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“Thomas, sorry for the long wait, but I am ready for you now,” called the sweet voice of the receptionist.

He looked up to see the fuzzy shadow of Mara leaving the office and stood. Doing his best to make his way towards the office. Mentally cursing Amy for blinding him with her panties. This was embarrassing! He was a grown man and here he was with panties on his head, made somehow worse by the fact that they were his own sister’s. People were going to think he was a pervert or something! The fact that they were clean and she put them on his head were little consolation.

Soft hands gently steered him into the room and the door clicked shut behind him. Unnoticed was the sound of the lock engaging afterwards. The receptionist giggled, “I think you can take those off now.”

He stood there for a moment before reaching up and pulling the damn panties off his head. Bringing into view the hot receptionist he had seen earlier. She was still bottomless giving him a delicious view of her delicate little pussy lips that had a dusting of silver flecks. She had creamy skin and well-toned thighs. It seemed she got her exercise, but he could see more than her hairless sex, strong legs and cute belly. At some point, it seemed she had shed her top, and now he had an unobstructed view of her cute little boobs. They were small, and would easily fit in his hands with room to spare.

She smiled when she noticed him looking and did a little twirl. “Like what you see cutie?

He gulped and nodded. She was very cute, practically a treat to look at. “Um, yes you are uh, very cute yourself.”

She blushed, “Thank you!” her expression morphed, she spread her pussy lips a little revealing the delicate pink flesh within glistening with a bit of moisture. “Care for a little fun before the boring stuff?”

He gulped again and glanced at the door. “Um, I’m not sure that is a good idea, my...”

“Worried about your sister? We have plenty of time for a little fun and I won’t tell if you don’t.”

“Are you sure, I don’t want you to get in trouble or something?”

She giggled, “Its just a little sex on the job, we all do it. The guild master won’t have a problem with it.”

He opened his mouth to reply, when she suddenly pressed her naked body against his own larger armored form. Standing on her toes she kissed him. Deeply, her tongue slipped between his teeth to tease his own. He didn’t even react for a moment and by the time he did she was already separating.

“Well what do you say big boy? I need to get you naked anyway since none of you updated your cards in the last year and we might as well have a little fun while we are at it. Don’t you think?”

He didn’t say a word. Merely started discarding his armor. Once he stood there in his under armor, he finally spoke. “Okay, just make it quick and do you have some contraceptives?”

She nodded, and smiled, “Yep!” She produced a potion from the desk and took it. He didn’t even notice that she had lied. That wasn’t a contraceptive potion.

He smiled, as she shifted invitingly and not thinking more deeply on this. He shed the last of his clothing. She giggled when she saw his penis. “Aren’t we blessed? I just knew you were going to be a fun one!”

He drew close and she pushed him onto the ground and began rubbing her slit against his naked rod. She giggled playfully, as she began playing with his nipples, but said nothing.

He lay there for a moment, as his rod swelled to full mast. He had already been half hard when she started. So it took almost no time for him to reach his full size.

He blinked, when she started adjusting herself and he realized what she was about to do. “Um,...”

She pressed a finger to his lips, “Don’t worry, I’m plenty wet already.”

An instant later, she pushed herself down on his rod. His penis slipped into her warm folds without issue and she let out a moan as he pierced her depths. All the way to the hilt, she rested for but a moment before proceeding to bounce on his rod. Each movement squeezed his rod pleasantly, her folds writhing around him. At the same moment she started playing with her breasts.

Allowing him to enjoy the show, as heat surged through him. Her boobs bounced a little with each movement, while her fingers kneaded the swollen nubs at the tips. She moaned lightly with every stroke. Each one took his rod deep into her depths. Sending sparks up his rod and he let out a breath as she writhed against him.

Suddenly she gasped and clamped down on his rod tightly. Her back arched a bit and then she went right back to moving, this time picking up speed. Thomas could feel himself reaching the edge. “I’m about to cum!” he declared.

The simple declaration seemed to embolden her, as she picked up her pace. Her small boobs bounced more vigorously with the movement. As she clamped down on him. That stimulation proved to be all that was needed to send him over the edge. He cried out, as his rod throbbed. Each pulse sent heat surging up his length and deep into her depths.

She shuddered against him, her back arching as more fluid gushed from her. As she settled on his still-hard rod, she giggled looking quite pleased. “Have fun?”

He nodded, as she glanced at a clock. “I think we have...”

Suddenly there was a click, and the door was flung open revealing Amy standing right there. He gulped when he saw her expression. “I thought it was taking too long. What do you think you are doing with my brother!!!”

The receptionist shifted and said, “Having a little fun?”

