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Kyaria walked down the corridor. She was preparing to visit her young charge. A young dungeon born around the same time as Dewari’s charge Misaki. Just like Misaki and Lily the two of them shared a death as well. Kyaria and Dewari both had been looking into that. There were factors that had them... suspicious. Thankfully there was no sign of divine intervention so a god wasn’t at fault here. Regardless, what they had found indicated that the incident in question was no accident either. Unfortunately these kinds of things happened and she could not intervene for every incident. Not to mention Earth wasn’t exactly their jurisdiction. They had little influence there. Yet it was growing now that the old powers no longer held sway as they once had. Not anything she cared to think about at the moment. She had other concerns far more local to worry about.

Her little charge was falling behind. Part of that was her young age. Of course she was also a kindred spirit that relished in nature and nudity. The girl had only been fourteen when she had died, far too young to be facing the gods. Kyaria hoped to nurture her into a lovely young woman and provide her with a far happier life. Not that her old life had been bad.

She had grown up an only child, her mother had died when she was five. Her family ran freight, a dangerous occupation and her mother ended up dying during a pirate attack on the shipping lanes. Unfortunately that wasn’t too uncommon. Several of the colonies supported the raiders as they were at war with each other. Earth provided escorts for the freighters, but they only helped so much.

After losing her mother, her father retired from his position as captain. Handing the reins over to her cousin. That freed him up to raise her full time and he gave her all his love and attention. She grew up practically spoiled, but not actually. He would get her anything she wanted, but only if she did her chores and kept her grades up. Being a former freighter captain he also taught his little darling about spaceships. How they work. The girl had her whole future planned and even studied her Mom’s old engineering books.

The rollercoaster had been part of their traditions. Every year her father would take her out of the home. They would have good food, see the sights, play games and generally have fun. The ride had just been one of several when everything went wrong. They had both been having fun when the coaster started behaving strangely. When it started flying, they both knew things were wrong. Crashing into Misaki’s hotel room had been a very sudden end to their unplanned flight and their lives.

Kyaria had claimed both of their souls the moment she saw the pair. Such a loving pair deserved a second chance and she had known just what to do with them. She had reincarnated the young girl as a fresh dungeon core who, being a kindred spirit, quickly began to relish in the joys of being naked. Her first floor had flourished into a lovely garden and that theme had continued in the second floor. She had furnished her dungeon as a giant garden maze.

A dungeon populated with foxkin, fairies and plant girls. The fairy garden theme seemed to fit the little girl. Her avatar fit right in as well. She was a Half-Fairy Foxkin. An extremely cute one at that. She sighed, one that deserved to be reunited with her father. Although at the moment his soul was still sleeping in her domain. As her young charge had yet to create a suitable vessel. She had granted her charge the option to create a special boss for her dungeon and that boss would be the vessel for her fathers soul. Honestly she had expected to have him in his new vessel by now, but...

Her mind trailed off as she transferred herself into her young charge’s domain. Kyaria found herself in the middle of a garden at the top of a rolling hill. Flowers, and trees bloomed all around her. While small pixies, and fairies flew around. Lazing under a tree nearby was a naked fox-kin girl who was curled up with another young girl. A familiar young girl, who was similarly naked, well mostly. She was wrapped with a wreath of vines and flowers. Technically part of her actually, which was why they did nothing to hide her form.

She was on the smaller side, fitting her fairy blood. Standing at 97 centimeters, which actually made her tall for a fairy, but since she was part fox it made her a little short. She had a pair of lovely fox ears on top of her head of long silky auburn hair. Mixed in her hair were strong red and silver highlights. Kyaria loved her hair, honestly it suited her so well and it was so delightfully fluffy. Same thing with her lovely tail. The girl had a very cute pixie face with bright pink eyes that glowed a little in the light and cute puffy cheeks. Her skin had a slight tan to it with a lovely creamy texture. She had a modest set of breasts that suited her frame perfectly with lovely light pink areolas and delicate little nipples. Her belly was nice and tight. The young girl had just the right amount of muscle on her frame. Her little sex was barely there but it was certainly kind of cute.

Thanks to her fairy blood, the young girl had a lovely set of wings poking out of her back. Delicate butterfly-like wings decorated with a swirling pattern that glittered in the light. The patterns were highlighted in silver and helped the wings scintillate in the light. The wings themselves were a delicate translucent white. The pattern emblazoned on them resembled vines twirling around a flower in bloom.

