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Dewari entered a room, one slated for a meeting between various gods. A few figures were already here, all of them here to discuss the plan. The plan to deal with the seal that was about to break. They only had a mere hundred years left before it broke, releasing an unnatural force into the world. One known today as The Demon Lord, an odd name for it, but that was humans for you.

Her gaze swept over the room picking out the few figures in the room. Not far from her position was Kyaria, a ten tailed kitsune and Dark Goddess of Rice, Foxes, and Fertility. As usual, she was nude, but Dewari did notice her kimono draped over a nearby chair. Kyaria typically went nude like Dewari, but the younger goddess occasionally wore a kimono. Typically when she felt the need to be formal. Like many goddesses, Kyaria had a stunning body standing at 144 cm, with large well formed breasts, lush shiny fur, and long metallic-silver hair that hung loosely, falling past her butt. Her eyes were a piercing silver just like her hair, and framed in a stunning face. Like many fox-kin and their relatives, her torso and pussy were devoid of fur, allowing one to see her lovely little entrance. Her skin had a milky complexion, with rosy undertones that just seemed to help enhance her beauty.

Dewari was quite familiar with Kyaria whose domain mostly lay to the south in the wildlands of Retha where she had a huge following. She was a playful prankster and known to be quite affectionate. Rumor had it that if anyone managed to brush her tails, she would love them forever, and they would likely spend most of that time pregnant with her kids; of which she already had quite a few. Of course, that was par for the course with fertility gods, Dewari had numerous daughters of her own, and many of them had daughters as well.

Not far from Kyaria was Kuwi, Shadow Goddess of Cute Little Girls. Despite her looks she was in fact one of the oldest gods around, and not the young thing she seemed to be. She stood at roughly 120 cm. Kuwi’s skin was a luscious creamy tan, and completely hairless. Her chest swelled modestly, and at the moment her top was open, giving a good view of her perky nipples and cute pink areolas. She had a nicely toned and lithe overall figure. Her light red hair was currently done up in a pair of cute tails. Making her look quite cute, especially with that face of hers that couldn’t help but look cute and pinchable even when she was angry.

At the moment, she was wearing a two-piece combo of a nice white blouse paired with a green skirt. Unlike most gods, Kuwi was known to change up her clothing and even went nude on occasion. She was well-loved, since she went out of her way to help people be the cute girl they wanted to be. Invariably she always found people who wanted to be cute girls, even if some of them weren’t fully aware of it at the time.

The next goddess to catch her eye was one she had not seen in years. Furea, Light Goddess of Passionate Flames. She looked to be a young woman in her early twenties with a slightly large bosom and an excellent motherly figure. Her skin was creamy with undertones like living fire. She wore a bra-like top that resembled pink and gold flames, along with a matching thigh-length skirt, both of which were somewhat transparent leaving her well formed hairless and puffy pussy, and pink nipples on full display. Her fiery red hair was kept in place by a tiara that matched her clothes.

Dewari recalled that they had not spoken since her faith had been displaced by the rise of Aurous in the theocracy. She didn’t often attend these meetings either. Dewari made a mental note to try and speak with her if a chance arose. They had been good friends once upon a time, and Dewari would like to rekindle that relationship.

Across from her, and seated in a chair, was Erosi Dark God of Pleasure. He was, or rather she at the moment, was a bit of a shapeshifter. Often switching between male and female forms. Honestly, Dewari considered it a good thing that she was female at the moment, Erosi was more pleasant as a girl, far more pleasant. At the moment, she looked to be in her mid teens. She had long brown hair, creamy beach-tanned skin, a modest pair of breasts, and a well-shaped athletic figure. A figure currently draped in a two-piece summer swimsuit, one with little holes for her nipples. While the bikini bottom is clearly designed with an openable slit.

No surprise there, Erosi was a god of pleasure in all its forms. Both sexual, and otherwise, and at the moment it seemed she was in a sexual mood given her attire. Dewari felt a bit of heat as she remembered some of their own fun encounters, the two of them even shared a couple of kids. Actually, now that she thought about it, she had at least one daughter with everyone in this room. Well, almost everyone.

Another door opened and admitted someone else. Cynari the Light Goddess of Chastity, and Sterility. Although her second aspect was strangely less well known. Outside of her most devout followers that was. A group of her followers that were very strange. Cynari herself was tiny, only a mere 69 centimeters tall, a fact that irked the divine fairy. She had gleaming orange brown hair that resembled flowing bronze that loosely curled around her cute pixie face. She wore a silvery white dress that did nothing to conceal her figure, and nothing else. As such the modest little swells, and her pink hairless slit were quite visible, but what Dewari noticed most was her swollen belly.

Dewari blinked and looked again, and could not help but smirk. Her natural counterpart was pregnant. She suppressed the urge to laugh, but she did have to wonder how that happened. Cynari had always bragged about how no man had ever touched her. Although Dewari knew she regularly mated with young girls. Those who had just passed the cusp of adulthood were Cynari's favorite playthings. As Cynari didn’t consider having sex with another girl to be a breach of her vow of chastity. Something that was reflected in her followers, although those same followers greatly disapproved of men mating with each other. Which Dewari found hilariously hypocritical.