Thomas felt his rod quickly shrinking. This was going to be fun and not in a good way. He hated it when this happened. It often took all the joy out of sex.  Something he didn’t much often get to enjoy and he was surrounded by pretty girls. Something about that thought struck him as wrong, but before he could place the feeling the thought slipped from his mind. No matter, it likely wasn’t important. He had a feeling Amy was going to be watching him more closely for the next few days. He sighed, figuring he wasn’t going to have another chance for a while. Little did he realize his next chance would be sooner than he thinks, but not quite the way he imagined it.

Amy sighed as she stepped out of the guild building. She took her eyes off her brother for one minute and that damn receptionist seduced him. That elf was so smug about it too! The nerve of that girl. She took another breath and let it out. Trying to calm the raging fire she felt in her belly and it wasn’t the pleasant kind. Why is it always... her mind trailed off for a moment. As she soon lost her train of thought.

Taking one last breath, she gave Thomas a look before glancing at her party. They had finished reporting in for the quest and getting the registration done. Hopefully, they didn’t have to deal with that receptionist much. Her mind flashed back to seeing her straddling her brother, his dick buried to the hilt in her pussy. A bit of fluid leaking from the edges. Especially after that had happened, it would be... awkward.

Suddenly she was hugged from behind. Bare breasts pressed against her back, “Hey there. Everything go well at the guild?”

She turned to see Aidera, smiling into her face. “Um, mostly.” She frowned, “What are you doing here?”

“I had something to do in the area. I’m done now.” she sighed, “unfortunately I can’t stay long. As I have to meet up with some friends from the church in about an hour. Remember the poor guy who lost his leg and dick to the Armalisk?”

Amy nodded, “I do, why?”

“I helped him sign up with a program the church has for unfortunates like him. They are here to pick him up,” she replied with a sigh.

“They can help him?”


Mara interjected, “That’s nice. I felt kind of sorry for that guy.”

Aidera smiled, “I know what you mean.”

Kei nodded, “Yeah, as nice as a little jewel slicing is, it’s not very amusing when the guy in question is decent. He was fun and seemed respectable.”

Eri groaned, “Could we stop standing around here? The guild took forever and I’m hungry!”

Aidera smiled, “OH! I know a wonderful place just down the road. I’ve been there before, last time I was in Sunblossom. I can show you. It’s not far.”

Eri was in front of Aidera so fast, Amy almost swore she teleported. “Ooh! Do they serve Flare Boar?”

Aidera shook her head, “No, but they do serve the most juicy Lasark Steaks.”

Eri, “ooh, I haven’t had a decent Lasark Steak in ages. Show me!”

“Sure, I will,” then she glanced at Amy. Seemed about to say something, but thought better of it and said nothing. She shifted and then pointed down the street. “This way, stay close.”

They grouped up and headed down the road towards the shop in question. As Aidera had promised, the shop was not far. A cozy little building, with a large inviting porch. Above it hung a sign that read in large bold letters, The Dragon’s Eatery.

Aidera led them up the steps and into the shop. The pair of strangely carved doors flashed briefly before admitting their entry. There were large racks by the door and several shelves filled with baskets. There were a number of tables set up in even rows. At the back of the room was a large counter, where a naked elf was standing manning the counter. A number of nude guests were enjoying their meals at the table.

Aidera smiled, “This establishment is attached to the local church and follows the same rules.”

Amy nodded, blinked and then started to strip. Her friends did the same. Before she knew it, she was settled at a table, with Aidera in her lap. As a naked elf was laying down plates of food in front of them.

The elf smiled and said, “I do hope you enjoy your meals, and if you care to make a donation to the church, the children would appreciate it. All donations go to the new orphanage we are opening.”

Amy thanked the nude elf and then turned to Aidera. Who was mewling in her lap, already and Amy was down a hand. “You did mention earlier that you had a few things to do in town. What else are you doing?”

Aidera shifted a little, rubbing herself against Amy’s now nude body. “My goddess has tasked me with a few errands. Nothing you need to worry about.”

Amy nodded, “I see.” as she dropped the subject and moved to another one. “I’m thinking of taking the search area towards the south and into the borderlands. Anything you know about that area? Seeing as you have been to Sunblossom before?”

Aidera smiled, “I do. It’s mostly forest down that way. Monsters in the area include Thornback Wolves and Slimes. In fact it’s mostly either wolves or Slimes. You shouldn’t have too much trouble with the monsters in the area, as they average around level ten. There are a few old ruins down that way, including a very old ruin believed to be a relic of the primal age.”

Amy nodded and started taking notes. Adding in details, she had not received from the guild. Glad that she had brought her bag over with her, even if she had to leave her clothes in a cubby. It was the rules of the place though.

After an enjoyable meal and getting more information on the area from Aidera. They parted ways from Aidera and headed off to the market to replenish their supplies. Aidera even helpfully pointed them toward reputable dealers and even told them the location of an Inn she recommended. Amy noted it down, just in case, but she didn’t plan to need it.


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