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Hikaru watched Amy leave. She was a little surprised that Amy had even apologized, but she had a strong feeling she was not entirely sincere with the apology, but at least it was a step in the right direction. She did not have time to dwell on the thought before a voice spoke, “Before I leave. I should probably apologize for being harsh in our last encounter.”

Hikaru blinked, “Are you referring to how you acted when I asked about something I should not have? If you are, I understand now. I also see my idea was rather barbaric and backward, at least from the perspective of this world.”

Satisfaction passed over her, and the voice of her goddess replied, “I see you read the books I recommended.”

She started to head back, and responded, “I did, and I learned a few things about the temple. I now know that there is no reason to ever abort a child here. If you don’t want it, and don’t want to wait to give birth, the temple can help you give it to someone else.”

Her goddess giggled, “I always found the whole concept of abortion stupid and barbaric. I just never went to the extremes the fertility gods went to, to prevent it. Unlike them, I along with a few friends went and made the concept obsolete. I also share this quite freely with those under our protection. Still, there is a slight cost, as it takes mana to perform the procedure, and I and others like me charge mana to perform it.”

Hikaru sighed, “I know, the books explained that. I just wish that you had explained it all to me when you stopped me from going down that line of thought. Speaking of stopping me, I am glad that you did. It made me think, and realize that I likely would have regretted it if I had done that.. Especially since I had always wanted to have a child someday. It just happened a little differently from the way I expected.”

She felt something, but could not tell what it was from the goddess. After a few moments of silence, the goddess spoke, “Well, few things in life happen the way we plan. My first pregnancy certainly was not planned either. Long ago, I favored my male form more, and I had my mates. There was one that I was planning to take as my bondmate. Sadly it was not to be. She died, but at the time she was also pregnant with my child. While I could not save her, I was able to save my progeny. I changed my gender and took my daughter into my own womb. So keep that in mind. Even gods are faced with times when things do not go according to their plans.”

Hikaru responded, “I take it she wasn’t far enough along for a c-section or something like it to work?”

She felt a weird emotion over the link, and then the goddess said, “C-section? It has been a very long time since I heard that term. Those are rather obsolete on many worlds, most technological societies move past them the moment they develop nanotechnology. As for the magical worlds, well, they never develop that surgery in the first place. In fact, the concept of surgery rarely emerges in magical worlds. If you think about it, it should be plainly obvious why it does not. Even without surgery in their arsenal, they can be just as good or better than doctors from technological worlds.”

Confused, she asked “Why does nanotech make C-sections obsolete?”

She heard giggling, and then, “Oh that is easy! A swarm of nanites can enter the body easily, and penetrate to the womb where they can correct many of the things that require a C-section without issue. At a far lower risk to the mother, I might add. Then again that is the case for most surgeries. Nanites can be used for quite a few things in the medical field.”

Remembering a previous conversation, she commented, “So nanites exist on some worlds, but time travel does not, interesting. Now that I am thinking about it, I think you are right. I guess doctors on those worlds might even see surgery like we do leeches and bloodletting.”

There was a chuckle, and the goddess replied, “Not as bad as that, but you are along the right line there. They mostly see it as primitive, but a few think of it as barbaric. Anyway, it seems we have wandered into a subject not really relevant. Now before I forget, I hope you can find it in you to forgive Amy. She mainly did what she did out of fear. She wanted you to stay as a girl, and was afraid you would choose to stay male. Sorry about not stopping her, but the future can be fickle. She had been on a different path before, but she changed course when the opportunity presented itself and gave in to her desires. I think Ruri will straighten her out, and just because I think you should forgive does not mean I forgot that she violated your trust. I may have already done something to ensure she understands why what she has done was wrong. A punishment I felt was quite fitting for her transgression. I think you will enjoy it when you find out.”

Deciding it was likely fruitless to push the goddess on something she did not want to reveal she responded, “I guess I will look forward to finding out what it is.”

“Glad you are, and when you feel up to it, there are a few corruption zones in the area I would like you to cleanse. I added a map with their locations marked to your pack.”

She was a little surprised to hear about that quest. With everything going on, she had almost forgotten about it. Thinking of the quest she was reminded of a question that she had. “Out of curiosity, why do you care about the mana corruption around here so much? None of these people really worship you. So I don’t see how fixing the problem helps you.”

