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She looked over the goods on display. Not that they really held her interest. In fact, she was trying not to think about what was going on in the nearby alley. She could stop it easily, but since she did not have her weapons aside from a small dagger with her, her options were limited. The only thing she could do was use the gift that Aurora had given her. Especially since the guards seemed to be in on whatever was happening. The two in the area had gone in and then came back as if nothing happened without even stopping it. However it had not escaped her notice that their coin purses were a little heavier, and one of them was pocketing a gold mark.

She was seriously tempted to use her gift on those guards too. It just seemed so small an action on her part, just a little push in the right direction. All she had to do was give up her modesty. No that was wrong, she had asserted that changing people was wrong. If she did this she would be proving Aurora right, and she did not want to do that. Her mind warred with itself trying to decide, which choice was morally right.

She was still frozen in indecision when a young slip of a girl half-naked and fluids running down her legs ran out of the alley down the street. Tears streaming down her face and sporting a few fresh scratches as well. A few moments later a smug man with a bit of extra fat emerged and went the other way as if nothing happened. He was joined by a couple of large muscular men sporting quite a few scars and carrying several visible blades. Evidently it was too late to stop it now. It had already finished happening. She took a moment to memorize their features and then went to find someone to talk to.

Unfortunately, when she got back she found her sister was busy with Arlie, and the boys were out. The only people available were Aurora and the Princess. She barely knew the Princess but she did not feel the girl was the right person to talk to. She settled heavily near Aurora’s table and sighed. Thankfully Aurora said nothing as she worked up the courage to talk.  She had, through her own indecision, hurt someone and she did not know what she should do. Her mind reeled trying to accept that.

Finally, after what seemed like days to her, she began to speak and it was like opening the floodgates. Once she started she could not stop until everything that was bothering her was out in the open. Aurora leaned forward after she was done and with a gentle smile said, “Welcome to the world of grey. Not a fun place to be. I can’t tell you what to do, but I can help put things in perspective. For one its not too late to help. That girl was already raped by a trio of bastards that won’t play by the rules, and those guards have already accepted that bribe. The real question for you is what do you want to do about it? You can still fix their wrongs or you can let things lie. Not an easy choice I know, but deep down you know the right choice. Your heart will guide you. When faced with a world of grey the only action you have is to take the lesser evil.”

She brightened when she realized that Aurora was right. There was still time to do something. She could still see their faces quite clearly. If she reported it to the guards, even if there were a few bad apples, something will be done. No, maybe not. As her mind thought further on it, corrupt guards were only one bad sign with that idea. She had noticed that no one had gone running to find the guard nor moved to stop it. The market had not been empty and they had been quite noisy. Yet everyone present had pretended that nothing was happening. She had a feeling that the corruption in the guard may be deep. If she really wanted to help that girl and bring that man and his buddies to justice she had to fix the guard. All of them, but was doing that really the right thing? Was even considering that treading down the wrong path? If she started where would it end? What should she do? She did not even realize she had voiced a question until Aurora answered.

“I can’t tell you what to do. It would not be right. All I can tell you is that you should make the choice you feel you can live with.”

Aurora left her at the table. A part of her wished that Aurora had just given her a straight answer, but she was a smart girl. Lily understood quite well why Aurora had not. What she did say however stuck with her, and she found herself thinking quite hard. What choice was right for her, the one she could best live with?

If she did nothing, she would not be breaching her own morals. She would not be changing people against their will. However, by extension she would be allowing the corrupt guard to continue operating when she could have done something. She would also be leaving that man and his accomplices to rape other women. That poor girl who had been raped would not see justice either. Could she live with that? Could she live with knowing she had the power to stop all this and not do anything?

The more she thought about this, the more she realized what she had to do. With a sigh, she pushed herself out of her chair and headed for the door. Lily had no idea if this was the right choice, but she felt it was the one she had to do. Maybe there was a better option that she was not seeing. However, she could not stand by and do nothing.

