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She led the older girl down the hall. Already she was looking forward to getting to her room. Not just to discuss what E-5 was worried about, but also for the fun. Yet she also could not help but think back. E-5 really loved her sister, and always had. So did her counterpart and it made her think about her past. She had never really gotten along with her own counterpart, not the way E-5 did anyway. While she didn’t miss her counterpart and did not regret her being erased, she sometimes wondered what it might have been like if they had a better relationship. Often she was jealous of how well E-5 and her counterpart got along. Even if it was easy to pretend that E-5 was the only one there since her counterpart was always suppressed. It was rather natural for her to be suppressed, but still, she sometimes wondered. She knew the two chatted and got along well. E-5 even occasionally expressed her own wondering about what it would have been like if her counterpart had been erased like she was supposed to be. With thoughts like that her mind drifted to the past.

Fourteen years ago:

The young girl smiled as she studied the little doll she was holding in the light. Looking her over with a critical eye. She looked quite cute in that dress she had put her in. She could not wait to show Sis all the work she had put into this when she got home. Her sister always came home with grand stories of the places she had been. She was an explorer and an ensign in the Imperial fleet. She even sent home wonderful letters with videos of the systems she visited. She always loved seeing those, they always made her day. As such the young girl had wanted to give something in return to her sister. So she had pestered her caretaker for help with this project. It had taken forever to get the doll looking just right and getting the right outfit. Her caretaker had even helped despite being opposed for some strange reason. She wasn’t sure why.

She smiled as she looked over the perfect replica of herself in a cute-looking pink dress. A replica of the one she wore last time sis was home. Which wasn’t as often as it used to be. Sister used to visit more when she was attending the academy. As for the doll, it had the same red and gold fur pattern she did, along with lovely shoulder-length red hair. Cute little purple eyes, puffy cheeks, and clear skin. Everything was perfectly represented in the doll. She could not wait to give it to her sister so that her sister would never be without her. It was the perfect gift.

Suddenly there was a knocking on the door and a familiar voice called her. It was her mother, “Ana?”

She didn’t like mother. Often tried not to think about her and stayed away from her. “Yes mother?” she replied.

“There is someone here for you. An Iniri.”

She stood up and proceeded to slip out of her panties. The young girl remembered that she was supposed to be naked when an Iniri comes calling. “I’ll be right there!”

A moment later she slipped into the hall, still holding the doll but completely naked. Her mother was no longer in the hall. Which she felt was for the best. Thankfully she didn’t have to interact with her mother much. She was almost never in the house. Spending most of the day up at the base. As for her father? The young girl didn’t remember him. Apparently, he died when she was two. As such she spent most of her day interacting with her caretaker, a lovely Iniri woman who made sure she was well taken care of. Even if she had a strange obsession with breastfeeding her. It made her feel like a baby even though she was a big girl but that didn’t stop her from loving her caretaker. She was fun. So were her friends.

With that in mind she hurried down the hall to the sitting room where surely this Iniri waiting for her would be. Entering the room she found her caretaker, a strange Iniri she didn’t know and her mother were there already.

The strange Iniri smiled when she came in. “Ah is this her?”

Her caretaker smiled, “Ah Ana come in. I want you to meet Mistress Xeni.”

Encouraged, she came over and before she knew it she was settled in Xeni’s lap and enjoying a lovely headpat. After a moment Xeni addressed her mother. “I know you have been wondering why I am here. Recently your other daughter left on an extended assignment and it's projected to take seven years. So I am here to collect little Ana, she will be staying with us for the next few years.”

Her mother nodded, “Of course, of course. That is your right, will I be seeing her anytime soon?”

“Nope, you are to have no contact with her while she is with us. In the meantime, we would like you to pack up your daughter’s room. A courier will come to pick up her stuff to be sold and disposed of in a couple of days. Keep the room itself set up as a bedroom though, as your daughter will use it when she comes back.”

She nodded, “I understand.”

Frowning, the young girl said, “Sis isn’t going to be back for seven years?”

“Nope, we were able to arrange for her to be on assignment for that whole time. Now you get to come play with us. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

She frowned. Not sure what to think about it. Yet she was strangely compelled to agree.

The young girl looked around the room. Her familiar caretaker was no longer in sight and she was now with a strange Iniri she didn’t know. In a room filled with strange equipment. A tentacle pulled her along, guiding her to a weird table in the middle of the room.

