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CW: This chapter includes Torture and Rape. Read at your own risk.

Phillip inched forward. Based on the intel he had gathered, the Ogre the guild had mentioned was out here. Honestly, he just wanted to retire, settle down, and finally get started on finding that perfect someone to start a family with. His younger sister already had three little girls of her own, one of which was already old enough to start dating. Something she teased him about every time they met. Her husband had also been quite the fun character, it was a shame that he was no longer around. Thinking of Emily, and her daughters, brought to mind the last time he was there. Little Megan had been running around with her older sister Celine’s panties on her head. It had been strangely cute and Emily’s reaction to the whole scenario was amusing to watch. It made him want children of his own, but an adventurer’s life wasn’t exactly stable, as what he was currently doing went to show. How could he possibly be a good father to a little girl or boy of his own, if he could not be there for the little one every day of the week?

That was why he had started looking for a guildmaster position. It would not only represent a stable income, it would also represent an opportunity for him to pass on his experience to the younger generation. Not to mention that a guildmaster wasn’t regularly sent on dangerous quests like this. He might occasionally have to deal with an Ogre or something like it; However, that would be rare and would leave plenty of time for family.

Of course he was getting ahead of himself there. He didn’t even have a girlfriend. Something his mother pestered him about. Phillip sighed, no helping that. Part of it was that he had never found the right girl and the fact that he was still single at his age was starting to really bother him. Yet instead of having a nice stable job, he was out here hunting an Ogre. He hated hunting Ogres, this quest sucked. A statement everyone would agree with, but it was something that needed to be done. Orges had to be dealt with.

Phillip pushed his thoughts to the side and looked out over the edge of the overhang he had found. This position had good sight lines over the village he had tracked that ogre to. His gaze soon picked out the ogre in question, and it wasn’t alone. No, what he saw was terrible, the ogre had captured several of the villagers. Mostly younger women and a few village girls. But he spotted a couple of young boys in the mix as well.

Phillip’s eyes looked over the Ogre, taking in details in an instant. It was a large creature, easily three meters tall, it's flesh was a hard greyish green in color, its face ugly and menacing. Marked with a pair of sharp tusks and keen eyes. It was also clearly enjoying itself as it bounced a young human woman on its dick. She cried out in pain with each movement.

It lifted a strange-looking rod that was carved with strange symbols, studded with spikes on the end and slammed it into her back as she cried. It was a terrible sight, but he had seen worse. Phillip glanced around to assess his options for a route and moved to get closer. This broke his line of sight on what was going on, but he needed to interfere before things went too far.

The village had a few buildings between his vantage point and the square where the ogre was playing with its prey. If you wanted to call it that. Honestly, it was torturing and raping that young woman. There was little doubt about that. Unfortunately, things could get worse for that unfortunate young lady. Sometimes he wished he could forget situations like these. But unfortunately he could not, and still occasionally had nightmares in regards to the things he had seen Orges do to the unfortunate people they had captured.

As he drew closer, the screams became louder. With each step, the poor girl the Ogre was raping screamed in pain. It took him only moments to close the distance to the square, as he moved with quiet urgency. He was trying to get there as quickly as he could without alerting the Ogre. Phillip had made the mistake of alerting an Ogre before and cared not to repeat it. With a force of will, he pushed those memories into the back of his mind and focused on the task at hand.

Something crunched under his foot. He froze, but there was no reaction from the Orge. Only another pained scream filled the air. He steeled his heart and pressed forward. Hoping he could get there in time to save her.  He also made a mental note to find a mind mage. These villagers were going to need the services of a good mind mage, a reputable one naturally. The ones that aren’t so reputable were the ones you would have to watch out for. Mind mages are horrible when they abuse their abilities. Although he could always turn to the gods. His own Patron, the Goddess Timura, was the Light Goddess of War, Love and Magic. An odd combination honestly, but her boons had been useful. He knew she could do something to help, although other gods might be able to do more.

Speaking of his goddess, she had actually spoken to him not that long ago. Although the conversation had felt a little odd. It bothered him to some degree, but he couldn’t quite figure out what she was telling him. Her message had been rather cryptic to say the least. Something about mischief brings him pain, yet opens the door for true love or something like that.

Another scream broke that line of thought as he carefully crept into a modest stone and wood structure. A two story shop from the look of things. It was also likely to be someone’s residence. A large hole in the side of the building and discarded weapons told him it was where at least a few villagers had made their stand against the Ogre.

