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Reiko blinked a bit, and stretched. She felt a bit sticky, and idly she noted the feeling of a warm body against hers. It took her a moment to recall why, and when she did she flushed. Then she remembered the quest, crap. How much time was left? Please let there be some time. With a feeling of trepidation, she focused on the notification blinking in the corner of her vision.

Quest Failed!

You have angered your goddess Dewari and failed her Trial. When you have learned your lesson seek her out, and ask for redemption. Perhaps then you will be worthy of her grace again.

New Title: Master’s Faithful Pet
New Title: Pet Princess
Subclass change: Pet Princess
New Trait: Faithful Pet
New Trait: Simple Minded

Congrats, you are now the pet of the Undiscovered Dungeon Misaki

No, no by the infernal plains no. This is terrible, absolutely terrible. She didn’t want to be a dungeon’s pet. Worse she was being shackled with traits like Faithful Pet, and Simple Minded. One would force her to be loyal, and the other dulls the mind. That trait would actively harm her, she just knew it.

Beside her the catlike body of the first beastkin demon stretched, and then leaned over her with a satisfied smirk. “Have fun?”

She nodded, “Good, let’s go somewhere more comfortable. Maybe introduce you to the Mistress?”

Feeling a bit defeated, for some reason feeling that the demon was above her in rank, she nodded in compliance. Allowing herself to be helped up, and led out of the room. The demon took her down a corridor deeper into the dungeon, and halfway down opened a hidden door.

That door led into another corridor that felt different. Something told her this was a part of the dungeon not meant for visitors, but meant for the dungeon’s forces. Something Reiko knew was impossible to enter unless you were a dungeon resident, recognized by the dungeon. It was just one more little sign that she had messed up. Why did she let the demon seduce her? Sure it was fun, but was a single night of pleasure worth her freedom? Worth her mind? She didn’t think so, and she mentally resolved herself to fight the fog of the trait. A fog she could slowly feel building in her mind.

She pushed against that fog, and allowed herself to be led through several rooms, and passageways. Leading her deep into the dungeon. The demoness stopped when they came into a modest bedroom with a large bed in it, and lying about it were three completely naked demons. Her gaze locked onto the one in the middle with the lovely light blue hair that transitioned to silver at the ends. Literally silver like the metal. The demon it was attached to was just as incredible a creature, seeming as if she had been crafted meticulously by a goddess. It was hard to imagine any other being could compete with her beauty. Only one came to mind, and that was a literal goddess. One that had screwed Reiko over.

This demoness looked especially cute curled up with her two friends, who were also quite cute themselves. Just not to the same level. A thought welled up bringing forth complicated feelings, as she realized that she was in the presence of her new master.

Suddenly a blue box appeared in her vision.

New Quest Available!

Your master is young, prove yourself useful to her, and help guide her in her growth.
Upon acceptance gain a brief reprieve from the fog of Simple Minded
If rejected your current reprieve will be revoked

Difficulty: F


Additional time with a clear mind


Gain Favor


Lose Favor with your Patron. Warning: current Favor is already negative

She blinked, and without any hesitation accepted. It was an easy quest, and it granted nothing but good things. Already she could feel something helping her keep the fog at bay, letting her think a little more clearly. More time with the fog at bay would be nice, and experience was nice. That could mean levels, insights into her skills, and in general, would help her grow. As for Favor, she knew a bit about what that was. It played largely into the benefits one was granted from their god. The greater the favor the higher the boon, but raising Favor was hard. Worse outside of little warnings like the one this quest had given her, the only way to check your Favor was by visiting a shrine. Although only those attended by a priest or priestess would be able to help you with that, and you were best helped by a high priestess or priest.

Of course, she had also heard that classes like priestess were heavily affected by Favor. For her it didn’t mean much outside of the boons granted by patronage, or in her case possible penalties. Negative favor meant penalties. She wasn’t yet sure how to feel about being in the Patronage of a Dark Goddess that she knew little of. Nor did she know how that was affecting her, but she decidedly didn’t want negative favor. That was bad no matter how you looked at it.

With those thoughts in mind, she slowly approached the bed. It occurred to her that the demoness had led her here, and neither one of them were wearing anything. Something that felt just a little odd, but perhaps it was alright. As she drew near, her master stirred, and after a moment shifted to stare at her.

Reiko froze for a moment, and then the words came to her. From where she knew not, but they felt right, “Reiko Stormwind, at your service Mistress.”

