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Yiria moved down the hall and watched the way Riku moved. Her gaze kept running over the other girl’s full belly, and clear arousal. Yet her mind was focused more on the fact that she was nearly ready to pop than the fun just around the corner. Yiria was so excited about that, it was all she could do not to bounce in anticipation of the fateful day she was waiting for. Her little Miku was just a few days away. A fact that reminded her she had one more discussion to have with Riku.

With that thought in mind, she found herself thinking about her soon-to-be-born child. Making sure mentally that she had everything ready. A fully stocked nursery at hand. Medical supplies, nutrient supplements, special stimulants, baby toys, that sort of stuff. She mentally checked each box. She had stimulants meant to help her produce milk just in case, but from her recent sessions, Yiria already knew she was producing plenty. She also had a supply of suppressants that she planned to administer to Riku to help reduce Riku’s supply of milk. Even better they not only had the effect of reducing supply, but they also tainted the flavor of it. Rendering it bitter. Very helpful for her plans. She wasn’t going to start applying them until after the second week. By then, Miku would have gained all the benefits she would need from nursing on her birth mother, and so it would make perfect sense to ween her of Riku’s milk, and encourge her to nurse on Yiria’s milk at that time. It would also help set them on track for a rapid separation of mother, and infant.

Yiria grew a little wet at the thought, as she considered her schedule. She’d spent a lot of time working on Riku to get her ready to accept not being there for her own child. To trust Yiria with it, and despite all the time they had spent together Riku still didn’t really know Yiria. As Yiria had avoided telling her anything substantial about herself. Yet Riku now trusted Yiria completely. It showed in her very demeanor. If all went well, she’d have Miku all to herself in just two months.

She pushed the thought aside, as they entered the cafeteria. Yiria led Riku to a chair, and helped her settle in before getting their meal. She had gotten them both the same thing to eat, a lovely stew. Although Riku’s portion was about three times larger, and laced with extra vitamins. It was a meal carefully tailored to Riku’s needs, and one that was responsible for her child growing so well. Part of the enhancements done to Miku while in the womb were meant to help her development. That way she could be removed from the presence of her birth mother sooner.

Setting the bowls, down, Yiria took a seat, and leaned forward a little. “So you're almost ready to give birth. Are you looking forward to it?”

Riku nodded, “Yes. I can’t wait to see my baby.”

Yiria smiled, “I can’t either. Anyway, I need to ask, but how do you feel about not seeing much of her after she is born?”

“I’d like to spend time with her, and dote on her.” Riku paused, then continued, “but I have no problems not seeing her at all.”

Yiria felt her smile deepen, “Great! I’m going to be taking her away from you for the first few hours after she is born. I need to make sure she is healthy, and I want to get a headstart on bonding with her. Other than for a brief period to feed her, I plan on you spending zero time with her on the first day.”

Riku nodded along, “Sounds okay. Especially since we don’t want her bonding with me. Not this early anyway.”

“Yep exactly.” said Yiria, “As such I’ve laid out a perfect near zero time first week for you. Outside of feeding, you won’t be spending any time at all with Miku. Sound good?”

Riku smiled, “Perfect. It would be hard for her bond with me first, if she doesn’t know me. I presume I’ll be spending a bit more time the second week?”

Yiria nodded, “Yep, we’ll start with one supervised hour a day. That period is so that you have some time to bond with her, but the moment she starts bonding with you I’ll take her away. I’ll increase that time, over the course of the week if things go well. If they don’t I’ll shorten it”

“Sounds like a plan. How long before I can’t see her at all?”

“Two months, hopefully less. I plan to start weening her off your milk at two weeks, and have her completely on mine at one month. If it goes to plan, I could take her away then. Once I start weening her expect the time you spend with her to decrease.”

“I understand, you’ll be reducing the length, and frequency of feeding sessions. What about my supervised time outside of that?”

Yiria shifted in her seat, “Well if goes to plan, you should get nine total hours with her on the second week. With the following week, you’ll get three supervised hours with her a day for a total of twenty one. I plan to keep it the same for the fourth week, so another 21 hours of time outside feeding. With the fifth week, I’ll start cutting your supervised time down.”

Riku frowned slightly, “I’m not really getting a lot of time with her, am I.”

“Perhaps, but it should be plenty of time for you.”

“I’d like a little more, besides isn’t the norm to spend about a day’s worth of time with her in a week. I’m not even getting that with this plan.”

Yiria smiled, “Past the first week, yes, but the limited time is kind of the idea.”

Riku nodded, “I know, but...”

“Just try my plan for a while, see how it goes. If its not working we can adjust it,” replied Yiria. Preferably with a preference to cutting it even more, but we will see how things go, she thought.

“Alright. I guess we could do that.”

“Great, glad to hear it.” she replied, feeling just that. Happy that things were going so well. She just couldn’t wait for the day, she could say hello to Miku for the first time, but she really was looking forward to when she could have baby Miku to herself. She had everything worked out. Haven spoken much with her own bond mother, Yiria had a plan for Miku’s early years. It was going to be so much fun.


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