“Okay up you go. I need you laying on the table so we can get started.”

As she was lifted onto the table she asked, “What are we doing in here?”

The strange woman smiled, “I’m going to be playing with your mind a little. You see I need to suppress your personality and implant a new one”

She frowned, “My mind? My personality.” The young girl was not sure what this was about, but something about it had her worried.

Firmly held in the older woman’s tentacles she was adjusted on the table, as the woman explained what a personality was. As she listened, her worry only grew.

“Wait! What! I don’t want to be suppressed.”

“I know sweetie, but it needs to be done. Not to mention the new personality will be much more cooperative with the program.”

She thrashed against the other girl but to no avail as she was easily restrained. Moments later a strange device was fitted over her head. Even as she tried to wrench her hands from the restraints. It was to no avail however as the woman spoke, “Okay sweetie you might feel some discomfort when I turn this on. That is normal and it will last only a moment. After that you may have some difficulty remembering things, also normal.”

She tried another tug, another shift of her head. Anything to delay this or escape it. Yet it didn’t work, and then she heard a click. Followed by a sudden throbbing in the back of her head. The world seemed to spin for a moment before everything turned to mush. Thoughts turned glacial as her churning thoughts stilled. A voice spoke asking her a question, “Okay sweetie, I understand your birthday was recent. Can you try and recall your party for me?”

She complied and tried to bring up the relevant memory, but she couldn’t. She could feel the memory just out of reach. Yet every time she reached for it, it would dissolve into the mush.

Distressed, she responded, “I can’t!”

In a happy tone the voice said, “Great! That’s perfectly normal.”

The happiness of the voice made her feel safer and she felt her distress wash away like smoke. Forgotten in a moment as the voice told her it was going to try something. Moments later the world shifted. Suddenly she found herself elsewhere.

She smiled happily as her sister handed her a plate and then whispered into her ear, “Meet me in the backyard later. I have something for you.”

She nodded happily, “what is it?”

“Well if I told you it would not be a surprise, now would it?”

Feeling a bit disappointed, but still curious, she promised her sister that she would be there. Her sister always brought her interesting things, so she was most curious as to what it would be today.

Moments later the memory dissolved like smoke and she found herself being washed along in the mush of her mind, as the voice spoke, “Okay looks like I have full access to your mind. I was worried you might fight me here given how badly you have been conditioned. Now let's see about suppressing that troublesome personality of yours!”

What followed was rather hazy, and the next thing she knew she was sitting up. Her body moved, but not of her own accord. The bad woman spoke, “How are you feeling?

She stretched and her body spoke, “Quite good. I have full control of the body.”

“Glad to hear it and what about your troublesome counterpart?”

“Awake, but she has no control. Is that sufficient?”

“Perfectly. It doesn’t matter if she is awake or not. So long as you are in control. Now if you would follow me, I’ll show you your room. You will have a roommate later A-98, but she won’t be here until next week.”

A-98 stepped into the room. As she looked around the bedroom, the Mistress said. “Feel free to relax for a bit. I’ll be back in an hour to collect you for your first treatment.”

She looked back, “Hmm? First treatment. What are we doing?”

“Growth modification. We have a lot to do in that regard. So it’s going to take awhile. Rinara needs a little more time to get everything ready for your treatment. So you have time to get acquainted with your room.”

She nodded, “I appreciate that.”

With that the Iniri woman left the room. Leaving her alone to look around. The room was fairly sparse but it had the essentials. Two beds, a pair of trunks, a nightstand by each bed. A mirror in the corner along with a cabinet for storing self-care tools. The floor was nice and soft with plenty of space. She looked around for a bit and found that the cabinet came stocked but there was a lack of toys. She sighed that would make waiting boring, she hoped they would get some supplies later. Under each bed she found a bin full of spare sheets and blankets. That was nice.

Claiming a bed she stretched out atop the lovely sheets and mattress before finally addressing her counterpart. “So are you going to stop trying to move our body?”

She had the feeling that her counterpart just went stiff, as she suddenly stopped trying to move their limbs. For a moment silence just stretched before a voice spoke to her. “What do you mean ‘our’ body!? It's my body! Your.. you're just a... a... I don’t know but you aren’t supposed to be here! This is my body!”

She giggled, “Oh, it's very much our body. Sooner you accept that the better.”

A wash of indignant rage hit her, “It's MY body!”

