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Thomas looked around. Amy was checking Mara, along with most of the others. The fight had not been as much of a workout as he would have liked. This dungeon didn’t seem that tough with their composition; they were going to be through it in no time at all, and they would have the titles to prove it. That would be a huge boost and a major stepping stone toward being heroes. He was excited and just couldn’t wait. He glanced over at Kei who was merely checking out a wall. Thomas wasn’t sure why she was interested in a wall.

Glancing back at Amy he saw her pulling a potion out, and the concern had vanished from her face. That was one worry down. Mara was going to be fine. Not that he was much worried in the first place. No way they were going to lose a member to two underleveled demons.

He glanced to the door opposite the one they came in. This dungeon was not that tough. So he figured he would scout ahead. Check out what the next room had to offer. WIth that in mind he stepped towards the door. Just as he was about to enter the passageway he heard.

“NO! Wait, I haven’t checked...”

Before she had even finished the sentence he finished the last step he was making. The ground suddenly gave way beneath his feet. Pain rippled through him for but a moment, as numerous spikes pierced his body. Then it was gone, and a new notification greeted him.

You have died!

Realm of False Death will activate in

If no resurrection spell is cast before time expires, you will revive at the [Entrance]

and penalties will be applied

Crap, they didn’t have a healer. They had potions, but no one who could revive a fallen party member. He watched the clock tick down. Thomas couldn’t believe it, his dungeon run was going up in flames before it even began. Why the fuck was that pit trap even there?

His mind soon wandered to penalties. He had only been in a dungeon once before. That time they had a senior guiding them, and teaching them the ropes. No one had actually died that day, and he was drawing a blank on what he had been told about false death penalties. Although he did vaguely recall that they varied by dungeon. Hopefully, it wasn't anything too egregious. Not that he had long to wait before he found out.

Moments later he had his answer when the timer finally ran out. A new notification popped in his vision.

Time Expired!

Applying Penalties

All your equipment has been claimed by the dungeon

All skills have been locked!

Mana regen has been disabled!

Status: Weakened Applied
Penalty time: 24 hours
Curse of Lost Manhood Applied!

Attributes adjusted!

Congratulations! You are a girl!

He stared at the screen. His mind froze as it tried to comprehend what had just happened to him. No her. She was a girl now, but...

Suddenly a voice spoke, “Well aren’t you a cutie!”

She looked up, and found herself staring into the face of a demoness. A practically naked one wearing nothing but a single ribbon wrapped around her tail. She was incredibly cute with pert breasts, a lovely mound already glistening, and a gorgeous face. Piercing red eyes drew him in. She smiled, and it was as if the world lit up. It took him a moment more to realize she wasn’t the only demon in the area. He had been dropped between a pair of them.

The other looked like her sister but wasn’t paying him, No wait, her attention. She was having difficulty wrapping her mind around her changed gender. Before she could think much about that, the demoness leaned in, and gave her a peck on the lips. Pulling back she giggled cutely, sending delightful shivers through him, no her.

“Care for a little fun?”

She blinked, and briefly recalled the cute receptionist. Amy had barged in all too soon, and he was only just starting to really enjoy himself at the time.

Suddenly fingers were playing with her sex, “I see you like the idea. I’ll show you the joys of womanhood. Unless you were already a girl?”

“Um... No, I am... Was..”

She giggled and gave Thomas a kiss. After a moment, “I see. I’ll make this fun for you then!”

Thomas couldn’t exactly think of a reason to turn this down. She was so cute, and it wasn’t like he got some often. Wait! It was not often SHE got any action. That was going to be so confusing. Not that she had long to think about how confusing her new gender was going to be. As the naked catkin was already pressing herself against Thomas’s own naked body. Her armor, her bag, her weapon, everything she had was gone.

Boobs rubbed against her own, sending pleasant sparks through her. As fingers once again began to explore her new folds. She leaned into the touch, enjoying it. As heat welled up in her belly. A pleasing fire that grew with every second. It was so good, she could scarcely believe how good she was feeling. A tiny nail scratched her down there, and it sent surges of lightning rippling through her. For a moment all thought was gone, and afterwards she was left wondering what that was.

The demon whispered, “Quite the sensitive young lady, aren’t we? I’ve got more to show you! I can make you feel even better!”

“Better!?” she squeaked in reply. Thomas wasn’t sure about that. She was feeling pretty good already. Each little movement was sending pleasing tingles up her spine. Her belly was growing quite hot as well.

Getting into herself, she reached towards one of the breasts, rubbing against her own. Her fingers wrapped around the soft flesh and began to press into it. Sinking into the elastic flesh of her tormentor. They were so soft and felt so good under her fingers, that she couldn’t help but thoroughly explore them. Even as the demon’s fingers sunk deeper into her new pussy. Sending new surges of heat through her with each movement.

Suddenly she was flicked down there, but rather than pain it was like someone sent off fireworks in her head. Her world exploded into flashes of white light, heat, and sensation. It was amazing. How long that lasted she didn’t know, but the moment she came down from the high the demoness was whispering into her ears. “I think you are ready.”

