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Thomas sighed as she caught sight of the town ahead. They had made it back to Sunblossom. She squirmed a little suddenly feeling far more uncomfortable in her sister’s clothing. Not that there was any helping that. Her only options were girl’s clothing and she could not wear her own clothes either. Seeing as she had lost them to the dungeon. Not for the first time since the dungeon she was regretting not waiting for Kei to check for traps.

Amy glanced back at her. “Come on Thomas. Pick up the pace, we are almost there. Unless you want to keep wearing my clothes?”

She shook her head and hurried up. Thomas would much rather wear her own clothes. One good thing about coming back to Sunblossom was that she could acquire some new clothes. More importantly she could get a new set of armor and a sword. She was looking forward to that. She frowned at that moment as a thought occurred to her.

“Hey Amy? Do you know where the local blacksmith is?”

Her sister froze midstep, and scratched her ear. After a moment she said, “Um, no I don’t.”

She looked around, but the other three all shrugged. Clearly they didn’t know and Mara said, “Didn’t need it last time we were here.”

Amy sighed, “Come on, we won’t find it if we just stand here all day. Let's get going. If we ask, someone is bound to know where a good blacksmith is.”

Amy slipped into the building and ushered her group in. Thomas still needed to visit the blacksmith and they had yet to see the tailor about getting her a new wardrobe. That was going to be interesting and costly. A proper wardrobe was going to consume a fair amount of coin. At least Thomas seemed to genuinely regret falling in that pit trap.

On a different note, she thought Thomas looked good in the dress she had put her in, but she wasn’t going to force her to keep wearing dresses. She knew her newfound sister wasn’t used to wearing them. Getting her some nice pants and shirts would be just fine, but she figured her sister should have at least one dress of her own. The more interesting and less negotiable bit would be proper underwear. Especially for up top. Her sister was an active girl and while her boobs were not large enough to need support, chafing was still very much an issue. Having your boobs just bounce around in your armor wasn’t that fun either. That brought to mind another issue to consider. Proper padding was very important as well. There was just so much she was going to have to teach poor Thomas, but it was her own fault. At least they had some friends to help out.

In the meantime, she figured it best to get the quest out of the way first. That was why they were here. To report the dungeon they had found. Glancing around she sighed, when she noticed who was on duty. The only receptionist currently on duty was Miss bottomless who went and seduced her brother. This was going to be fun. Very fun, she just knew it. Well there was no helping who was at the desk.

She let out another breath before making her way to the desk. Where she was quickly noticed. The woman smiled, “Ah, welcome back to the guild. Did things go well or was that area another dud?”

She shifted her stance and said, “I would not exactly call it a dud. We didn’t find any sign of the princess or the bandits that took her, but we did have to cut our search short.”

The receptionist blinked and then looked at their faces. She frowned, “I see. Did something happen?”

“You could say that. We found a dungeon and” she pulled Thomas forward, “I am sure you remember Thomas?”

She nodded, looked her sister over and chuckled. “I do and I must say he makes a very cute young lady. That dress is perfect on her too!” Turning back to Amy she inquired, “Did this happen in the dungeon?”

Amy nodded, “We were scouting the first floor and while I was busy, Thomas decided to check out the corridor ahead on his own. Fell right into a pit trap.”

Her face widened, “And the dungeon turned him into a girl?”

Thomas her face red, “Please! DON’T TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THAT!”

Amy sighed, “Sorry! But I do have to make a proper report to the guild. It’s the rules.”

The receptionist nodded, “Why don’t we take this into the back? It might be more comfortable and there would be fewer eavesdroppers.”

Amy gave her a look, “As long as you don’t go seducing my sister, sure!”

She giggled, “Don’t worry we can all have some fun together afterwards. Rubbing pussies together can be a lot of fun too! And you are both so cute!”

She felt herself flush at the thought and deliberately turned away.

The receptionist giggled and then gestured, “Come along. Let’s get this report over with.”

With that they were led into the back where they could make a proper report. Stepping into the back she noted that sure enough the naughty receptionist was walking around without any bottoms, but for some strange reason it didn’t bother her as much as it did last time. For a moment she tried to figure out why but just as she was getting close to the answer the thought slipped from her mind unfinished.

The receptionist smiled and gestured towards the sofas from last time. Before settling into a seat opposite where they sat before. As a group the five of them settled in to talk. For a moment nothing was said.

Until the receptionist spoke up, “Not going to make your report?” she suddenly spread her pussy lips a little and Amy couldn’t help but notice the delicate pink interior was glistening in the light, “We can always have a little fun? As a group perhaps?”

