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Arlie stretched, a smile on her face as she dropped her meditation. Ovi’ta gave her a worried look as she declared checkmate.

“Why do I have the feeling I should be worried.”

“I don’t know, you tell me?”

Ovi’ta just glared. She had been with this crazy goddess long enough to know she knew just about everything. Even things she shouldn’t. So clearly she just didn’t want to answer. Ovi’ta sighed, “So what did you win then?”

Arlie slipped to her feet. “Technically I haven’t won yet, but a minor move I made months ago finally paid off. Although that means we need to hurry. I am afraid that as fun as this Bloodleaf Enclave is, we can’t stay here another day. If we get in the air now we can be back in Stormwind territory to stop a certain someone’s plans involving Markus’s cursed Girl Factory. Although not before she gets into a fight with a certain dungeon. A fight that, thanks to me, she will lose.”

“Girl Factory? What the hell is that?”

“Just some cursed contraption my son made for his strange hobby. Nothing you need to worry about. Well, not unless you were packing a penis I don’t know about. Are you?”

Ovi’ta blushed and shook her head. She wasn’t, but that remark left her wondering what it really did.

Daisy stretched as she slipped out of bed. She was alone, and for the first day since she lost her virginity and became enthralled her mistress wasn’t around. That wasn’t a problem, her mistress had to leave her behind because she had important duties to do. Daisy still had plenty of work to do to get Furea’s new shrines off the ground.

That was part of why she was staying here in this Inn, and not with her mistress. A part of her yearned to spend more time with her mistress, but she wasn’t in town. No matter, there were plenty of other things to occupy her time.

She slipped out of her night clothing and considered what to wear for the day while making plans on how she would spread passion to the town today. Idly, she played with her clit, and then picked something she never would have worn before, but thanks to her mistress her world had expanded. There were many forms of passion, and lustful passion was certainly interesting to explore. She was having a hard time understanding her past reluctance to give up her virginity. Even if Daisy knew full well why. Daisy did know what had been scaring her and stopping her from doing it. She just had a hard time understanding it in hindsight.

She slipped into the outfit, she picked a sexy dress that accented her bust and showed off her thighs. It settled onto her frame easily. Daisy glanced in the mirror and liked what she saw reflected. The spider demon that mistress had brought her to certainly had a good eye. That trip certainly was worth the little embarrassment she had suffered. Daisy wasn’t sure she would ever understand demons, but at least they made good clothes. Well good if you didn’t mind showing a bit more flesh than might otherwise be considered acceptable.

Dressed, she slipped out of the room and headed downstairs. She briefly stopped to confer with the innkeeper before stepping out into the streets of Bordertown. As they always were at this time of day, they were quite busy. She spotted a number of scantily clad young women moving by in groups heading for the dungeon. A few of them were even naked, but she knew none of them should be underestimated. Those were the parties more experienced with the dungeon. Like any town you could tell the newbies from the experienced by how they dress. Only here, the more experienced wore less. She did spot a few parties that were clearly new. Many of them fully clad in cheap armor. Although not all, as some had classes that didn’t allow armor.

Daisy ignored the crowd, and made her way down the street. She hadn’t eaten yet, but she knew the inn didn’t serve the best food. This inn had the best beds of any inn in town, but their cook should be hanged. Although she had only had his food once, it was enough to convince her not to order his food again. She still didn’t know how he did it, but the Relwin she ordered looked perfect, but it was charred to ash on the inside. Thankfully there was a lovely tavern not far from the inn that had an excellent chef.

She passed a stall selling charms and trinkets. A crier was advertising that they had some blessed fertility charms for sale, but unsurprisingly they weren’t getting any bites. Daisy had a feeling that these peddlers were new in town. Any other town and the fertility charms would sell well, but certainly not here. The market just wasn’t good for it. The adventurers might be lusty, but they weren’t looking to have their fertility boosted. While the demons had their own charms and spells for boosting fertility. Not to mention now that Dewari was the patron god of town not even the most infertile of women would find themselves barren. It was well known that towns graced with the blessings of a fertility goddess had no issues with women not getting pregnant. If anything they had a problem with getting pregnant too easily.

However Dewari being patron here was a good thing. The easily pregnant thing might be a bit of a problem, but her patronage actively solves another problem that might otherwise occur. Not that Daisy fully understood the mechanics of it. Just what little she had gleaned from her lessons, but apparently lust gods like Dewari keep the populations of lust demons from exploding out of control. In the same fashion other gods keep the other forms of corrupting mana from going out of control. As a priestess she knew full well the role the gods played for mortals. The gods needed mortals for power, but they in turn used that power to keep the world stable. Although not all gods were good, some were quite evil. Thankfully none were as evil as those creatures that were sealed into the abyss by the gods long ago.