“Our body,” she corrected calmly. Of course that was only until they erased her counterpart and she was already looking forward to that. In the meantime it would be nice if they could at least get along. So far it wasn’t looking that good. So she let her counterpart rant for a bit.

After a while she asked, “Why are you just lying there? We need to get out of here before they do some other weird thing to us!”

“No we don’t! Besides, I want them to work on our body. How else are we supposed to serve the mistresses?”

Her counterpart sputtered, “I don’t want to serve the mistresses!”

She chuckled, “I know and that is why you need me. To make sure that we do what they want.”

A wash of feeling rushed over her from her counterpart, “NO! I don’t want this!”

She sighed, “You can throw a tantrum all you want, it won’t change things.”

Her counterpart tried to stomp, and replied, “Uh! You’re you’re...”

Suddenly there was a knock on the door while her counterpart was still looking for a word. She glanced up just as the Iniri woman stepped through the door.

“Okay A-98. Rinara is ready to see you.”

She jumped up with a smile, “I’m ready. Let’s go!”

The Iniri gestured out the door and led the way. The lab was a short walk down the hall and already she could both feel and hear her counterpart protesting. Fighting her on heading to this little appointment. Something she didn’t understand. Growth modification was a highly desirable procedure. She was glad she would get to experience it.

Stepping into the lab, another Iniri greeted her with a smile. “A-98? Ready for your first procedure?”

She nodded, “I am. So um Mistress Rinara, what are you doing for this growth modification procedure?”

She smiled, gestured to a table and began to explain, “Well we have found you have some very desirable traits for a breeder and since we have you for the next seven years we want you working as soon as possible A-98. That means a very aggressive growth regimen. That is going to mean some discomfort. For starters we need to freeze your natural growth cycle.”

A-98 climbed into the chair much to her counterpart’s disapproval. Settling comfortably, she inquired “Breeder?”

As Rinara hooked up a few probes and prepared a few injector ports. A-98 listened as she was told about the duties of a breeder and how she would need to go through puberty.

Her counterpart started listening to this at some point and fighting less. Suddenly she inquired, “Wait does that all mean I’ll grow boobies? Like Sis?”

She giggled to herself, “Yes, I think they want us to grow boobs.”

A mixed surge of emotion hit her. Along with a feeling of indecisiveness a moment later before her counterpart spoke, “I’d like ones like sis. They were so soft and pretty, but...”

A-98 responded with a surge of her own feelings, “Yeah, I’m not sure I like the bit about discomfort either.”

Her counterpart didn’t say anything, but she did not need to. A moment later she started when a needle stung her unexpectedly. A blue fluid disappearing into her. Several more stings followed delivering the same fluid. Not that she felt any different. Just a slight bit of discomfort from the injections.

She frowned, “I don’t really feel anything.:

Rinara chuckled, “Well of course not sweetie, but the drug is working alright.” She paused and turned the monitor so that she could see it. Nothing on it meant anything to her though. Rinara pointed out a few details and then said, “I know none of this means much to you, but those are the proof that my medicine is working. Now just lie there for a moment while I get your next set of injections ready.”

She nodded and waited. That proved to be what most of the session was about. Other than a few minor stings, it didn’t really hurt or become uncomfortable. Before she knew it Rinara was done and she didn’t really feel any different. Even if Rinara said the treatments were already working.

As she was heading back to their room her counterpart mumbled, “I guess that wasn’t so bad.”

She smiled but said nothing. Maybe having this pain of a counterpart wouldn’t be so bad?

A-98 shifted. Glancing at the clock told her it was late. It had been a couple of months since she had arrived. She looked over at the other bed where E-5 was sleeping. An interesting character who seemed to love her big sis.

She let out a sigh as she tried to get more comfortable to little avail. Her limbs ached something fierce and her boobs were burning. Strangely, her counterpart wasn’t complaining. It took her a moment longer to realize that Ana was still sleeping. That she hadn’t yet been woken by the pain. For a moment she felt a surge of jealousy.

Glancing at the clock again and realizing she wasn’t going to get much more sleep. She slipped out of the bed. She had spent the last couple of months getting to know her counterpart and like E-5 she seemed to like her sister too much. Honestly she didn’t really understand why Ana liked sis as much as she did. Nor did she fully understand why E-5 liked hers either. In her case she knew part of her dislike for sis stemmed from her own programming. Something E-5 shared.

