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Amy shifted blearily as she blinked and light stabbed into her eyes. As she shifted, the sheet fell from her frame. Cool air brushed against her bare skin, helping her wake up. It took her a moment to wake and she found Aidera curled up next to her, looking up at her dreamily. Idly she realized her hand was still on Aidera’s sex. She could even feel the warmth of Aidera’s hand over hers, holding it there.

As the meaning of the light caught up to her, she said, “I should go. My brother will be..”

“It will be fine, you can stay a bit longer really.” Then she gave her a look, “play with me a bit?”

She sighed. Understanding immediately what Aidera wanted. They had only had proper sex the one time, last night, but she had helped Aidera cum several times last night after that. Aidera seemed to really like having Amy’s hand in constant contact with her sex. Almost as if she was afraid that Amy would run away or something. “You really like me touching your pussy, don’t you?”

She nodded, “I love having my pussy touched!”

“I see,” replied Amy while lightly rubbing Aideria’s clit. Already the girl was mewling under her touch and it wasn’t long before she began to gush. It didn’t even occur to Amy that there were questions she should ask about this behavior.

After a moment, she ecstatically pressed herself against Amy. “Thanks!”

She glanced at the door, and sighed, “I guess it is about time you get going. Want to go back naked?”

Amy gave her a look, “No.” she shuddered, “That would be embarrassing, all the stares.”

Aidera chuckled, “Being naked is the most freeing thing in the world. Are you sure? I can make it so that no one gives you trouble over being nude.”

Amy shook her head as she reached into the bin with her clothes. “I’ll go back dressed thank you very much.”

Aidera muttered, “It was worth a shot, but mark my words. One day, I’ll get you to give up clothes, you were so perfect storming to the rescue in the nude. It was like you were meant to be a naked hero...”

Amy, not catching a word, started to get dressed and Aidera separated from her approaching the bin. Reaching in, she pulled out Amy’s panties. “Why do you wear these things? They aren’t even cute.”

“Hmm? They are totally cute, and practical.”

“But these are so restricting, can’t you try going without? It’s so much better!”

Amy shook her head and grabbed her panties. “In private maybe, but not in public.”

Aidera just gave her a look and sighed. Amy slipped into her panties, and kept getting dressed. Aidera said nothing more thankfully.

She was about to leave when Aidera said, “I’ll walk you to your tent.”

She nodded and the pair left Aidera’s tent together. Amy couldn’t help glancing at Aidera, every couple of minutes. Expecting people to stare at her or something, since she was nude and sticky with fluids. Yet, no one gave her a second look. Or bothered them on the way to her tent. When they got there, she found things were equally odd, but this time she wasn’t sure why. She wasn’t even sure when Aidera left that day, but it proved uneventful. A thankful change after the incident with the Armalisk.

Several days later:

Amy and company were preparing to leave the caravan to head to the guild. They had finally arrived at the town of Sunblossom. As she was about to head off, her pay for the escort in hand, she was intercepted by Aidera.

She smiled, “I had fun with this trip. I have a couple of things to do in town, myself, but maybe we can meet up again later?”

“Sure we can.”

Amy blinked, as Aidera spoke next, “Great! Now about your quest, remember it would be advantageous to head south and back into the Borderlands.”

Amy nodded, “We will, thanks.” As Aidera’s words slipped from her mind, but the destination remained. Then Aidera pressed against her for a moment, and whispered into her ear. She blushed, but before she could properly respond Aidera was running off into the streets of Sunblossom.

Amy sighed, and led her party into the streets of the town. Heading off in a different direction. As she did, she took in the sights. The materials were not all that different from what would be used in the construction of a human town back in Rosewood. However there was an elegance to the way they were used that was hard to put a finger on. She did notice a lack of rough cuts, or sharp angles. Every pillar, every arch, every post had been formed with exquisite care and attention to detail. Stone flowed seamlessly into wood and there was a life to every structure that just wasn’t present in human architecture. They passed houses and shops as they crossed the streets which were magically paved. The ground smooth as if someone had poured down liquid rock and let it harden. Perhaps they did, Elves tended to be more magically talented than humans. Amy was lucky to have been born with excellent talent for magic, but many humans just didn’t have that talent or even just the same degree of talent as she did.

The town was alive with adventurers and locals. Throngs of people moved through the streets. Displaying a variety of dressing styles of the full plated armor of knights, to the various armor styles of adventurers, to the simple clothes favored for everyday life. There were even people walking around in the nude, elves mostly. Judging by the flowery accessories they did have they were likely nature mages. She had met a couple before and nature mages often discarded clothing as it helped them with their magic more than any other magical discipline. Chatter also filled the streets, the mark of a thriving busy town. Not that Amy stopped to hear any of it. She wanted to reach the guild while there was still daylight. Perhaps visit the local markets later, but she did need to visit the main guild for the quest. That was a week’s travel to the north and then she would have to come back south. Amy had a strong feeling about that, but she was not sure why. For a moment that seemed strange, but the thought slipped from her mind

The local guild proved to be a large two story structure built from stone. It looked to be fortified with a couple of towers built into the walls. Amy wasn’t surprised, some towns made key buildings like the adventurers guilds into forts, meant to serve as shelters in the event the town walls were breached. It appeared Sunblossom was one such town.