Thoughts of gods vanished like smoke when she turned a corner and was presented with the enticing smell of cooking food. She wasn’t yet at the tavern, but close enough now that the smells of food cooking were noticeable. She picked up the pace, passing several parties of adventurers on their way to the dungeon. In moments she was approaching the door of the tavern. She had to maneuver around a larger man before she could enter.

The tavern was like everything else in town, being of fairly new construction. It was lit by a few well placed torches, and built mainly of wood. Combined with the fur and carvings placed strategically around the main room it had a fairly cozy welcoming feeling. To her left was a stage where a few naked girls were dancing, and to her front was the bar. Not that they were serving many drinks at this hour. Most of what they served in the morning was food. That didn’t mean there wasn’t any alcohol on the menu at this hour. There was, but it wasn’t all that popular with the morning crowd. What was popular was the food and entertainment.

She was here mainly for the food as it was the best she had found so far in town, but she had to admit the entertainment was great too. The naked girls on stage were certainly something, the way they danced made great use of their assets. It was enticing to watch, but she gave them little attention. Instead she headed over to the bar, where a topless young lady greeted her with a smile. Daisy briefly noted her small but cute boobs and her heart shaped face with its delicate features. The small horns and the red eyes marked the young lady as a lust demon. “Nice to see you again. What are having today?”

She glanced at the menu, and ordered one of her favorite birds, “I’ll have the Roasted Pharosi.”

“Certainly, and if any of the dancers catch your eye let me know. We are running a special. Fun with the girls is half off today, if you agree to let them get you pregnant.”

She noted that, but was pretty sure she wasn’t going to take the deal. Daisy knew she was attractive enough to score someone without having to pay for it. Then again, it was another form of passion. As such she didn’t dismiss it out of hand. Instead she settled into a seat and waited for her meal.

It wasn’t long before the demon who took her order came over with her Pharosi. No longer blocked by the counter she could see the demon’s tail swishing behind her, causing her small skirt to rise as she walked. Giving her an occasional flash of the young demon’s naked and hairless crotch. She gave it an appreciative stare then looked up. Daisy had already learned that lust demons considered it rude not to stare at their exposed assets. However it was also rude if you stared too long. Misaki had given her a few lessons on lust demon etiquette, and it was quite different from home. Her own people weren’t all that different from most human cultures.

The lust demon smiled, and set down the plate. The demon leaned forward a bit more than was necessary as she did so, and whispered into her ear. “Like what you see? I’m game for a little fun too. If you let me get you pregnant I’ll even play with you for free...”

Then the demon sauntered off before she could respond to the offer. The demon was certainly cute. She doubted she was unaware that she was taken as well, but that didn’t stop her from being suggestive. Lust demons weren’t known for being monogamous. In fact they were quite willing to engage with multiple partners, and share their thralls with others as well. As such the offer was just harmless flirting to them. At least according to the brief lessons Misaki had given her. Speaking of lessons, she had been left with some homework that Mistress Misaki wanted her to study.

Her gaze soon drifted to the stage. Where she enjoyed the erotic dancing of the naked girls on the stage, while also enjoying the delicious roasted bird she had ordered. The chef here did an exquisite job of roasting the bird. It was juicy with just the right hint of spices, and the skin was crispy with that perfect golden brown. It had been served with mashed Fafas, which had come out with that perfect fluffiness, and the expected light purple coloring. If it wasn’t cooked right Fafas was well known for turning gray. And frankly, gray Fafas tasted horrible, but unlike some foods it was still edible. She knew a few seafood dishes, and several birds that are quite poisonous if prepared incorrectly. The most famous was a certain swamp bird, Mukas, also known as the Foul Fowl. Mukas were considered a rare delicacy among certain groups. Mukas was also a monster bird that used poison as its main weapon. Its talons and tail were both tipped with poison, and it had a poison breath attack. Quite the troublesome bird.

As for the dancers, a couple of them caught her eye, but she decided not to mention them to the demon. Idly while playing with her clit a bit she wondered why the lust demon was so set on convincing people to get pregnant. Lust demons were naturally lusty, and they normally just considered getting pregnant a bonus. Then again there were certain demon species that went out of their way to get pregnant. Whatever was going on here likely wasn’t a big deal.

When the demon came back minutes later, she whispered, “Care to take me up on that offer?”

“Perhaps,” she replied, “Although I don’t think my mistress wants me to get pregnant just yet.”

The demon smiled as she pulled back, “We can work around that then.” While suggestively indicating she should follow. Daisy decided to follow. A little passion wouldn’t be a problem.


Basically God

Huh... What could those minxes be up to...

Cutie DarkFae

I suggest changing 'goods' to 'gods' in "In the same fashion other goods keep"