Snaking up her arms and legs were vines dotted with small flowers in bloom. The colors of the flowers varied but many of them were red with a few purples and pinks to go with them. The natural green of the vines contrasted nicely with her hair and the fluffy fur of her tail. A half bra of vines and flowers lightly cupped the underside of her breasts, but did nothing to actually conceal them. A similar set of vines twined around her lower half with little blooming flowers on either side of her exposed sex.

Kyaria settled in near her. She smiled, tempted to reach out and stroke the young girl’s fluffy tail. She resisted the urge, as stroking a foxkin’s tail had certain meanings. It was an act done only between lovers or family. Kyaria had no intention of taking the young girl as a lover and wasn’t sure if she was yet in the standing of family. So she restrained herself.

“Good morning Myaria! Enjoying another day in the garden are we?”

The girl blinked, and looked up. “Morning Kyaria?”

Kyaria giggled, before answering the unspoken question. “I think it's about time you finished your second floor and summoned a boss.”

Myaria yawned, “Do I have to? The garden is nice and warm too!”

Kyaria nodded, “It is, but I really think you should summon that boss.”

Myaria gave her a look, “Alright? Why are you so set on me summoning that boss?”

Kyaria sighed. Perhaps she had been a little pushy, but she had wanted it to be a surprise. Maybe it was time to reveal a few things. “Well I wanted it to be a surprise, but I guess I can tell you.”

“A surprise?” she frowned, “What were you planning?”

Kyaria smiled, “Your first boss is going to be a special one. It will be the vessel for your father’s soul.”

Myaria’s eyes widened! “Daddy? You have his soul?”

“I do! I wanted to surprise you with reuniting the two of you, but I guess telling you might be better.”

Myaria seemed to barely listen as she immediately started the summoning process. With a mental flex she looked over the young dungeon's metaphorical shoulder. Kyaria smiled when she noted Myaria's choice for species. The young dungeon had chosen to make her boss a half-fairy Foxkin just like her avatar. Her next choice was interesting, she hadn’t expected it. One that came apparent as the rough form appeared.

A young foxkin appeared floating in the air. The form of the foxkin was pretty basic with generic feminine features. Yes feminine, the form Myaria had chosen was female. As evidenced further by the little pussy between her legs. She wondered if the man would be okay with his daughter turning him into a mommy?

“Um are you sure about making daddy into a mommy?”

The girl didn’t say a word, as she started adjusting the figure. Bumping her size up, giving her a height of one hundred and twenty eight centimeters. Changing her fur to match Myaria’s own fur, minus the silver highlights. Myaria gave her a fairly large chest about a D or maybe it was a low E. She adjusted the boobs to make them nice and perky, giving them large pink Aerolas and fat litttle nipples that leaked just as little. As Myaria gave her a lactation trait.

Kyaria wasn’t sure how good of an idea that was, but it was Myaria’s boss. So Kyaria let it slide. Girls were prettier anyway, but...

Myaria moved on to the skin, smoothing it out. Giving it a lovely smooth creamy texture that mimicked her own. Adding a couple of beauty marks while she was at it. Including a lovely flower mark on her belly just about her puffy pussy Like herself she gave the young woman no pussy hairs, and then moved on to her tail. Increasing the volume of fur, and fluffy. Making it extremely fluffy and silky to the touch. Then she moved on to the wings, making them a similar white but this time with swirling red highlights that matched the highlights in her fur.

After that she moved on towards working out her status. Filling in her traits and skills. Examples included Nature’s Embrace, and Natural armor. She even gave the new woman a nature oriented class. It was a fairly decent class that combined fairy magic with nature magic, and high physical endurance. Hardening the skin into a potent natural armor that made enchanted steel plate armor look like soft copper armor in comparison. The Everbloom Fairy Guardian was quite the potent class. Its biggest drawback was the little fact that it locked its holder’s out of wearing clothes.

Kyaria frowned, “Sure about that one? Your father actually likes his clothing, you know?”

She nodded, “Yep! I know he will forgive me and I want a mommy!”

Kyaria sighed, shrugged, and said “Alright.”

With that Myaria summoned the young woman in a flash of light. In moments, a confused woman was looking around. As Myaria barreled into her, “Mommy!”