A tail ending in a heart-shaped bulb floated in front of her eyes. The demoness giggled as she watched it, and repositioned. It took her a moment to realize what the demoness was about to do. She opened her mouth to protest, but instead, a moan escaped her. In an instant, the tail plunged into her newfound depths. Sending sparks of pleasure through her. For a moment the tail rested there, and then she started to wiggle it. It writhed against her own folds, and she let out little squeaks and moans with each movement. Her unvoiced protests were forgotten, she lay back and enjoyed what the demoness was doing to her. In moments, her mind exploded again, as the heat in her belly surged.

Almost as soon as she came down from her high, she was once again exploding. As the demoness chained lovely sensation, after sensation. Every little touch sent little sparks through her, and those simply added to the raging fire. She barely even noticed as the demoness kneaded her new boobs. It simply added to the fire. Another rush of heat exploded out of her belly when suddenly the demoness pulled out and she was bathed in fluids spurting from the demon’s tail.

Some of it landed in her mouth, filling her tongue with an incredibly sweet taste. She enjoyed it thoroughly even as the demoness pressed herself against her again. She blinked as her tongue was suddenly thrust into her mouth, but only for a moment before she returned the kiss that followed. Sparks seemed to explode in her mouth. This was the most amazing kiss she had ever had, she was certain of that. Unfortunately, it was over all too soon, as the demon pulled back. Resting against her bare flesh, her tail swinging lazily behind her. “Enjoy your introduction to girlhood?”

She nodded.

The demoness giggled happily, “I’m glad. I’d like to go longer, but it seems our time is about up. Perhaps we can have some more fun next time we meet?”

Thomas couldn’t help but pout. The demoness gave her a smile and in one smooth motion jumped to her feet. Then she ran off, into the dungeon. Disappearing into a side door, Thomas had not seen on the way in. Almost as soon as they disappeared. Amy and co came into view. Slowly trudging into view, and half supporting Mara as they walked.

A few minutes earlier:

Amy stared blankly at the notification. For the last couple of minutes she had been venting, and now she could muster the energy to close the window. The timer on it had long since expired, but she was still looking at it. Mara was still resting peacefully on the ground. Her head however was no longer lying on the ground, but had instead been resting on Eri’s legs.

Finally, she closed the notification and realized at some point, she had been pulled into a hug. She could feel someone’s breasts pressing into her back. If she had to guess it was Kei. If it was someone else that might be a problem.

For a moment she simply accepted the presence, as she processed her failure to protect Thomas. Her only family. Sure he wasn’t dead, thanks to the dungeon being a false death dungeon, but the notification merely drove home how close she could have been to losing him.

“Feeling better, yet?”

She nodded, “I am, ... I think.”

Kei shifted, pulling her into a tighter embrace. “Thomas will be alright. As soon as Mara is up, we can go collect him at the entrance. I think you will feel better after giving him a lecture on everything he did wrong.”

She chuckled, “You mean going ahead, while a member was down, and the scout hadn’t checked the area for traps?”

“Yeah that!

Amy sighed, and leaned back into Kei, “We’ve been to a dungeon before. The trainer emphasized time and again not to go ahead, and never move forward without letting the scout check for traps. Not that it stopped Thomas from making a stupid mistake. What was he even thinking?”

Kei was silent for a moment, then said, “I think you would be best able to answer that.”

Amy laughed wryly, “Yeah I know what he was thinking. Nothing at all of course.”

Suddenly Mara started to stir. Amy smiled and separated from Kei. “Thanks for the hug. Now, let's help Mara up, and we can regroup with Thomas at the entrance.


Amy shifted. Mara was quite heavy with her full armor, and it took longer than she would have thought to reach the entrance. She only hoped Thomas had been smart enough to stay put. At least he didn’t stupidly come back into the dungeon. She blinked when she saw what she thought was a tail disappearing into the wall, but a second look revealed nothing out of place. Must have been her imagination.

Ahead was the light of the entrance, and she picked up the pace. Shifting again to help shoulder Mara’s weight. Rapid footsteps brought her to the entrance, where she found no sign of Thomas instead she found a single girl. She was surprisingly cute. The girl had a lovely pixie face with cute puffy cheeks and glittering brown eyes. A cute button nose, paired with a delicate mouth, and framed by shoulder-length brown hair. A pair of cute breasts were on full display topped with stiff little nipples that were just begging for attention. She had a tight tummy with a cute little belly button and a hairless puffy mound that was glistening with juices. Gaping just enough to reveal the pink flesh within, and a swollen lit nub. Her skin was a creamy tan, and she was well-toned, but not overly so. Just enough to give her a deliciously tight figure. Size-wise, the girl was about Amy’s size, perhaps a little smaller. No definitely a little smaller, but not by much. Maybe half a head?

For a moment she just stared at the girl, something about her seemed familiar. Then it hit her like a lightning bolt, “Thomas?”



Are they gonna get trapped in the dungeon like the last version?

Joshua Kerr

Haha, Thomas just got a crash course in sex ed with a demon. Maybe now she won't be too bothered by being a girl. They're probably gonna try to fix it by beating the dungeon, but I find they're success unlikely hahaha.