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The young woman looked out from between the massive leaves. Well massive to her, pretty much everything was huge when you were a mere fifteen centimeters tall. Even others of her own kind were often larger, well except the kids. Perhaps not too surprising considering how she looks.  She was tiny with gorgeous black fur, the tips of her ears and tail had a nice silver grey. Her long hair was the same black as her fur. She had gorgeous green eyes and she occasionally liked to dye the tips of her hair to match. The young girl had lovely boobs wrapped in a nice black half-bra that teased others with the way it hung on her yet never actually showed her nipples and her little pussy was hidden by a matching pair of panties. The only clothes she actually wore, anything more might be a bit of trouble given her skills and traits. If not for her little boobies and style of dress she had sometimes been mistaken for a kid.

Not that she had time to focus on that. Rather instead she was looking at what caught her attention. The massive clearing before her was filled with scattered tents and cages. Not far from her was a cage filled with young beastkin, all of them children and females. Not one of them was wearing a scrap and many of them sported fresh bruises. Another cage sitting not that far from them was also filled with young girls, but in much better shape. They were all naked, but not one sported a bruise. Across from that cage was one stuffed with a number of young women, all nude as well. She didn’t see any bruises on them either, but a couple were clearly pregnant. Yet stuffed into those small cages.

She glared at the sight as her blood boiled. The girl let out a breath as her hand tightened on her blade. A massive and very cute blade that her Patron had gifted her before she set out on her journey. A weapon that would grow with her. She loved it, the pitch-black finish, the lovely ribbon wrapping for the pommel, and the lovely little green gem on the end that seemed to swirl with pink. Of course, it was only massive for her and since it was a soul-bound weapon not only could she lift it easily, but she would never lose it either.

With a roar, she flew out of the trees like a rocket and shot off a chain from her off hand. Its pointed tip smashed into a weak point in a young man’s armor and her skill activated. He cried out as his insides got blended in a moment. A second later her blade sliced through the armor of a second guard. Cutting deep, he gasped as his life fluids flowed over the wounded armor. A third slaving bastard saw her and swung his blade at her. Only to miss her small size working to her advantage. Hard to hit something both tiny and fast especially if you were an evil giant.

She sliced his legs, and twisted around in the air. Then used her little chain weapon again to end the miserable little slaver. Before turning to the others that were rushing out from the commotion. With a thought, she cast a small spell at the lock of a nearby cage. It disintegrated as she charged into battle. Slicing one young man here, taking the jewels of the next, and blending a third. She moved with the grace of an aerial fighter, dodging their clumsy blows and dealing damage with every move.

She smiled to herself as she noticed the slaves escaping into the woods. Yet she couldn’t yet follow them until the slavers were dealt with. Suddenly one more came before her, yet he wasn’t like the others. With grace belying his size he dodged her slice-and-dice skill. He chuckled and attacked. His own blade swinging for her.

She darted out of the path only for the blade to shimmer and suddenly appear in her path again. The girl blocked it with her own, and was sent flying. Her wings beat hard to correct her course and she glared at the slaver man. He was skilled obviously. She took a moment to inquire about his level.

Race: Human

Level: 48

She cursed, he was eighteen levels over her and his clumsy buddies were starting to recover. The ones that weren’t dead yet, she was pretty sure she had killed at least a dozen of them, but there were more streaming towards her already as well. Now that she was looking, the camp was fairly large. With at least a hundred fighters in it. Previously she hadn’t seen anyone over twenty, so she had thought it might be a lot of easy experience. No matter, she wasn’t going to save the world without a few risks or trials.

With that in mind, she shot off a chain. He deflected it, but it let her get in close. She dived in to strike as she prepared another spell. The air rang with steel as the two clashed again. Her blade bouncing off his, but she smirked as she noticed his starting to chip. Starting to degrade. She could win this.

Feeling confident, she dodged the blade of one of his clumsy buddies and fired off a spell. A potent bolt of magic sailed out and struck the man dead in the chest. His own blade disintegrated, as his armor fell apart to reveal a fleshy hole in his body. She shouted in triumph and a moment later, a cage materialized around her. She blinked and slashed at it. Only for her blade to bounce off harmlessly. She tried a spell for the same effect.

Looking over her shoulder, she was greeted by the angry face of a woman. A giant woman in robes, open robes revealing everything, “Um? Can we talk about this?”

Somewhere in the Theocracy of Salmi:

The young girl stepped back in satisfaction. Smiling at her work while being careful not to disturb it with either her footsteps or her tail. She glanced to the side where her sister was laying on a thin mattress in the corner. The best she could do for her sister. Her cute little sister wasn’t looking so good and was the whole reason behind this. Their last master, the local lord, had been terrible to them, but to her sister especially. Her poor sister sported a number of bruises, ugly ones. Her gorgeous tail was gone, nothing more than a snub marked where it had been and both of her ears had been clipped as well.

Seeing her sister like that sent another surge of anger through her. She had a few bruises and cuts herself and was even missing part of a boob. He had sliced that off the other day before she managed to get them both out of that nightmare of a place. Now she wanted revenge, but how was a powerless young beastkin supposed to do that?