Amy stepped inside, side stepping a naked elf on her way out of the town. She sighed, and glanced at Thomas who was pointedly ignoring the naked elf. Why did all the nudists in town have to be girls? She knew why, but it didn’t stop her from feeling a little frustrated over it. Not to mention it was a little weird since nudity wasn’t all that common in human lands. Although supposedly the big towns in the Elven lands made more sense with fewer people walking around naked. Briefly she had an odd flash of a town, a human town where everyone was naked. The image soon slipped from her mind like water, forgotten. The strange image was completely gone from her thoughts a moment later.

She glanced around the room, but didn’t see a quest board. She did spot an open counter, a younger elf who seemed to be about their age was manning it, and the line was short. It took only moments to reach it, she smiled. “Hello, I was heading up to Duskwater for my quest. I was wondering if there were...”

The girl looked up, and before she could finish interjected, “The one regarding looking for the Third Princess yes? You can report for it here now as well.”

Amy blinked, “We can?”

The girl beamed, “Yep. There was such a volume of adventurers coming to help, that Duskwater’s guild was overwhelmed. A second office was opened here last week.”

“Great, and that also reminds me. I need to register as well. I haven’t really been in...”

“Understood,” she paused pointing at a door, “Please come around back and have your guild card ready.” the girl glanced at her friends, “If anyone else in the party needs to register come along as well. Its best to get these things done now.”

Amy nodded and quickly checked with her friends. Making sure they all had their cards ready. She knew without asking that most of them would also need to register and as it turned out Mara, her only question mark, needed to register as well. So they were doing this together. She figured it would be mostly boring.

With that in mind, she stepped through the door into the back, where the younger elf was ready to greet them. She blinked and paused when she saw her. From the waist up she was perfectly normal, wearing a nice blouse that went nicely with her orange tinted brown hair and showed off her belly. Nothing too weird there, but below the waist she was naked. She wasn’t even wearing a pair of panties, or shoes for that matter.

Thomas said, “Um, miss. You seem to have forgotten your uh, pants.”

She giggled, “Nah, I don’t wear ‘em, ever. I’d love to get rid of the top, but that causes issues. It won’t be a problem with you girls will it?”

Amy shook her head, while reaching into her bag. “Nope, just let me do something, first.”

Unfortunately she didn’t have any blindfolds, but she did have a few pairs of panties. She figured that would do, and forced a clean pair on her brother’s head. Her friends giggled.

The receptionist chuckled and said, “Cute. Now may I see your guild cards?”

She pulled hers out and the receptionist quickly took it. Followed by her friends. She gestured at a sofa. “Please sit down, I’ll be a moment.”

With that, she disappeared into an office as Thomas said, “Can I take these off?”


“But Amy! This is embarrassing!”

It was, but she didn’t want him ogling the receptionist. The fact that she was wearing a blouse, just made her outfit more erotic than if she was naked. Hell with all the naked elves around, she was thinking it would be a good idea to buy a blindfold. She made a mental note about that. She didn’t want Thomas ogling the naked elves. She wanted... The thought slipped from her mind before it could form. Amy blinked and leaned back against the sofa for a moment. Simply enjoying the soft cushions. It was a really nice sofa. There were a few books on shelves for people to read, but she didn’t bother to peruse them.

It wasn’t long before the receptionist poked her head out. “Amy, I’m ready to see you. Could you come into the office with me for a moment. It shouldn’t take too long.”

Amy sighed and stood up. Leaving behind the comfy sofa and heading into the office. The receptionist stepped aside, letting her in before closing the door behind them. She sighed. “Okay, I’ll need to ask you a few questions. Also your card hasn’t been updated in a few months, so we are going to need to do the full update procedure.”

Amy sighed, “Do we have to?”

“Afraid so. If you would please remove any gear that may interfere with the scanner and step inside?”

Amy let out a breath, she hated those things. Fortunately she knew what to expect, so she started stripping out of her gear. Her armor, especially her headpiece, weren’t suited for the scanners, but thankfully she had invested in good underwear. She didn’t have to step into it naked this time.

The scan took only moments. After that she was asked a number of questions and the receptionist finalized the update and registration of her card. It was a bit of a blur the process, but honestly it all felt routine. As she stepped out of the office, Eri walked in for her session. Amy gave her a smile, wished her luck and settled on the sofa, taking a moment to check her status since she had the time

Name: Amy Drake

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Level: 18

Age: 18

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: Ranger

Shields: 1700/1700

Subclass: Magic Archer

Mana: 1275/1275

Titles: ??? (Title hidden)


Apprentice Quick Draw Grade F
Apprentice Piercing Shot Grade A
Apprentice Magical Shot Grade A
Novice Knife Fighter Grade C
Apprentice Scout Grade A
Novice Trapper Grade B
Novice Trap Detection Grade D
Novice Disarm Trap Grade E
Novice Fire Magic Grade E
Novice Lightning Magic Grade D
Novice Wind Magic Grade C

??? (Skill Inactive)
??? (Skill Inactive)

??? (Skill Inactive)

Journeyman Inspect Grade B

Quick Learner

Improved Fertility

Drake Family Blood (Dormant)

Natural Archer
Mystic Talent
Enhanced Constitution

Enhanced Strength
Ageless Skin, and Body
Superior Senses

Potent Mana
??? (Trait Inactive)
??? (Trait Inactive)
??? (Trait Inactive)

Peerless Bow Arm
Superior Flexibility

She smiled, it wasn’t much but the escort had helped her progress. Then she took a look at her updated card.

Name: Amy Drake

Affiliation: Rosewood Royal Adventurer’s Guild, Sunblossom Adventurer’s Guild

Gender: Female

Rank: E

Race: Human

Special License: ???


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