A flutter of emotion rippled through her mistress’s face, before she sighed. “Come here, let me get a better look at you.”

Misaki studied the elf girl before her. She had a lovely petite build, and a rather lithe frame. No surprise there since she had demonstrated that she was rather agile earlier. Misaki figured she was about a hundred and forty centimeters tall (about four and a half foot) with lovely flowing blue hair, a modest pair of breasts that were well formed with lovely nipples. Her areola were small and pink, down below she was hairless. In fact, she lacked any sign of body hair. Honestly she was very cute, and Misaki was tempted to push the elf girl down and ravish her.

Only she was lacking a dick, and that took half the fun out of it. She let out a breath, and then a thought occurred to her. The elf had come in from the outside, and she knew precious little about out there. Perhaps talking about the outside would help take her mind off her... new assets.

“So, Reiko. What can you tell me about the world beyond my walls. Where am I in the world? What do I have to worry about?”

Reiko smiled, “Well Mistress, your dungeon is located in a region referred to as the borderlands. It’s an unclaimed grey area located on the border of five kingdoms, and has been the site of a few battles. There are also a couple of trade routes that pass through the area, and small scattered villages. To the East of us lies the Elven Kingdom of Bluewood, and to north of that is my homeland the Elven Kingdom of Stormwind.

“To the Northwest is the Dwarven Kingdom of Ironbarrow, and south of them is a Human Kingdom, the Rosewood Empire. Directly South of us is, the Theocracy of Salmi, another predominately Human Kingdom. All five of these states share a common border here, in the borderlands.”

“Five kingdoms? Those borders must look weird on the map.”

She giggled, “Maybe a little. Although none of the kingdoms agree on exactly where the borders are. Although thankfully relations are pretty good nowadays. My homeland has friendly relations with everyone except the Theocracy. Although things have turned rather icy with them in recent years. Ever since Aurous became the main god there, they have been nothing but trouble. Thankfully most of their attention is directed southwards, towards the Retha Confederation, which is an alliance of various beastkin kingdoms that dominates the Retha Wildlands.”

Misaki blinked, “The Retha Wildlands? What can you tell me about them?”

“Not much, the region is on the far side of the Theocracy. We don’t really interact with anyone that far south, and most people would steer clear of the Theocracy anyway. Unless you are human its a pretty bad place these days, and its especially bad if you are a woman.”

Misaki frowned, “Some kind of human supremacist patriarchy?”

“That would sum it up fairly well. Although it doesn’t make much sense. Men are physically stronger, yes, but women are better at magic. It comes to us more naturally, and we can channel mystical energies more easily. It’s why women dominate the magical arts, and why gods tend to choose priestesses over priests. On the flip side, Men dominate in the fields in which physical prowess matters. At least that is the case for most species. Demons seem to be an exception, particularly those in the Wrath, Pride or Lust circles.”

“Dewari never mentioned that to me.”

Reiko shrugged, “Anyway,I’ve not heard anything good about the Theocracy lately. The Rosewood Empire on the other hand, I’ve heard plenty of good things about. People are treated fairly regardless of race, and positions are earned on merit,not arbitrary rules. Only thing of note is that their current ruler is very old. I’ve heard rumors that Emperor Rosewood is in poor health, and that the country is preparing for a succession. As such his heirs are preparing a succession tournament.”

“Succession tournament?”

“In the Rosewood Empire, a Ruler must prove themselves before they can ascend the throne. Emperor Rose has four sons and three daughters, but three of his children are not yet old enough to make a claim for the throne. As such, the only real claimants are the First Princess and the first three princes. Assuming he dies in the next couple of months, if his health holds for another year the fourth prince would come of age, and be able to compete for the throne. Two years and the second princess would also be able to join. All in all, it is a rather turbulent period for the Empire, and can take a few years to resolve. Although usually no more than a couple of months. Most people steer clear during a succession, it’s safer.”

“I see, so one of my neighbors are a bunch of assholes and  another has stability issues. Anything else I need to be worried about? I can’t help but notice you share a name with one of these kingdoms.”

Reiko sighed, “Yes, well I am the Third Princess of Stormwind.”

Misaki frowned, “Need I be worried about that?”

Reiko shook her head, “I don’t think so. Not for a while anyway, but if they do come looking for me I can talk to them for you Mistress.”

Misaki stretched, “Thanks for the offer. By the way, out of curiosity, is running into a dungeon in only a bra and panties normal around here?”

Reiko flushed red, “ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!”


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