Amy blushed, “Um no. I, uh, just needed a moment to get into the right state of mind.”

“Sure, sure. Take your time, but I don’t have all day.”

Amy sighed and took a moment to center herself. Finally she began to speak and the receptionist pulled out a notebook. Writing down details as they made their report. On occasion the others would provide their own input on events. Between the five of them the story was rather quickly put together. Much to Thomas’s embarrassment. As Amy could tell from the way she was squirming. She didn’t seem too comfortable with the direction this conversation had gone. Amy didn’t blame her, if she was in her shoes she would be uncomfortable too.

The receptionist leaned back as they finished. Her legs shifted to show off her sex with seemingly little care for how open she looked. It might even be on purpose for all Amy knew. She noted everyone staring a little. She made a mental note. This receptionist must have a little demon in her, she is so... so... flirty and open.

“Thanks for the report.” she paused, stretched and then stood, “If you would wait here a moment, I’ll get your payment.”

She left with that and returned a moment later with a small bag. Amy stood up, as she spoke, “The guildmaster was most appreciative of the report and she sends her regards.”

Coming up close, the girl pressed against her suddenly. Rubbing over her panties suggestively the receptionist whispered “and if you two change your minds, you know where to find me.” With that she felt something be slipped into the hem of her panties. As the receptionist stepped back she continued, “The guildmaster can’t see you today, but she would like to speak with you tomorrow afternoon.”

Amy nodded, took the bag and said, “Um, sure we will be there.”

“Great! I will let her know. Now is there anything else I can help you with while you are here?”

Amy shook her head.

The receptionist smiled showed them out and wished them well. With that one item from their to-do list was done. As they stepped out of the building, she said, “Okay what do you want to do next?”

Eri interjected, “Let’s go back to the Dragon’s Eatery! They had really good food!”

Mara interjected, “They did, but I’m not that hungry right now.” she glanced to Thomas, “And I think we should at least find the tailor first before going off to eat.”

Eri pouted, while Kei spoke up, “Ooh! The tailor that could be fun. Maybe I could even help! I already have a few ideas of what would look good on Thomas.”

Amy giggled, “Yeah I have been thinking about that as well.”

Thomas gave them all a look, “Don’t get any funny ideas.”

Amy shook her head, “Well I don’t think you want to keep wearing my clothes do you? If not, we need to go and you need a whole new wardrobe.”

Thomas gave her a stronger look, “No dresses!”

“I figured that was the case. I was planning to get you clothes for an active lifestyle. Durable, easy to clean and move in. Maybe a dress or two for those special occasions, but nothing too fancy. We can discuss it on the way. I think I saw a nice tailor shop on our way here.” replied Amy while discreetly removing the piece of paper that had been slipped into her panties moments ago. For a brief moment she considered tossing it right there, but instead she slipped into her bag. She would dispose of this properly later. Amy had a pretty good idea what it is and wasn’t planning to change her mind.

It did not take long to find the tailor. It was a modest shop only a brisk walk from the guild. Surrounded by a few other homes and shops. Along with a public garden that dominated the area. The center of the garden was dominated by a massive tree with purple and gold leaves and a sturdy-looking trunk. It was a gorgeous if somewhat rare breed of tree. One with mystical properties if she recalled correctly, but she wasn’t quite sure about that. Amy did notice the ladder hanging from its branches and the small building up in the tree. There were a few other trees in the garden. She saw a few young girls running around in the garden enjoying the bit of nature right there by their homes.

Amy didn’t watch long and headed for the door. Before she got to it, Mara spoke up. “Mind if I look around the area? Talk with the locals here? We do still need to find a blacksmith.”

Amy blinked and nodded, “Sure, we have a bit of time. It would be a big help.”

Mara smiled and headed off towards a younger elf in armor. Amy watched her for a moment as she struck up a conversation. Then turned to the door. She knew Mara would be alright but some part of her couldn’t help but be worried. Mara had run into trouble before. Notably with that scum with the charms. Eri suddenly piped up at that moment. “In that case can I go to the eatery?”

Amy sighed, “We can go there later. It’s more fun to eat together.”

Eri nodded, “Yeah it is.”

Kei smiled, “Come on Eri, this will be fun.”

Eri smiled, “I guess it will.”

With that settled they finally stepped into the shop. Amy looked around. There were bolts of cloth on display and several mannequins all of them featuring young girls in various cute outfits. Most of them were the cute and frilly kind, but she did note other styles on display. Obviously the shop catered more towards children. Hopefully, the tailor will be able to help them. Then again, this might be exactly the kind of tailor they needed.


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