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Lily stretched as her blanket slipped from her frame. The cool air brushed her skin and helped her wake up. She yawned a bit and glanced at the lovely clock that Misaki had given her. It was mid-afternoon, she had gotten rather tired earlier and came here to take a nap. One that she had found most relaxing, but she was getting antsy. Shifting her weight, she rolled out of the lovely bed Misaki had given her and jumped to her feet in a single smooth motion.

In moments she was at the door and heading out into the rest of the quaint apartment Misaki had built for her family. Looking around, she didn’t see her parents and decided they must be elsewhere in the dungeon. She made for the door.

As she stepped out of the apartment a barely dressed maid rushed by. Lily stopped to watch her breast bounce and hips sway sexily with each movement. Lily could tell the maid had to have practiced those movements as they were so clearly meant to enhance those features. It just wasn’t fair. Lily knew the old her would have enjoyed playing with that demoness, she often preferred to tease the boys since it was so fun, but occasionally she would have gone after a girl. Girls provided a different kind of pleasure and she loved seeking out new ways to just have fun. The current her, on the other hand, just wasn’t equipped for it. It wasn’t fair! Why couldn’t Erosi have just given her a body a few years older?

She suppressed a shudder, as the thought of having to go through puberty again occurred to her once again. That hadn’t been fun the first time around and she wasn’t looking forward to it again. Not at all. Then another thought occurred to her. She was an elf now, would it be the same? Would things go differently? There was a good chance of that, it varied in humans and she wasn’t even human anymore.

She briefly considered asking her mother and then shuddered at the thought. Nah, that would be too... Her mind trailed off. After a moment she picked a direction and started walking. Hopefully Misaki was in her throne room, she just realized that she had some reading to do. Idly she recalled that old Misaki had a bit of a book collection, perhaps she had already started building a library?

In the end, the throne room proved empty. She found Misaki instead lounging on a sofa in her own bedroom. Her eyes seemed distant as if she was staring at something that Lily could not see. Her entrance didn’t go unnoticed.

“Can I help you Lily?”

She closed the distance and played with her fingers for a moment. Now that she was here the words proved stuck in her throat. It took her a moment or two just to utter the words she wanted to say, “um, do you have a library?”

Misaki refocused on Lily, “not really, why do you...”

She fidgeted, “um, well. I was uh...”

“Ah, I see. It’s on a subject you aren’t comfortable talking about, or perhaps don’t want anyone to know you are interested in?”

“Uh, well sort of... I, uh, want to know more about elves more specifically... our um, biology.” stuttered out Lily. It didn’t help that she could still remember Misaki as a boy and honestly this was a subject that people just didn’t often discuss.

Misaki smiled, “oh, why didn’t you say so!? I think I saw just what you need in the shop, give me a moment.”

Misaki turned distant and Lily settled next to her on the sofa. She figured she would wait while Misaki retrieved whatever book she was looking for. Thankfully she didn’t have to wait long as after a minute, or was it two? A  very thick book materialized in Misaki’s hands. The huge book was bound in dark leather and inlaid in the spine were fancy silver characters outlined with gold. The title read, Ava’s Treatise on the Biology of the Races of Solkira.

Misaki spread the pages open and flipped through several chapters. Lily leaned in and glanced at the page she came to. Chapter Seventeen, Elves. She flipped through several pages before coming to rest on a section that seemed promising.

Elven reproductive biology isn’t all that different from the other humanoid races. Two sexes are present in the species. Male and Female. Unlike some other races they do not have a third hybrid sex. Elven males are significantly larger than the Elven female on average, as we noted in an earlier section. For more information on that refer back to section twelve.

Elven males typically begin their sexual development around their mid teens and often later than their female counterparts. Unlike other species they gain no hair to indicate the development of sexual function...

“Um, can we skip this section? I don’t need to know anything about boys.”

Misaki smirked, “Ah interested in other girls are we?”

Misaki flipped a few pages, as Lily stammered in protest. One that seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Female elves have been noted to undergo puberty as young as ten years of age, but typically don’t start until their fourteenth year. Like their male counterparts they do not gain hair on their genitals as a marker of maturity. In fact, there are very few physical signs towards the onset of puberty, although beastkin do claim that an elf in puberty smells like a cat in heat. Those claims are yet to be verified. Although even if true, it doesn’t exactly explain the tendencies of female catkin and their reactions to pubescent elves.

Lily frowned as she studied the passage, now feeling a little worried. Already one of her questions was answered. She read on, as Misaki read with her. The two of them snuggling against each other as they read from the book together, in silence. Unnoticed by Lily, a newcomer was at the door, silently watching.

The next passage seemed to much better answer her question. Befitting their standing as a more mystically inclined species, Elves are noted for lacking a cycle. Another fact that makes it harder to pinpoint when they enter into puberty.

Aidera looked over her reflection, she had pulled a mirror out of her inventory. Setting it up on the wall of her tent. It wasn’t as good as the one back home, but it was more than adequate for her needs right now. Like any self-respecting member of the church she didn’t bother with clothing, but that didn’t mean she had nothing to do to maintain her appearance. Even if she did often use her mind magics to keep others from noticing, she knew this meeting would be a little different.

She lifted a breast slightly, as she studied her appearance in the mirror. Aidera thought she looked wonderful, she had a decent height just shy of 160, with a pair of lovely perky boobs that spilled from her small hands. Deceptively making them seem larger than they were, especially with how her frame was built. She had a rather lithe frame with little fat which just made her boobs stand out more. Her pussy was nice and puffy as well and she no longer grew hair down there either so it was nice and hairless.