The building was on the edge of the square, so it was a good place for one last look before he jumped to the rescue. Carefully, he crept to a shattered window and peeked out into the square. His gaze fell upon the same young woman he had seen earlier. Her back was a bloody mess as the Ogre bounced her tortured body upon his large meaty rod. Suddenly he smacked his spiked implement from earlier into her thighs. The girl screamed as the rod tore across her flesh and the ogre beamed with sadistic joy. After a moment he ripped the implement away from her thigh taking with it small chunks of her flesh. Blood gushed from the freshly opened wound and the girl whimpered.

A moment later a cloudy fluid gushed from between her legs to mix with the blood and the Ogre tossed her to the side where several other girls lay moaning. He had not been able to see them from the ledge. They had all been raped and a couple of them seemed rather lifeless. Possibly dead.

His stomach churned at the sight. It was terrible seeing so many girls lying there broken, bleeding, bruised and raped. Utterly terrible. His fist tightened around his sword, the knuckles turning white, as he prepared to leap into action.

He gasped when he spotted the Orge reaching for another girl. This one a child, she could not have been more than seven. She already sported a couple of bruises and was entirely naked. Her eyes were puffy with tears, but was otherwise alright. Phillip’s vision turned red as he imagined all the horrible things that Ogre might do. A vision drawn from horrible memories of past atrocities. His mind flashed to a young girl he had saved years ago, he had been too late for her mother. The poor girl had been tortured, raped, her arm was ripped off and eaten in front of her. These awful creatures had no regard for the age of their victims.

A scream echoed and it took him a moment to realize it was his own. Red fluid splashed on his face and it took him a moment longer to realize he had acted. The Ogres hand sailed through the air as Phillip  stood before it brandishing a freshly bloodied blade, it's surface glowing with mana. He was not going to let another child go through that, not in front of his very eyes.

The Ogre roared and charged him. Its remaining fist flashed through the air as its skin visibly hardened. His own sword flashed and there was a clang as a rock hard fist met an enchanted blade. It bounced off his blade harmlessly. The Ogre roared again, and stomped his foot. The very ground shook with the force of the blow.

His own stance held, unaffected by the shock, but a few frightened villagers stumbled. Without looking in their direction, he shouted, “Go now! I’ll take care of this monster.”

A young girl’s voice, fear in her quivering tone, “Thank you sir knight! Please save my mother too!”

He heard footsteps run off, but instinctively knew that the little girl who had spoken was still here. It was the others who had run, but she had stayed. Why? He had a feeling about that, but didn’t think about it. Instead he resolved to shield her from the cruel Ogre before him as it prepared for another attack.

It smashed the side of a nearby shop with the stump of its wrist and then grabbed a fallen log. Hurling the structural beam at him. Phillip cursed and channeled fire through his blade. The air whistled and his trusty blade, cloaked in blue-white flames, sliced through the log. The surface of the log flared as the fire consumed it in an instant. The smoldering ashes floated in the air as Phillip shifted his stance.

A moment later, his blade alight with a new spell he shot towards the Ogre. The monster raised his fist and once again fist and sword clashed. A boom echoed through the square punctuated only by the pained moans of the victims that couldn’t run. Behind him, he could hear the little girl cheering for her knight in shining armor. He ignored that, he had other things to focus on.

The Ogre snarled and lashed out with his foot. With a twirl, Phillip evaded the heavy limb that might have dealt him serious damage if it had hit. He slashed out with his blade, raking a line of fresh blood across the torso of the Ogre. It roared in pain and said something in the vile tongue of the Orges. Not that Phillip understood a word. He didn’t know the language, nor did he care to. The brutal words grated on his ears and he responded with a spell. A bolt of lightning leapt from his blade. The Ogre screamed as the lightning ripped through him, and cooked him crispy.

The Ogre snarled a moment later, his muscles twitching randomly for a moment. Phillip thrust his blade into the tough, armored hide before the Ogre had a chance to recover. He twisted the blade savagely to draw more fresh blood and surged lightning through the beast again. The Ogre roared out in pain. Yet that wasn’t enough to kill it. So Phillip kept channeling spell after spell right into its insides before pulling his blade. Phillip breathed a sigh of relief as the vile Ogre slumped to the ground and a notification blinked in his vision.

Before he could even read it, a naked body suddenly clung to his leg. He looked down to find the little girl who was crying with relief and thanking him vigorously. Phillip pulled her off his leg and kneeled down in front of the little lady so they could see each other, “I’m just glad I could help before things could get worse. Where is your mother?”

He figured he would reunite her with her mother before finding her some clothes. As he looked around he channeled a bit of healing magic into her tiny body. Already her bruises were visibly shrinking, in a moment there would be no evidence of her ordeal left.



Thanks for the chap, it’s nice to get more background in these characters, even if it’s a little harder to read. But the character growth is much more viable