Aurora sighed as she watched Lily leave. It had taken the girl hours of just sitting there to make a choice, but she had made one. Aurora had not envied her at all. Even with all her power, she had encountered moral dilemmas. Where the only option was to take the lesser of two evils. In her case, she had the benefit of experience to help her pick which path she could live with.

She honestly felt a little sorry for the girl being faced with such a choice. So Aurora was already thinking of things to make her feel a little better. Afterall while she had been slow, she had ultimately picked the nobler option she had available. Young Lily had chosen to sacrifice herself and breach her own code to help strangers. In many circles that was something seen as noble. Even if the choice was going to hurt her, but the other option would have hurt just as much. Honestly, the best choice would have been if she had just asked for help. Sure she could not have gone to the guard, but if she had asked Aurora would have done something. Although she knew that Lily would merely see herself guilty by extension. Yeah, it was never fun in the world of grey.

Thinking of Lily she started considering what she knew of the girl from being in her mind. She did not even have to guess to know that the young woman would come back feeling rather guilty about using the power she had been gifted. Aurora did not really think the girl needed to be punished, but this was about making her feel better about her own actions. That meant what she needed was determined by her own thoughts. So making this incident not count toward the bet would not work, but maybe there was something she could do to reward the girl. Nobility and honor should be rewarded. Then a thought occurred to her. She knew exactly what she would do, and when. It was a simple thing and she felt it would only be to her benefit. Just it might take some time to see those benefits as it would lack an immediate impact.

Rose shuddered as another orgasm rippled through her body. After that encounter with the two kind, if somewhat drunk men. She had, with Aurora’s help, managed to get Arlie into the bedroom. Since then she had been keeping her busy. Arlie’s lightning wreathed fingers tweaked one of her nipples and she shuddered with pleasure. She had thought Arlie was talented before but uninhibited Arlie was godly.

An electric tingle stimulating her nipples never got old. Arlie shifted, and the next thing she knew their clits were rubbing against each other with each movement as Arlie continued to play with her nipples. By this point, Rose was having trouble thinking and had long since let Arlie take control of the pace. Another powerful sensation rippled through her body as the heat in her belly grew, and her vision started to turn hazy. A big one was coming and she practically trembled in anticipation. Their clits struck each other and she felt a strong electric tingle down below, and that set her off.

She spasmed, the world disappeared and there was nothing but the pleasure, her lover and herself. Lost in the bliss of a big one, she did not really notice what Arlie was doing, but she felt it. Her pleasure continued to build as her breasts were played with. A wet tongue was licking at her left nipple, tiny shocks arced across her skin as it passed. Her right was being tweaked and rolled by a hand. Down below, a pussy was vigorously rubbing against her own, and with each contact an electric sensation rippled through her sensitive flesh. She lost herself in the timelessness of the moment. Enjoying every little sensation.

Finally, the world came back into focus, and as she panted to catch her breath Arlie shuddered. Her eyes went white, and she arced. Electricity flew everywhere in an impressive show as she let out loud heated moans. A spark struck a blanket but no fire broke out. Another hit her, and she moaned as pleasure rippled through her, and then another orgasm hit her. There was something special about sharing this bliss with Arlie and before she knew it she realized she was feeling everything her lover was feeling as well.

It was intense, she had felt nothing like it before. Their previous encounters in the temple had been nothing like this. She reveled in the sensations, and then as quickly as they came they were gone. She was tired, exhausted, and wanted nothing more than to lie there reveling in the afterglow. Sprawled out erotically next to her was Arlie who seemed just as spent. It had been a magical moment for her, but a part of her wished that her twin could have shared in the moment. Maybe she could set her up for a nice one on one with Arlie.

As she lay there, her thoughts drifted onto comparing how much more wild Arlie was without her inhibitions. She had never realized how inhibited a person Arlie really was until just this moment. Arlie must be rather frustrated given how strongly attracted she was to them, and not being able to act on it. Still thinking about that she drifted off into sleep. Next to her she could hear the calm breathing of a sleeping girl as she drifted away.


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