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Amy stepped into the room. She smiled when she noticed her entire party was here. That was good. Even though she wasn’t entirely sure where to begin with the subject. Aidera was also here. She had been talking with Thomas but she quickly finished what she was saying and turned to greet her.

As she returned to the greeting, Amy could not help but consider the recent meeting. She had a new quest for the party and an invitation for a ritual. A dark elf fertility ritual no less, and it was for the entire party.

Suddenly, she felt fingers brush hers, and Aidera spoke, “So what is this?”

Amy glanced at the item Aidera had taken from her and blinked. “Um, well the guild mistress...”

Aidera opened it, and pulled out a card. Light swirled over the surface. In gorgeous lovely patterns before reshaping into a lovely woman. A message of invitation graced her lips. Telling them that they were all invited to a celebration. Followed by a brief mention of rules. Only girls were allowed to attend. They were expected to bring a gift. As for clothing, they were told to dress casually. Additional rules were to be discussed at the party.

Aidera blinked, “Oh? A dark elf fertility celebration? I’ve heard those are really fun.”

Amy glanced at Thomas, “I’m not sure we should go.”

Aidera shook her head, “Oh we are going to go. It would be rude to turn this down, and I think you could all use a chance to unwind. It will be fun. Trust me.”

What followed after was a little hazy. She could vaguely recall argueing a bit with Aidera but at some point, she ended up agreeing to go. With everyone, including Thomas. She had been invited too, and while she had been a boy, Thomas was female right now. Besides, it would be awkward to leave only one person out. Not to mention, Aidera had a point. After that last run, they needed some fun. Mentally, she made a note to be careful.

The next couple of days passed in a flash and the group met up just outside the location the Guild Mistress had set the party at. It was a large mansion with an expansive private garden out back. Numerous girls were streaming into the building. Including a few she recognized. Amy spotted Delilah just as the group came close. She wasn’t that familiar with the dwarven woman, but she still waved her over.

Delilah was quite cute, with lovely green hair that she had done up in a twin set of tails. Each one was secured by a pin, and decorated with some lovely gemstones, clearly chosen to compliment her hair. Her face was quite cute as well, with soft pinchable cheeks, and lovely eyes that glimmered in the fading light of the day. She had completely forgone a top, which left her modest chest completely exposed to the air. Giving Amy an excellent view of the soft mounds, her pink areolas and delicate-looking nipples. Down below she was wearing a split skirt that revealed her painted pussy.

She tugged at the skirt nervously, as Amy noted the pattern. Where her own looked like a flower bed. Delilah’s had been painted to look like a flower. It seemed quite cute. Looking around she noted that Delilah wasn’t the only girl with a front skirt split and painted pussy. Although she did stand out for being topless.

“Amy. I see you decided to come as well.”

She nodded, “I was considering not coming at all, but Aidera was quite insistent that we come. In the end, I just couldn’t reject her arguments. So here we are. Anyway, what is with the outfit?”

Delilah gestured down, “Well, she said to dress casually and dwarven women don’t usually wear tops. As for the skirt split? I’m not comfortable with it, but this is a Dark Elf event. It just felt appropriate.”

“Um, I see.” she glanced back at Mara, who was wearing a simple blouse and skirt combo.

Mara spoke before she could ask, “I planned to ditch my top when we got here. As for the skirt?” She skillfully undid a few well-hidden buttons and the front split open, “I found a good one that has these lovely buttons. Works well for a Dark elf party don’t you think?”

She flushed, “I, uh guess it does.”

Thomas fidgeted nervously as she looked around. While Kei seemed to be taking notes about all the outfits on display. Eri shifted impatiently, “Can we hurry on inside? I want to try the food!”

Aidera interjected, “I told you, you might want to wear less.”

Amy shook her head ignoring her comment. Amy might be a little overdressed compared to some of the guests, but she wasn’t the only one coming into the building with a proper top and skirt. Not to mention she didn’t want to get into another argument with Aidera. Not after having lost the one about the party. So she avoided it, entirely. “Yes, it might be a good idea to get inside. Not sure about food, but it would be rude to be late.

With those thoughts in mind, the group made their way into the building. Where they found Sierra personally greeting the guests. The Dark Elf smiled when she saw them all enter. “Ah, I’m glad you all could make it! Please sign the guest book and proceed to the main hall. We will be discussing the party and ritual there, when I am done greeting the guests.”

The main hall was a large, well decorated room. Tables filled the room and people were already in conversation when they arrived. They found a spot by some sofas in one corner to recline and talk while they were there.

“So, um, Mara, Delilah? Why are you two wearing split skirts. I know being topless is normal for female dwarves and you both said something about being appropriate for a dark elf party but your people aren’t that big on exposing your vaginas.”

“Ah! I’m sure you noticed we both often wear tops? Yes?” said Delilah.

She nodded, and Mara smiled, “There is a reason for that. When visiting another land, adopt their customs. Do as they do and you will be better off. Now, sure we are in Elven land, and not Dark Elven, but this ritual is still Elven. I figure it would be better to respect the Dark Elven customs.”