The goddess’s tone changed real quick, and she answered quite seriously. “I have many reasons. The most important one, at least for me, is that Aurora is my friend. Many of these people are under her protection. So I want to help. There are other important considerations as well. Corrupted mana does no one any favors. Especially with how it corrupts normal plants and animals. Sure dense mana of any type can change something due to exposure, but corrupted mana is special. Monsters grow stronger in its presence, and those created by it are stronger than normal monsters. Hence why it is attractive to monsters. At least with the normal type of corrupted mana. There are a few exotic forms that are more dangerous. Be glad we don’t have to deal with those.”

“Other kinds of corrupted mana?”

The voice of the goddess replied, “Mana comes in many forms. There is the common elemental manas, the pervasive nature mana whose influence shapes most of the life you are familiar with. The twisted abyssal and fallen manas. The powerful Makaiju that is the lifeblood of gods. Yet there are also corrupted versions of the mana you are familiar with. These corruption zones are mostly filled with a corrupted version of nature mana. As for why they are popping up, you can blame a man called Xaros. The fool is playing with magics he should not, and it is having side effects.”

“If this Xaros is responsible, why haven’t you simply struck him down?” asked Hikaru.

A mental sigh and a flux of emotions came over the link, “It’s not that simple. I wish it was.” There was a pause, and then with a very reluctant tone the goddess, answered, “Until recently I was asleep, and I have not fully awoken. Until I do, I cannot challenge Xaros as he will surely defeat me. Thankfully the temples shield my presence from him and cloud his sight or he would surely seek me out. Sooner or later he will realize something is up, and then things will get worse. At the moment, the most I can do is curb the damage he is doing. While my followers clean up what damage he has done.”

Hikaru was a little surprised, as the goddess seemed quite awake to her. Then again maybe she was half asleep. She was interested to learn that the goddess was actively countering this corrupted mana. She wished she could actively do things while half asleep. Although in her case, when she was half asleep she had trouble just staying on her feet. So it made sense that being half asleep was limiting the goddess in some way. She wanted to learn more, but before she could inquire she felt the goddess withdraw her presence. It seemed the goddess was done talking. Then she sensed something else and looked down in the direction she sensed to see a blackish light receding to reveal a book laying on the ground. The title was written in simple black text and read, Ruri’s Treatise on Healing and Light Magic. A note was sitting on the book.

Hikaru picked it up, and read the note. Since you can’t really use your male form at the moment, I felt this will help. You have a strong affinity for healing and light magic, I felt this when you first encountered my vessel in Arcs. Being changed into a female has strengthened this affinity, and consequently your magical ability. So I compiled this book for you. Ruri was quite the expert on magic in general, and I took the two chapters of her Treatise that I feel would most help you. At least right away. Amy can help you as well, but at the moment I suggest not going to her. If there is any part you have trouble with, find a young woman named Ilia. She is one of the priestesses in the temple and has the same affinities you do. Look for green hair, it will help you find her. Also, studying this will help you later when you unlock your weapon’s second tier of abilities. The staff’s second-tier ability amplifies magic a little passively, or at the cost of a charge, it massively increases the output of your next spell and unlocking that second-tier also strengthens the first tier ability. I forgot to mention it when I blessed your weapon, but holy weapons tend to grow more powerful as the connection of their user grows with their god or goddess. Now, I am sure you felt it as well, but our connection has started to grow stronger, and that means eventually you will gain the ability to use those second-tier abilities. I also attached a spell to this note, study it well. It is relatively easy to master, but don’t get frustrated if you fail a few times. Magic can not be mastered in a day, and spells take time to learn. Practice, patience, and persistence are the keys to success. Also, keep in mind that while Strike of Light may be the lowest-ranked spell of the light element, it is still a very versatile combat spell. Very low mana use, quick cast time, and a good mix of power and range for a low ranked spell. Use it well.

She turned over the note, and sure enough, a spell was written there. A name, a chant, a basic description of the spell, and then a whole lot of magical formulas and stuff that she barely understood. Still she was glad for the gift. Glad that the goddess had given her something that she could use. Grabbing the book, she headed back to her favorite spot in the library. This time intent on studying the book, and hopefully making sense of this spell. A rush of warm emotions filled her. With this book, the goddess had given her the tools to take her first real step as a mage. She was rather excited as she headed for her spot. Wanting to master this spell as soon as she could.


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