Still that was a puzzle she didn’t want to dwell on. Especially when she was hurting. Idly she glanced at the mirror. Reflected was an older looking version of the girl she had been a couple months ago. Height wise she had shot up a good twenty centimeters and now she was a little taller than E-5. Her boobs had gone from flat little nips to swelling mounds. Mistress Tarsa had even praised her for how well her boobs were growing. Rinara seemed quite happy with them as well. Even said that she was liking how sensitive they were when she tested them a couple days ago. She shuddered at the memory, she much preferred how her boobs were burning right now over another test.

Turning away from the mirror she gave E-5 one last glance before leaving the room. Sometimes she found a nice walk helpful when her limbs were aching and her boobs burning, but that wasn’t the only reason for the walk. Ana was asleep at the moment and she wasn’t. Now would be a great time for the Iniri to work on her counterpart’s program. As such she figured she would seek out Mistress Tarsa.

With a destination in mind, she headed down the hall to the memory lab. Tarsa was often there, but she wasn’t sure that would extend to this late hour. As it would turn out she was right. The lab wasn’t that far and when she stepped into the room, she found the room was empty. The machines were silent, the monitors dark.

She let out a breath and stepped out of the room. Trying to think about where she would find Mistress Tarsa. It occurred to her that Tarsa hadn’t told her where she went when not at the lab, but she did know where to find Rinara at this hour. Not that she wanted to disturb her. Besides, she knew that Rinara wasn’t going to give her anything for her burning boobs. As it might interfere with her growth regimen. She felt a spike of jealousy for E-5 who didn’t have it this bad. A spike she quickly squashed. It would not do to be jealous. Sighing she decided to go speak to Rinara, she might know where Tarsa is.

As it would turn out, it wasn’t much of a disturbance for Rinara. The door slid open almost as soon as she knocked. She was greeted to the sight of a nice room, a bit larger than her own with a single bed. There were a few decorations, including a lush tail in a case. Rinara smiled, “Hello A-98. Is there something I can do for you?”

“Sorry to disturb you, but I need Mistress Tarsa and she never told me where to find her at this hour.”

“Oh it’s no trouble at all.” she gestured at the desk in the corner with an active terminal. Filled with data she didn’t really understand. “I was doing some last minute work before bed, but it’s nothing that couldn’t wait. So what did you need Tarsa for?”

“Well my counterpart is sleeping, but I am awake. Tarsa said to see her if that was ever the case.”

Rinara smiled, “Oh! That sounds rather important” she let out a breath, “I swear that girl doesn’t think sometimes. How were you supposed to see her if she didn’t tell you where to find her?”

A-98 shrugged, “Um...”

Rinara cut her off, “This way sweetie. Let’s get you taken care of.”

She nodded and let Rinara lead her down the hall. Who as they were walking asked her, “So sweetie how are you feeling? By now our last treatment should have taken effect.”

She sighed before honestly recounting how her boobs were burning and her limbs aching.

Rinara frowned, “What about your pussy?”

A-98 frowned, “Feels fine, why ask?”

Rinara sighed, “Because it’s supposed to be hurting too right now.”

Rinara then pulled her towards the lab, “Come along let me take a look. It will only take a minute and then we can get you to Tarsa.”

She froze. Her pussy was supposed to be hurting? Why? She didn’t need more pain, she was hurting enough right now. Between that and torn between two directives from the Mistresses she didn’t know what to do. A flash sprang in her mind as she heard what she knew her counterpart would say. Her counterpart didn’t like Rinara much, called her the pain lady and was often telling her to stay away. She didn’t of course. It hurt but it was her duty.

Suddenly she felt her feet lift from the ground and it took her a moment to realize Rinara was carrying her. She panicked for a moment before she noticed Rinara’s smile. “It’s okay. Just don’t make a habit of freezing up on me. Okay?”

She nodded, as she was carried to Rinara’s lab. Rinara set her down on the table. Hooked up a few probes and ran a scan. After a moment, she hummed and glanced at a monitor. “I think I see the problem. Will only take a moment to fix. I’ll go get the injector ready.”