Delilah nodded, “Well said, and that mirrors my thoughts as well.”

Kei sighed, “I thought of it” she lifted her skirt a little. “I was kinda hoping she would have split skirts we could use. I didn’t have any and I wasn’t comfy walking through town with my crotch on display.”

Eri sighed, “Why bother caring? I’m just hoping for good food.”

“We know you are!”

Eri giggled but said nothing more. Amy had gotten to know her pretty well. She liked good food, she loved her family and also liked to fight strong foes. In many respects she was a simple, honest, and straightforward girl.

The group chatted idly for a bit longer before they were suddenly joined by Sierra. She smiled as she settled down. “So you girls having fun?”

Amy smiled, “It’s a nice place. We’ve just been chatting and getting to know Delilah here. Since you are here. I do have a couple of questions.”

“Go ahead and ask.”

“You mentioned this is all to get your daughter pregnant. Why no boys?”

Sierra giggled, “That’s a good question. I wish there was a quick easy answer to it, but to be brief. Are you familiar with the Queendoms of the Drow?”

“Um, no. How does that play into your customs?”

“Well I don’t have time to go over the whole of Elven history but the Dark Elven People have always had ties with the Drow. As you may have heard, the Drow are quite matriarchal. They also have well known beliefs regarding clothing. The less a girl wears the higher her status in society. Drow royals go around nearly naked, as to be fully naked is usually reserved for the goddesses. As for men, they have little status. It’s perhaps not that surprising that we Dark Elves also place women above men. We also place a fair amount of importance on a girl’s first child. For it to be a boy would be absolutely scandalous. Sure, boys have an advantage with getting people pregnant, but it’s entirely possible for a girl to get another girl pregnant. The pattern I used with you underscores just one example of fertility manipulation.”

Amy nodded, “I noticed.”

Delilah interjected, “Does this ritual play into why you picked a pattern that makes me fertile with girls as well?”

She smiled, “All the patterns I showed the two of you have that effect.” she brushed her own sex and said, “So is the pattern I am using. I’ll be painting the pussies of the guests at half cost, so as to flip their fertility. Also I’m putting out fertility enhancing food and tonics to make sure people conceive.”

Amy frowned, “What if we don’t want to be pregnant?”

She giggled, “That’s easy. I’ll be handing preventatives to the people who don’t want to end up with a kid in their belly. It won’t stop you from impregnating other girls though. So keep that in mind.”

Amy blinked, “And yet you just painted my pussy the other day...”

“Consider it a free demonstration and you don’t seem to hate it. Seeing as you haven’t removed it.”

Amy glanced down, but her skirt was still in place. She frowned, “When did you...”

“Peek under your skirt?” she chuckled, “I’ll let you stew on that. Anyway, speaking of your skirt. I’m going to have to ask you to ditch it. Not right away but before we go into the gardens. Once out there, if you aren’t wearing something that exposes your pussy I will have to ask you to go bottomless.”

“What!? Why?”

“This ritual will be under the eyes of the goddess. It would be rude if you go around hiding your pussy.”

Amy slumped, “I see. Do you um... have something with uh...”

She waited for a moment, “With a proper front split? I do. I’ll be handing them out to girls that want them. Even if I doubt they will be in their clothes for long.”

Amy sighed, “I’ll take one.”

“Such a shame. Just go in naked. It would suit you so well,” commented Aidera.

Nearby Thomas who had been fidgeting for a while now finally spoke up, “Um? Mistress Sierra?”

Sierra pulled Thomas onto her lap and began stroking her head. “I have a feeling what you are worried about. You are afraid that you shouldn’t be here since you were a boy, right?”

“I am a boy?”

She chuckled, “In mind, perhaps, but all I see is a girl.” She lifted Thomas’s skirt and removed her panties as well. So quickly that Amy blinked and there was her sister’s bare sex. “See! All girl! The goddess will not object to you being here, and I can’t think of a reason to object to you being here either.”

Thomas seemed to relax for a moment and then turned red. Amy didn’t blame her. It felt really... embarrassing having someone else just expose you like that. At least they were all girls. Even if Thomas was still working through her own change.

Aidera smiled, “See! Didn’t I tell you both that she would be fine.”

Amy relaxed a little herself and nodded. As Sierra started looking at Thomas’s pussy. She smiled, “So what kind of pattern would you want?”

Thomas blinked, “huh?”

Sierra chuckled, “I can pick one for you if you like.”

“But I didn’t?”

“Didn’t ask? I know but you are participating and your pussy is unpainted. Would a pattern like your sister’s be okay?”

Amy interjected, “Can she go without?”

“There are other ways to flip a girl’s fertility, but are you two sure? A painting would be cheaper and more fun!”

Aidera shifted closer, “I would like the Lily’s Fertile Field pattern myself and as for Thomas I’m willing to pay for hers as well.”

Thomas shifted, and now a bit red, finally said, “um, you pick.”

What followed was a few announcements and a whirlwind of pussy painting. As people got their patterns and were talking about them. Their gifts were laid out and before Amy knew it they were all filing out into the gardens. Where they would meet the guest of honor.