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Yiria wiped down little Miku. Cleaning her little pussy and butt of the remains of her recent activity. She used a soft rag and was very gentle about it. Not wanting to irritate the little girl. Once she was satisfied the girl was clean. She smiled, cooed to her and felt a bit of joy as her young face lit up in response.

With her little one all clean, she clutched her to her breast. Just as her own belly growled. Strange things aside, she had not eaten in a while. She hadn’t seen her maid either. It had been a while since she had been home and she recalled her maid was supposed to restock the pantry and fridge. By now she figured her groceries were already purchased and put away.

Gently rocking Miku, she headed for the kitchen. She wouldn’t be able to properly care for her if she was starving. Smiling and enjoying Miku’s very presence, she started thinking about what she would eat.

Entering the kitchen she opened the fridge, she had ordered some fish and expected to see some lovely fillets in there. She could fry those up real quick and they would go well with just about any side. Only her fridge proved to be empty. The shelves were quite lonely and barren. No containers full of food, no bottles of milk, not even a bottle of water. There was nothing in the fridge but cold air. For a moment she gave it a forlorn look and then turned to her pantry. Maybe she had some dried goods.

Opening the door she was greeted to barren shelves. Not a single carton or speck of dust could be found in the pantry. It had been completely cleaned out and she stared for a moment. “What am I paying you for? I asked you for a simple shopping trip and nothing exotic. Just basic goods, where is everything?” she muttered out loud. Her belly grumbled. Reminding her how hungry she was.

She shifted Miku and said to her, “I guess we are going out. So much for a day in.”

She glanced out the kitchen window. In the distance, there was another bit of that weird lightning. After a moment she heard another boom. So far it never seemed close and Miku seemed to be less distressed by it this time. Regardless, she still needed a moment to calm the girl.

Sighing, she left the kitchen hunting for her bag, credit chip, spare supplies for Miku, and other items she might need. She couldn’t find the chip for her main account, but she did find the one for Riku’s account. Not ideal that was mainly meant for funding things for Miku. Not food for her. She sighed if she had to guess her maid had the other one. Idly she recalled her maid was supposed to use it to buy the missing supplies. Yiria made a mental note to look for the errant maid later. Her stomach growled again; it was quite impatient. With no other options, she took the chip and made her way out. She didn’t have a vehicle so she opted for a walk.

The streets were quite empty despite the rather nice weather. If not for the strange lightning it would be a beautiful day. She figured most people were staying in their homes like the news anchor had advised, but she didn’t have a choice. So here she was taking Miku into town. Hopefully, she could find someone who was open.

She adjusted her bag to be more comfortable and sensed that Miku wasn’t happy with her current position. Shifted her as well to be more comfortable. In the process, she gave Miku’s young eyes a wonderful view of what was going on. More importantly, she could see all the little gardens they passed. As they walked Yiria spoke with her and shared her own mental impressions. Her mind was too young to fully enjoy the scenery, but that would change soon enough. Not to mention Yiria knew how important it was for a young mind to be stimulated.

Other than the occasional flash and boom in the distance she found the walk fairly peaceful. She enjoyed spending the time interacting with Miku and it helped her keep her mind off her empty belly. Just as the houses were giving way to the taller building of the city proper, she heard a loud boom from behind her. It sounded close and made her jump in her skin. Moments before Miku started wailing.

Almost immediately she focused on calming Miku. Reassuring the young girl that everything was alright. As she did that, she looked back but saw nothing out of the ordinary. The neighborhood looked just as it had moments ago. Empty of people yes, but otherwise just the same as it always had been. Still that had been close and it left her uneasy. She picked up the pace. She knew of a nice market within easy walking distance of her home and made her way there. Plenty of Neku lived in the area and now that she was thinking of it there was this lovely little sit-down eatery run by an older woman. The last time she was there she had the opportunity to interact with her daughter, a delightful six-year-old girl who was cheerily helping with the family business.