Smiling, she reached into a jar she had pulled out earlier. A bit of cream clung to her fingers, which she promptly applied to her breast. Rubbing it in, until it vanished. She wasn’t blessed the way the higher ranking members of the church were, so she needed this for now. It was a simple alchemical solution that helped protect her skin from the elements and enhance her appearance. Yet Aidera had a feeling she wasn’t going to need it for much longer.

She reached into the jar and lifted the other breast applying the cream. When suddenly a blue screen popped into her vision and she smiled. Yes! Finally!

Due to spending extensive amounts of time in the nude you have met the requirements for a new trait:

New trait:
Nature’s Embrace
Due to engaging in the Rituals of the Church of the Dragon, the Trait Nature’s Embrace has ranked up
Requirements met
New Skill: Natural Armor
Due to the Rituals of the Church of the Dragon, the Skill Natural Armor has ranked up
The Skill Natural Armor has reached the maximum rank.
The Skill Natural Armor has evolved
New Skill: Nature’s Armor

She had been working towards this for a long time. Aidera often wished it didn’t take so long being naked to unlock the trait, but there was no helping the requirements for it. Now that she had it, she was no longer bottlenecked in her advancement. Something that was really shown by the rest of the message. Although, she might have been able to advance Natural Armor without the trait and it would have helped her unlock the trait sooner. Aidera just wasn’t comfortable deliberately taking hits to her naked flesh to progress a skill. While slower the church method was just as effective, if not better. Now her skin was just as supple as always, but tough like steel armor. Maybe better actually.

Suddenly a voice spoke to her, Hello Aidera. Congrats on finally getting Nature’s Embrace.

Aidera had heard the voice personally before, and recognized it instantly. Her goddess had noticed her! She was being congratulated. Thank you my goddess. I am not worthy of your praise, though.

I will be the judge of that my child and I would say you are very much worth my praise. I’ve noticed you set up a meeting with young Amy.

Yes I was hoping to get to know her better and have a nice chat. Maybe a little fun if she was willing.

Understandable. I would like you to do a little something for me. Amy may have turned down my offer, but I do wish the best for her. I found an opportunity to help advance her career and while she made it clear she wants to stand on her own. Nothing says I can’t steer her a little. I’d like you to give her a little nudge, nothing more. It will be up to her to take advantage of the opportunity in question.

Aidera frowned, her expression was caught in the mirror. Causing her cheeks to puff up a little and make her look cuter. Especially with her large green eyes and bright sea green hair. Not that she noticed. Instead her mind raced for a moment before finally saying, I’ll do what I can, my goddess.

Thank you, Aidera.

With that the presence of her goddess vanished. Just as Amy called from outside the tent, “Hey Aidera. I’m here for our chat.”

Aidera quickly stowed her mirror and rushed to the front of the tent to let her in. She had been looking forward to this meeting since she set it up. Eagerly she pulled open the flap and was greeted to the cute sight of a somewhat overdressed Amy. At least she wasn’t in that armor. Instead she was wearing a simple tunic and pants combo which covered far too much. Even if it did look normal and acceptable to the unenlightened. She ushered the other girl in.

“Glad you made it on time,” she gestured to a bin she had prepared anticipating Amy would come overdressed, “You can toss your clothes in there.”

Amy blinked, “I uh guess.”

“I know this isn’t my house, but it is my private space. Same sort of rules.”

Amy sighed, “I guess I can do that.”

With that she complied and soon began to shuck her clothing off. As it slipped from her frame Aidera drank in every detail. She had noticed it earlier, but Amy was incredibly cute with a delightful body. Deliciously cute boobs that bounced delightfully with her every movement. Her skin was a lovely light tan and oh so smooth. Aidera just wanted to touch her, feel her and enjoy her. It was so very tempting to just reach out and take her. Only thing that stopped her from doing that was the knowledge that it was wrong and that her goddess would not approve. Nudging her was okay, out right taking the choice from her not so much. If she did that... Aidera shuddered, let’s just say the goddess would punish her and she didn’t want that.

That didn’t stop her from drinking in the sight and her gaze soon focused on Amy’s slit, as she slipped out of her panties. Revealing the delightfully nude form of her precious pussy. It was gorgeous with large well formed lips and not a speck of hair. Aidera couldn’t resist and reached out to touch her. Running a finger over the lips and even slipping it inside a little.

Amy shuddered a bit, at the touch and then slapped her hand away. “Please don’t do that!”

“Sorry!” she squeaked, “It was just so perfect, I couldn’t help myself. If you’d like, you can touch mine?”

Aidera shifted and even gave her a nudge. Hoping she would do just that, wanting her to touch her there. She complied, reaching out and rubbing Aidera gently between the legs.

As Aidera was enjoying the bit of touch, Amy inquired, “So what did you want to talk about?”

“Well I mostly wanted to get to know you. We have met a couple times before, but never really had a chance to talk. I also wanted to thank you.”

“Thank me?” she asked with a confused expression that Aidera couldn’t help but find adorable.

Aidera smiled, “Well, I wanted to thank you for saving my life.”

“You mean just recently with the Armalisk?”

“No, years ago when you killed my mother after she had been corrupted by that foul...”

Amy blinked, her hand froze, “Wait! You want to thank me for killing your mother!?”