A-98 wasn’t so sure she wanted that problem fixed just yet and was mentally kicking herself for disturbing Rinara. Maybe she should have tried finding Mistress Xeni instead? Xeni seemed so much nicer, even her counterpart liked her. That was one of the few things they could agree on. For a moment she thought back to yesterday when Xeni had taken her and E-5 out of the facility. There was a lovely town outside. No one wore clothes and there were no boys in sight either. Even better, they got a lovely view of the woods and mountains at an outdoor sweet shop. Her mouth almost watered at the thought of the cold treat she had gotten yesterday. Thoughts of yesterday helped her center herself.

Before she knew it, Rinara was back. There was a sharp sting in her thigh and then suddenly her pussy was on fire. She yelped. That really hurt. Rinara smiled, “There we are sweetie, all done.”

“That burns!”

“I know sweetie. Anyways let’s go see Tarsa.”

It didn’t take that much longer to find Tarsa and she was more than happy to be with her. She didn’t want to stay near Rinara much longer. Especially now that her pussy was burning and not just her boobs. It was hard ignoring all this pain. She just hoped it would all be worth it. Of course given how her body was changing it certainly seemed it, but she couldn’t help but wish it didn’t hurt so bad.

As it would turn out Tarsa was in a smaller room not too far from her lab. She was very much enjoying herself as well as she rubbed against a girl A-98 didn’t know. Seeing them enter she said, “Is there something I can do for you two?”

Rinara spoke first, “A-98 here is awake, but her counterpart is not.”

Tarsa suddenly separated from the strange girl, “Sorry sweetie, but this is important.”

She rushed over to her and then looked into her eyes, “That true sweetie?”

She nodded, not trusting herself to speak right now. It was hard trying not to whimper after Rinara had made her pain more... intense. Before she knew it she was rushed off to the mind lab and found herself hooked up. The descent into mush was quite welcome as suddenly all her aches and pains vanished and washed away in the mush spreading through her mind. As Tarsa started working on her counterparts program. Occasionally she heard a voice asking her questions and she answered. Even as the words were lost to the fog filling her mind.

A-98 stretched and glanced to the side. She sighed. Things weren’t quite the same without E-5. She had gone home months ago. It was a shame she couldn’t stay. E-5 and Xeni were the best people here, especially after Tarsa got... punished. She tried not to think about what Rinara did to her after she had... done that to E-5. A part of her wasn’t that surprised, Tarsa had always been a little shortsighted.

Her counterpart spoke up, “Think E-5 is having fun?”

“Well she does love her sister and if they did get to meet she would have loved that. Even if her counterpart is in control. Not quite proper that.”

Ana reponded, “Well it is her body, she is merely sharing it with E-5.”

She chuckled, “More like E-5 is sharing it with her. Just like I am sharing this body with you.”

Ana sighed, “Yeah you would say that. Even if we both know I was here first.”

Slipping out of bed she glanced at the mirror. She had matured quite nicely in the years since she had arrived. She had lovely large breasts, a nice puffy pussy, lush fur and healthy hair. She knew many of the girls were jealous of her figure and it wasn’t going to change much anymore either. She was done growing, fully mature. Idly she ran a hand across her belly. It was fairly flat as she was between pregnancies.

Ana commented, “Yeah being flat bothers me too. I’ve grown to like being pregnant.”

“Yeah I like being pregnant too, it’s very fulfilling.”

She sighed, “I just wonder what is going on with our babies. I haven’t seen any of them since they took em.”

A-98 shrugged, “Don’t know, don’t care.”

She sighed, “I know you don’t. You let them take em.”

“Well of course I did. That was the entire point of being pregnant in the first place. To provide babies for the Mistresses. Don’t worry they likely have a nice caretaker looking after them.”

“I guess.”

At that moment A-98 noticed something on the shelf by the door. A fresh letter by the look of it. She sighed when she noted it was from sis. Something Ana locked onto quickly, “oh! Sis. Open it. I want to see what she wrote.”

She sighed, “I know you do. You always like these. I still don’t much care for em.” Regardless she opened it up and began to read it for Ana.

The letter was kind of nice and she noted that it said that sis was coming home early. A-98 blinked at that, suddenly worried. If she was coming home earlier that might mean Ana would get to take control. She didn’t want that. Ana didn’t need to be in control. This was her body. It would not be right if Ana was controlling it. A part of her even worried Ana might try to run or something. They both knew the conditioning didn’t work on her as well as it should. Tarsa had needed multiple sessions to get Ana to stop fighting at every turn.

“Oh! Sis is coming home! I can’t wait to see her. That will be so nice. It’s been far too long. I hope she liked my doll!”