It seemed she was not the only person to notice Cynari’s new condition. Kyaria was quick to close the distance. “Hey, there cutie! Finally decided to join the dark side did you? Who was the lucky lad?”

Only for Cynari to burst out in tears, “No! I didn’t even want this!”

Dewari sighed, as she picked up the undertones, “If you don’t mind, could you tell us what happened?”

Slowly she nodded, and then flew into Dewari’s bosom, where she nuzzled for a moment or two. Before finally speaking, “It was Aurous that thrice-damned upstart! He decided that I needed to be put in my place. So naturally he decided that I needed to be pregnant.”

Dewari felt her expression darken. She had heard Aurous speak often, and knew he thought little of women. As a mortal, he had left a trail of flings, and unwanted children. In his eyes, women were little more than babymakers and slaves.

As Cynari recounted the events that led up to her being pregnant, Dewari felt the mood in the whole room darken. Long story short, he had apparently tricked her with a false offering of a cute little mortal who fit her tastes perfectly. One booby-trapped with a well-hidden magical trap. She had ended up frozen, in a rather compromising position, and that damned smug Aurous had then walked in. Without any shame he had followed up by lecturing her, and berating her for turning down his ‘generous’ offer of being his concubine. He had followed up by working a fertility spell on her, one that overwrote her much-cherished sterility.

Something Dewari was aware of, Cynari had talked at length once about how she had gotten rid of her fertility. Not that it helped her against a god on a mission, of course only a god could have gotten this little fairy pregnant. Honestly Dewari didn’t exactly approve of Cynari’s choices, but she could respect them.

“... ugh, he is the perfect example of why I despise men. Utterly despicable, the world would be better off without men like him. Just look at my priests, so much more respectable. They would never even think to touch a woman.”

Kyaria giggled, “not that they could, they are all eunuchs, and even if they could. Your priestesses aren’t any better fertility-wise.”

Dewari sighed, “I swear that upstart is nothing but trouble. May I?”

Cynari nodded, and a moment later Dewari placed a hand upon the fairy’s belly. A moment later a probe reached out, and soon Dewari could see the young girl forming in Cynari’s belly. It was still early, but she seemed quite healthy. With a thought she took an estimate, it was clear that the fairy was already about three years pregnant, she had another six to go. No surprise there, divine pregnancies took longer than those of mortals, much longer.

“Well she looks to be quite healthy. I doubt you want to keep her though, what are you planning to do when she is born?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve thought about sending her to one of my temples, the priestesses often care for the children of others. She wouldn’t be too out of place there, but I’m not sure I would want my own daughter to be there.” she flushed.

Dewari was about to offer when Kyaria said, “I’d be willing to care for her. I’ve done it many times before. I’m sure I can teach her how to have fun!”

Dewari sighed, “Well as long as you don’t get out of hand with that like Tina often does, that might work.”

Kyaria pouted, “Pranks are fine, but I know when to back off. Don’t lump me in with Tina.”

“Well you do often play with her.”

“Sure, it can be fun. As long as she doesn’t go too far, that is.”

Erosi suddenly interjected, “As interesting as this is. We didn’t gather here to discuss a pregnant goddess and her kid-to-be. There is the urgent matter of the seal deteriorating. Now do we have any progress on that front?”

Cynari replied, “I’ve made some progress. My followers have ramped up the collection of donated eggs, and I’m preparing them to produce more young girls for my temples to raise. I project I’ll have another ten thousand born by the end of the year. That will help provide more soldiers for the coming war with the Undead King.”

Erosi nodded, “Good, the more bodies we have the more likely mortals are going to survive the war,” Then she turned to Dewari, and Kyaria,” and how goes the dungeons you two are preparing?”

Kyaria spoke first, “Mine is still adapting to her new life, but she has managed to build her second floor. Overall I’d say she is doing fine, although she is perhaps doing a little too much celebrating over the fact that she no longer needs to wear clothing.”

Dewari giggled, then turned serious, “Misaki is adjusting well enough, but still needs some help with her new gender. She hasn’t quite accepted that she is a girl quite yet, and throws herself into her growth to avoid thinking about it. Recently she acquired a village of gargoyles and is about ready to begin her third floor. It would not be too long before she starts having the intended effect on her surroundings.”

“Glad to hear it!”

Finally, it was time for Kuwi to mention her progress in all this, “I’ve visited a few more worlds since we last spoke. Gained a few followers as I couldn’t help but help a few cute girls realize what they desired most, but most importantly I have found twenty more champion candidates to possibly recruit.”

That was good news, while more bodies were important for mortals to survive. Their best defense was going to be the champions. Not to mention only the champions would have a chance at resealing the undead king, or possibly finishing him once and for all. A moment later Furea reported her own progress with her task. After that, they spent the remaining time discussing further action towards the coming war, and how to keep a certain upstart from ruining things.



"Those who had just passed the cusp of adulthood were Cynaris favorite playthings." Missing the apostrophe in Cynari's