It had been a wonderful experience and the food was good. A destination in mind, she made a left. She had a good feeling about them still being open anyway. Since their shop was right below their own home. Yiria wondered how the two of them were doing.

It wasn’t long before she found herself stepping into the building. From outside things had looked pretty normal. There was even an open sign on the door. Yet the streets were rather empty. The minute she stepped through the door things changed as she found herself facing a strongly glowing orb which was unknown to her. It floated a meter off the floor, and while it had no apparent face for reference she had the strangest feeling it was looking at her. Suddenly she felt a tingling sensation as a ray of light flashed over her.

The light vanished after a moment. The orb turned and approached a child she hadn’t noticed. Who was slumped oddly in a chair. A tendril reached out from whatever that orb was, and wrapped around the kid. Gently it adjusted her posture to something more comfortable. A light ran over her body as suddenly it spoke, while a tendril pointed towards an empty chair, “If you would wait there, this unit can get you something to eat in a minute ma’am.”

Her belly growled, reminding her once more of her hunger, but instead, she focused on the child. “What are you doing to that kid?”

It did not reply. Merely reiterated its request for her to sit down. She looked around. Noting a number of other guests slumped in their seats and one on the floor. They were all breathing evenly, but she was left wondering. Why was everyone sleeping? Her mind focused back on the child. Several tendrils moved over her body in a clinical fashion before being retracted then two arms seemed to form from nowhere. Securely anchoring around the young girl’s head. Light danced along the strange ends of the mechanical arms. It played for only a moment or two before the arms dissolved back into the glowing orb. She had no idea what the strange alien orb was doing but it didn’t seem to be harming the kid. Not that she knew what to think about this.

The knight stepped into the corridor and passed the crumpled bodies of the defenders. The even rise and fall of their chests was a sign that they were still breathing. Just not conscious, her stun grenade having knocked them all out before they could put up a fight. Not that they would have been able to put up much of a fight against a cloaked Knight.

Proceeding past the initial defenses, she made her way into the main parts of the facility. She also noted an armory near the entrance, and across from it a barracks. She quite liked that, especially since both rooms were protected by their own blast doors and another blast door was between them and the outer blast door.

Not that the blast doors did anything to actually slow her down. It took only seconds to cut through each one. The defenses here were practically paper for her, but against a peer to the Neku, she felt they were fairly decent. Having a barracks and armory close to the entrance in protected positions was great for response times as well.

Entering the armory she scanned for any sign of occupants before proceeding to blast everything in sight. Nothing in here was threatening, but she figured it best to destroy these weapons. As while nothing was a threat to her, there were a couple of heavy weapons that might be able to damage a drone and it was possible they might turn them on the subjects that were no doubt kept in the facility.

With the armory destroyed she proceeded further into the facility. She passed many smaller rooms. All empty, but before long she came across a lab that wasn’t so empty. There were a few occupants present and the place was set up with a wide array of medical equipment. Her gaze focused on the unfortunate subject in the chair. A young man, who didn’t look that healthy. Especially not with the grayish pallor of his skin or the dull colorations of his fur.

An Iniri was monitoring a console while another was giving him an injection. One whose effects were near instant. Almost immediately he gasped, crying out about it burning. The Knight drew her pistol.

While the one at the monitor spoke, “Hmm he seems to be responding to the new formula better. Increase the dose, will you?”

The other girl swiftly applied another dose via the injector. Before glancing at the monitor, “Way better I would say. The old formula nearly killed him. This one seems to be causing much less cellular stress.”

The first Iniri pointed here, “More importantly is what it has done. I’m already seeing a marked improvement in potential. Over what the old one already did. We should set this one aside for monitoring and if he continues to develop favorably send him to corrections.”

The second nodded, “I agree,” then she looked to the young man, “Well aren’t you lucky! You might be worth correcting if this formula works out!”

“Well of course he is lucky he ended up as part of our project and not...”