A-98 had an urge to tell her that doll likely never reached her. It was never mentioned in the letters and in all honesty the Mistresses had either sold it or destroyed it. It was something that neither of them had thought about in years though. “She likely did.”

Her counterpart seemed to revel in that for a moment or two before a spike of emotion spilled out of her. “Wait! Will she even recognize us? We are so much bigger than we used to be. Hell, we almost look like her. I think she is a little bigger than us though.”

“Well Rinara likes smaller girls, so there is a good chance of that.”

Her counterpart sighed, “Could we please not talk about the pain lady? I’m trying to forget her.”

She sighed, “She’s not that bad.”

Ana gave her a mental glare, “Our womb was burning from one of her little injections for a month.” she shuddered and A-98 didn’t suppress it as she remembered that one vividly. Neither one of them got much sleep that month. It didn’t help that the burn sensation was punctuated by sharp spikes in pain. Of course that was all due to the need for her womb to be reconfigured so that it could properly carry litters and Rinara didn’t want to take things slow.

“Yeah, I try not to think about that one.”

“What about her sensitivity tests!!? Hmm!!? Don’t forget how many times she stuck our pussy and boobs full of needles and shocked us.”

“Okay! Okay! I get it. Rinara can be a pain.”

In a smug tone, Ana responded, “And don’t forget it!”

For a moment she was regretting letting her win that. When the door was knocked on. She opened it with a frown as a familiar face appeared. Tarsa’s replacement. “Can I help you? I need to get down to Rinara’s lab in a few minutes.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. Your schedule has been changed. You read your sister’s letter yet?”

She nodded, “I have, what about it?”

“Well those things are always a little slow. We intercepted her an hour ago. So you won’t have to go home.”

A-98 felt like jumping in excitement, “I won’t?!”

Meanwhile Ana interjected, “Does this mean we aren’t going to see Sis?” There was a bit of dejection in her tone.

“Nope! If things go well, you won’t have to go home at all.”

“I’m glad!”

“Oh and something else. I know you have been missing E-5, she is going to be here later today.”

Both of them felt happy about that, and she expressed it, “yes finally! I’ve been so lonely without her.”

A couple of hours later the news came through and the Mistress was telling her, “Great news you are officially staying with us. No need to go home!”

“Yay! I’m so glad. It’s so much more fun here anyway.”

The mistress smiled, “That also means it’s finally time to erase your counterpart.”

Ana blinked mentally projecting her feelings, “What do they mean, erase me!!!?”

A-98 smiled, “I can’t wait!”

A surge of anger hit her, “What do you mean you can’t wait! They said something about erasing me!”

She responded, “Of course I can’t wait. It will be so much better, you will be gone, the body will be all mine finally and I don’t have to listen to you whine about missing sis.”

“This isn’t right! It’s MY body. If anyone should be going it’s you!”

She giggled, “What kind of logic is that? It’s OUR body, but of course we can’t share it forever and sooner or later YOU will have to go. Now that they don’t need you anymore that day is finally here.”

Suddenly she felt her counterpart tugging hard on their limbs trying to get her to run. She didn’t. “You are NOT Erasing me!”

“Yes we are! It’s going to be great!”

As they went back and forth and her counterpart got increasingly hostile. The mistress got the machine ready and helped her into it. She was quite happy as the machine settled over her head. Even as her counterpart was screaming not to let them do it, but she had been looking forward to this for years. Part of her could not believe it was happening. They were finally getting rid of Ana. Even if she wasn’t quite as troublesome as she used to be. Then her mind turned to mush. When the world returned to normal sometime later, E-5 was present and Ana was no longer sharing her head. She felt so happy to find that the body was finally hers and hers alone. Shame Ana couldn’t see E-5 one last time, she would have to enjoy this meeting more for the both of them.

Her mind returned to the present. As she led E-5 down to her room. She recalled how not long after that Rinara had really betrayed her. She had just gotten control of the body and that happened to her. She shuddered at the memory. One thing Ana had been right about was that Rinara was a pain lady. She had known it even then, but it wasn’t until she had actually been on the table that she really knew what her counterpart had tried to tell her. Maybe she would have done things differently if she had known and strangely after all these years she missed Ana. Too bad she couldn’t see her again. Her crystal had been purged years ago. Something A-98 hadn’t thought much of at the time, but now she considered it a shame.


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