t really her scene in the first place. Carol knew enough about it and wasn’t interested in an orgy. What she really enjoyed was putting cute little girls in the best outfits she could make. Young girls like that girl Tammy and her sister Amy were also quite precious. Those two and their friends had been a fair amount of fun. Even helped her out with Sienna’s dress.

That dress had been the most interesting project this town had given her in awhile. Once again she found herself thinking about that dungeon she had been told about. Sighing she spoke to herself, “It’s really time I considered leaving isn’t it?”

Sunblossom was a lovely place. Plenty of young girls that needed cute clothing, but she could not help feeling that she had hit a block. Her skills were not progressing. Carol could lose herself in the joy of making cute clothes for them but most of the time she ended up feeling disappointed in what she was making.

Sierra’s gift for her daughter had been the first project in years that actually gave her a challenge. She had really enjoyed working on it, and she had liked how it came out. Yet she couldn’t help but feel she could do better. Carol knew without a doubt that she needed a change. Anything to help her grow. To reach that next level.

A sound caught her ears and she smiled. It seemed she had a customer!

Smiling, she pushed herself out of her seat and made her way out of the workshop. Navigating past her displays, she came around the corner to find a young lady patiently waiting by the door. An entirely naked young lady who looked a little worried. She frowned. The naked girls never wanted anything.

As her tail drooped behind her. The young elf locked eyes on her, and rushed at her. “Miss Carol! Come quick! My friend needs help!”

There was something to her tone. Carol feeling a little worried now, let herself be dragged out of the shop. She was led across the street and into the gardens. A popular spot with the young kids of the town.

After passing several flower beds, a number of small trees and bushes. She was led to a spot by a larger tree, where a young girl was lying moaning. Carol pulled free the moment she saw the other girl. Her eyes locking onto the red. She recognized the girl too. The little one was a bright spot of sunshine to her day. Often talked about her friend who hates clothes and liked to pee near the bushes instead of at a toilet.

None of that mattered at the moment. Carol knelt next to the girl and quickly removed her damaged dress. It was badly torn already. She might be able to salvage it, but she wasn’t thinking about that. Her goal was to get at the wound. Her skin was broken, a jagged mark across her belly and down her thighs. With some extra scratches down her arms.

As she examined the wound, she quickly realized it didn’t look like something that might happen from falling out of a tree. She also noticed several other wounds and then there were some bruises. “What happened?” she inquired even as she noted evidence that gave her a rather unwanted image.

The other girl nervously shifted, “I don’t know. I had to pee. She didn’t want to come with me, so I left. When I came back, she was like this.”

Carol wasn’t a healer but she knew a bit about first aid. She could report this to the guards in a bit. First she needed to help the girl. Pulling out her needles and thread she got started. Too bad, she didn’t bring any potions, antiseptics or painkillers. “Sorry. This is going to hurt.”

With the surety of a practiced hand, she quickly sewed the worst wounds closed to stem the bleeding. Each movement elicited gasps of pain from the little one, she winced with each one. This wasn’t right, she shouldn’t be causing a cute girl like her pain, but bringing her the joy of the perfect dress. Just the right little dress to bring a smile to her face. Whoever did this to her, was going to pay. Carol didn’t know how, but she would make them suffer for it given the right chance. Little did she realize, the poor bastard responsible had already died. Killed by the guard for resisting arrest after being caught assaulting some other poor girl.

Carol, certain the girl wasn’t going to bleed out, picked her up and carried her back to the shop. As she got near, she alerted a young man she spotted to fetch the guard. While the girl’s friend followed along looking rather sullen, as she carried her friend’s torn and bloodied dress.

Stepping into the shop, she took the two girls into the back. Collected her first aid kit. Gave the girl something to dull the pain, and started treating her. By the time she was done, there was a knock at the door.

Heading to the front, two young men in armor. One older man in an officer’s uniform and a healer were at the door. She smiled, led them in and showed them to the back. As the healer started examining the patient, she told her, “I did what I could, but I’m not really a healer so...”

“You did a fine job. I can finish from here and then we can get her a mind mage to help her through this. Do you know what happened?”

Carol gave what she knew and spent some time talking to the guard. The young elf also told them what she knew. The next couple of hours were exhausting and just put one more damper on this place. It really was time to leave. After they left, she started packing up the shop. Only to notice she still had a watcher.

“What are you doing?”

She sighed, “I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I’m going to join tomorrow's caravan into the Borderlands. I think it’s past time I left this town.”

“You’re leaving?” Suddenly she smiled. “Great! My mother is going too. I was worried no one I knew was going to be there.”

“What about your friend?”

“I tried, but their family isn’t coming. Today was going to be our last day together.” she sighed, “I shouldn’t have left her. I should have just peed right there.”

“It’s not your fault.” Carol replied looking her in the eye, “There was no way you could have known.”

Carol spent the next while comforting the naked elf. Even while she could not help but think about what outfit she would look best in. Eventually, she left when her mother showed up and before long Carol was packed for her trip. She was going to miss her shop, but in her heart Carol was certain she had made the right choice.


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