She never finished her statement as the Knight stunned them both. She had learned enough. Approaching the boy she gave him a quick scan. Quickly determining he wasn’t in danger of immediate death, but he wasn’t in the best shape. They had not been treated well. She also determined that he was in a lot of pain even before the injection, it was merely making it worse. Unfortunately her only option to knock him out was to stun him and she had a feeling that might kill him. As such she left him there, but not before sending a request for a medical drone. It would be able to patch him up.

The next lab she found was across the hall, this one was also occupied. She found it with a fair number more people in it. With several young girls, children mostly waiting in a corner. While a pair of Iniri examined them.

One young girl was settled in a chair with probes hooked up to her. The Iniri at the console looked over to her with a smile, “Well aren’t you healthy. I think you will do great as a worker. Although I’m afraid your eggs are of rather poor quality.”

The girl frowned, “My eggs?”

The Iniri stroked her gently, before explaining in simple terms what they are.

The girl gave the Iniri a look, “So what does being poor in quality mean?”

“It means your eggs don’t really have many if any desirable traits. That isn’t good for children you might have. So we are going to have to sterilize you. We can’t have your breeding.”

The girl’s face shifted, “Sterilize? What does that mean.”

The Iniri producing a pair of injectors said, “I’m going to inject this jelly into your ovaries and it will kill your eggs. Rendering you nice and sterile. It will be done in an instant and you won’t notice a thing. Now hold still.”

The girl nodded and let the Iniri inject her ovaries. While the Knight looked around keeping half an eye on things. Sterilizing that child struck her as wrong, but it was an easy issue to fix. She didn’t really plan to let them do anything. Megumi on the other hand interrupted, “Don’t be too hasty. I only have a general idea of what they are doing. Watch for a moment then take them out.

But I don’t have much time before you leave firing range.

Yes, but I’ll be back in range before long.”

She didn’t like it but slowed down. As the poor girl was quickly sterilized. The knight did note that this wasn’t like previous sterilizations her scout cousins had observed. They weren’t harvesting her eggs. They were disposing of them.

The Iniri smiled, “All done!”

“My belly feels a bit weird,” she frowned.”

“Well your ovaries are a bit swollen now. Now if you would head that way N-22 over there will take you down to the barracks where you can start your training.”

She pointed to an older Neku girl standing by a side door. The girl rushed over and the Neku led her out of the room. While the Iniri signaled another child to come over. Swiftly attaching probes to her. As they did that the girl queried the Iniri, “So when I am I going to see my sister?”

The Iniri gave her a look, “Your sister?”

She nodded, “Yeah, I haven’t seen her since she was taken two years ago. The caretaker said that I might see her here.”

The Iniri tapped the console and then said, “hmm I see. Yes your sister is in a long term program. She was here, we transferred her out two months ago. She is a registered courier now.”

The girl frowned, “Does that mean I won’t see her?”

“Not right away, but that’s okay. It will just make things sweeter when you do meet her.” said the Iniri.

The girl’s frown deepened, “I guess.”

The Iniri stroked her head for a minute or two. Her frown slowly vanishing before the girl finally said, “Yeah maybe you are right.”

The Iniri turned to the console. Took a few readings and then she said to the girl. “Great, you are in excellent physical shape. Egg quality is good, we have a few options for you, but I presume you would like to be a courier like your sister?”

She nodded.

“Great, in that case we will start by fitting you with a drainer before sending you off for training. We are going to need about half your eggs.”

As the Iniri produced a laser scapel. The Knight inquired of Megumi, “have you seen enough?”

Just then the door opened to admit the same Neku from earlier who took up the same position. It seemed she was trusted as an escort for these new arrivals.

Megumi sent a sigh over the link, I’ve seen the procedure before. Go ahead. No reason for another little one to suffer with that.

Smiling, she pulled and readied her pistol to stun the whole room and marked the room for the medical drones. Looking towards the table, the Iniri had already spread the little girl’s pussy. Using a tool to hold it open as she proceeded to cut her delicate little flesh down there without bothering with any anesthesia. The poor little girl whimpered as the blade was used to slowly cut away at her hymen.


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