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Megumi stretched her limbs, while one of her other instances, finished up with Qelu. Already she was considering the implications of what she had learned. In many respects, the Iniri were an interesting species. One that was quite literally designed to subjugate other races to use as their workforce, and at the moment they were doing just that. Exactly what they were designed to do, but it was having a rather destabilizing effect on the region. Something the Erali especially were feeling with the recent aggressive expansion of the Neku Imperium. The why of that was still unknown, but she knew enough to speculate.

However, what she had learned presented some far more immediate implications. The most notable had to do with what the Iniri had been doing to the Neku. Given what she knew from Kiru and the other cells. Especially with what they were doing to their memories. She knew Kiru wanted her to reverse what the Iniri had done, and restore the Imperium she had been loyal to. The problem was, the Iniri had already made their mark. A complete restoration may no longer be possible. Now the question became what could she do to improve things? As it was, a restoration may not be the best course of action in the first place.

This was part of why she wanted to see an enhanced Neku. What she learned from Qelu gave her an idea of what enhancements were being made. Many of them apparently focused on reproduction. Regardless of that, she needed to know the exact changes made, and the best way to obtain that information was to study an enhanced specimen. Perhaps there was some solution that would allow both species to live in some form of symbiosis? Something to think on. There was a lot to think on now.

Pausing her line of thought, she briefly checked in on Erisa and Melia. The pair had retired to an observation lounge after dispersing the crowd around her modified shuttle. She smiled to herself. They were practically flirting right now, but neither seemed really aware of that fact. Megumi knew full well the reason Erisa found issue with her so much was because Erisa felt threatened. Erisa was attracted to Melia, and on some level thought her relationship with Megumi would threaten her chances of pursuing a relationship with Melia. It was honestly rather cute. Maybe she should help things move along? The question was how? Maybe that would work? Megumi quickly created a new instance and set it to work on her idea, while turning her full attention back to the main matter at hand.

Solving that issue may take some time. Her considerable processing power had been at it for a while, but frankly, she needed more data. She had ideas, but which one to pursue wasn’t so clear yet. If she had a Solean lord here, perhaps it would be easier. Especially given their abilities, but she didn’t. In fact certain elder lords had ability enough to actually effect a true restoration even with the missing memories. Unfortunately, that required psionic abilities beyond her own, and as such wasn’t an option. Not to mention she was on the clock. She had time, but not enough for a trip to the empire and back. Certainly not without access to the stargates, and with her lack of data that might prove the wrong move. If she did that, chances were the assimilators would grow unchecked, and morph into a true crisis. There were so many ifs to consider and so little time. Already she was reviewing projections, and contingencies made with the little data she had. Her thoughts turned to her new friend, Uliera. As a dragoness, she was a very powerful psionic. Not to mention she might have some connections, sure their culture was a bit skewed. However they very much had the time to babysit the clean-up. It might be a good idea to contact her. Besides, she still had to send those supplies she wanted. A quick check at her outpost showed that production was on schedule, and the last of them were being packed for transport. While the shuttle carrying the needed gate had launched on schedule and was halfway to Uliera’s new nest.

Megumi made a note to speak with her about what she had learned. Preferably after the supplies were delivered. It would be the best time, and her friend would likely be in a better mood for such a discussion after receiving the supplies. Mentioning the fact the Iniri were originally a draconic creation might also help in getting a few of them onboard with helping fix this. Although the Neku might not fully appreciate the draconic aid, it would be the best they could get given the circumstances.

Qelu slipped out of the shuttle, she glanced back at where the alien shuttle had been, but saw nothing. Not even a hatch, some part of her expected to see more, but she was not sure why. Why she had even been on the shuttle, she didn’t know. She didn’t even know what had happened while she was in the shuttle, but she had the strangest feeling that she was supposed to forget it. Already her memory of being in the shuttle was fading, slipping away, and she couldn’t even bring herself to try and hold onto the vanishing memories.

The young Iniri girl headed for the door. She needed to get back to Kiru. Visiting the roof had been nice, but being up here had lost its appeal. Maybe she could play another game? Kiru was such fun, and she was so glad that she had stumbled upon her in that diner. Meeting Kiru had certainly done away with much of the boredom she had lately. It certainly made the inspections more interesting, having someone along she could actually talk to. Sure she could do that with an ordinary courier, but it just wasn’t the same. Especially since she could so easily read their minds, and knew exactly what they were thinking.