Demon summoning was an obvious answer, she could sell herself to a demon and they would do as the contract bade. Exacting revenge, in her stead. That wasn’t good enough for her, that foul lord needed to suffer and there was only one thing good enough for that. It was why she stole this book from his library. It detailed all about summoning Abyssals creatures of evil that often delighted in pain and suffering. Again she didn’t have much to work with, but she didn’t much care. As long as she got her revenge she was going to be happy.

Smiling she stepped back and began the chant. Ancient words flowed from her as magic danced in the room. For the best effect, she had stripped both herself and her sister. She didn’t know why she had done that with sis, but it had felt right. As she moved the fresh wound on her breast reopened. Spilling a bit of her blood yet she hardly noticed.

More words flowed from her. The meaning was lost to her, but each syllable was charged with magic. Inky darkness began to pool in the middle of the room as she danced around it. To the side her listless sister began to move, the magic filling her with enough energy to sing. Her notes filled with pain and the desire to share it.

The darkness grew and tendrils spread out flowing into the symbols upon the floor like a living entity as she lost herself entirely in the magic. Her own words shifting, calling. Finally she spoke in words ancient still yet for once she understood them. Words not part of the spell she had read, yet intrinsically linked and resonating within her very soul, “I call upon thee my new master! I offer myself and my sister for the rest of our lives. In exchange, I ask only for vengeance.”

She had not been planning to offer her sister, but in the same note, her sister echoed her statement. They both were offering for vengeance and she felt happy that her sister approved.

Suddenly the darkness surged roiling away to reveal a massive creature of roiling tentacles. Two eyes affixed her in a stare for a moment before shifting right to her sister. The creature moved towards her, and the young girl felt a strong urge to stay where she was. Silently she watched as her sister was lifted to her feet, the tentacles gently stroking her bruises, and then feeling the stumps of her ears. Before examining what was left of her tail.

A voice distinctly male, yet clearly of a being above her spoke, “Who did this to you?”

The both of them answered at once, “Our last master did this to us.”

It scoffed, “Only utter trash would treat its pets this way. Come, I will fix you both up and then you will tell me about this former master.”

She approached it and said, “Of course master.”

As she took a few steps toward the massive creature, it was already hard at work. She watched as it rubbed the bruises, and they simply melted away to reveal pristine skin. It worked magic on her sister’s tail and the whole thing grew back before her eyes. Then it spread her little pussy revealing the bruised and bleeding flesh within even a bit of white stuff mixed in. Merely more signs of their last master’s cruelty.

Its magic washed over the flesh and she watched as it rapidly returned to the delicate pink little flesh she remembered it had been. A small tendril then wrapped around her little clit and pulled. With a pop it came off and it said, “I don’t think you need this.”

Her sister shuddered, “Not sure I want that. The lord liked putting needles in it.”

It muttered disapprovingly, “What kind of master tortures cute little girls like you two? Don’t worry I’ll treat you right. Now let’s make sure your belly is nice and sensitive. Can’t enjoy a belly rub without a properly sensitive belly.”

The young girl watched as it altered her sister’s belly and then waited her turn. Moments later it was cradling her sister, rubbing the other girl's belly who mewled with the touches and its tentacles reached for her. She marveled as the pleasant energies of its magic worked her flesh. Her damaged boob quickly regenerated, old cuts and bruises shrank to reveal pristine flesh and then it began working on her belly. That felt really nice, but she wasn’t prepared for when it began rubbing. She moaned in pleasure, she had never known a belly rub could be so good.

In moments the world turned white as lightning surged through her with each stroke of its tentacles. Every little movement had her dancing and wanting more. As the creature’s energies worked deeper into her flesh. Changing her, corrupting her. Yet she didn’t care. Eventually her mind began to work, even as he gave her an oh-so-good belly rub.

“I’m still curious about your last master, but first I guess I should introduce myself. It would do no good if a pet didn’t know its master’s name. I am Asarwaloki nos Tawalkinon. You may refer to me as Asar. The Pet Keeper Asar. As for your names, forget them. I have new ones for you.”

She nodded and complied, feeling her very name vanish from her mind. She cared not. Feeling joy as the master named her, “You are Nelli and you” he said turning to her sister, “are Reki. Cute names for adorable little pets. Don’t you two agree?”

She nodded happily. Checking her status.

Name: Nelli

Gender: Female

Race: Corrupted House Catkin [Amesis]

Level: 9

Age: 19

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: Amesi Pet

Shields: 0/750


Mana: 20/1500

Titles: Former Slave, Abyssal Pet

She blinked, her class had changed and so had her race. She was now a corrupted Catkin of the house variety. The house thing wasn’t too different, she had been one when she was born. Only new thing was the corrupted bit and the Amesis tag. What the Amesis tag was for she wasn’t sure. Frowning, “So what is this Amesis in my status about?”

Her master chuckled, a pleasing rumble that caused her pussy to drool more than it already was. “Why I am an Amesis pet keeper. Naturally becoming my pet has left a bit of a mark. You now have far more mana than you did before and can even produce a shield. Now why don’t you two cuties tell me about the trash that harmed you two?”

She giggled, “Of course master. He is the local lord appointed by the church to run this town...”


Black Unicorn

Ok mister lord sir I'm sure your god will take you to heav... ohh wait you angered an abyssal lord so I'm sorry your god won't find you if he doesn't start looking now.