Making her way down the stairs, she realized that she hadn’t told Kiru a lot of things, that maybe she should have. Especially if she wanted her to be her friend. Where that thought came from she didn’t know, but it felt right. Although to be fair a few of her questions came rather close to reproduction, and that could be a little private. Not to mention uncomfortable to talk about. Still, the Neku were her people, and she wasn’t an ordinary one, she deserved to know more about what she was helping with. Just how exactly was she supposed to explain that?

She dropped the thought. It wasn’t that important right now anyway, and who wants to have such an awkward talk anyway? She hurried her step, and exited the stairwell, already having a game in mind. Right now was the time for fun and games. She could have that talk with Kiru later, maybe during an inspection tomorrow. Idly she rubbed between her legs, feeling the special tentacle hidden there swell a little at her touch. Perhaps even show her this. It might be helpful for the explanation, if a little awkward. As that tentacle was only ever displayed when you planned to use it. Thankfully Kiru didn’t know that, and she surely wasn’t going to tell her that.

Qelu made her way down the corridor, with a bit of a skip in her step. Looking for the door that led to Kiru’s apartment. Eager to get back to the special Neku girl she liked so much. That was part of why the idea of her possibly being sterile scared her so much. Regardless, she certainly wanted to check to make sure. Kiru was very cute, and a part of her certainly wanted to take their relationship further. Ah, but it wasn’t yet time for that. In any case, Kiru was certainly the kind of special girl she would want to be her first. In the meantime, it was time for games.

Finally, she noted the door she was looking for. Reaching a tentacle over, she pressed the bell. Something she normally never would do, but for Kiru? Well that was a different story, she liked her, and well? She was no ordinary Neku, she was special, an equal. The others, not so much. After just a moment Kiru opened the door, still delightfully nude, and not wearing any of that stupid clothing the Neku seemed to like so much. She really didn’t understand why they did. Qelu had curiously tried it before, and it felt so... confining. The world was so much better when you were naked. Not to mention clothes hid way too much.

Kiru smiled, “Have fun?”

She nodded, “I did! Let's play some more games together before bed!”

Kiru’s smile grew wider, and she shifted in a way that was absolutely cute, before agreeing, “Sure! What do you want to play?”

She entered the front room, and excitedly declared the name of the game she had in mind. It was a card game she was particularly fond of. It just wasn’t any fun playing it with normal Neku. Largely because their minds were just to easy to read, so she always knew what cards everyone else held when playing a game with them. She could play it with other Iniri, but finding enough players was hard. Many of them were busy or just didn’t like card games. She had to admit that playing with tentacles was a little harder, but that wasn’t a problem in her mind. Qelu had gotten quite skilled at holding, shuffling, and dealing with cards and all without the fingers the Neku had.

Kiru nodded, “Sure that could be fun” Then she headed for the couch, her tail swinging delightfully as she walked. Qelu paused briefly to enjoy it, and then made for the couch opposite. Noting that Kiru already has the deck sitting on the table having moved it out here. It made her kind of happy to see her friend knew her well enough to know she would want to play a game when she got back from sightseeing on the roof. Kiru was definitely a good friend, and this was already proving to have been a very enjoyable sleepover, and they hadn’t even gotten to the sleeping part. As she settled into her seat, Kiru started dealing out the cards. In moments they both had a hand of nine cards, and she started looking over the cards she got. It was an okay hand, not great. Still, she had a chance.

After a few rounds of cards Kiru ended up carrying Qelu to bed. Curling up next to her. Qelu seemed much the same despite her visit with Megumi and clearly didn’t act like she had just had an invasive examination. Kiru recalled Megumi calling Qelu young, and that left her wondering. How old was Qelu exactly? She knew that Qelu had grown up here on Nekuri. It made her also wonder about the implications of them having been here so long. Still, she had hope that Megumi could fix the damage. That her beloved Imperium could be restored to what it once was. Even with the complications added by what they were doing. It never occurred to her that perhaps Megumi couldn’t fix everything. That some of the damage was possibly beyond her capabilities. It didn’t help that the alien AI seemed practically god-like in her eyes.


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