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Ruri stepped out of the temple and thought about what she had learned. Hikaru had more on her plate than she had thought. The problem was also more serious than she had thought. Now while she had said that she was going to have a talk with Amy, she was actually going to do a little more than that. There had been a troublesome person back in the village not unlike Amy, and the temple had intervened to straighten them out. Well, she had actually taken note of what they did. So she had an idea of what she needed to do. Amy needed someone to keep her in line, and she knew Hikaru just was not suited for that role. So that meant it would fall to her to take on that role. A bit of a headache really, and she had learned quite a bit about her two fellow party members.

Between Hikaru’s muttering and her easy to read mannerisms, it had been quite easy to put together a picture of what happened. Although that added a whole new layer to the problem. It seemed that at some point Hikaru had been a young man, but something changed him into a girl. That something seemed to have happened around the time Hikaru met with her goddess. Ruri also got the impression that Hikaru might have had the ability to switch back. For some reason, Amy was highly infatuated with Hikaru’s female form and was trying to feminize her friend. Get her to explore her new female side. Ruri did not know how getting her pregnant factored into that. Then again, Ruri did not know as much about magic as a priestess would. It just seemed to be something that Amy should not have done. Then a thought occurred to her if she thought it was a good idea to get girls pregnant without their permission maybe she should be pregnant herself.

She started towards the part of the temple where the god’s statues were arranged on pedestals when suddenly she felt weird. At first, she could not tell what was going on, and then her emotions surged when a thought occurred to her. “This is not normal! Someone is doing something to me.” she thought. Before she could start panicking though a soothing presence filled her senses. Quickly a voice followed a voice that seemed rather amused, “My friend probably should have warned you, but she may not have realized you were that sensitive to magic. With Hikaru, she already knew, and with Amy, well she had no real reason to care. Besides Amy has a few lessons to learn. Hopefully, before my friend decides to teach her. If you have ever seen her ‘fix’ a problem you will know why. Her measures tend to be rather, well drastic. Then again, she tends to only fix things when they really go down the drain. Like when the hero of a story dies before they complete their mission sort of bad. You seem to have a lot of potential yourself, since you managed to sense divine level magic without any training. It might just be your elf blood, but I won’t know until I see you in person.”

Suddenly she felt a tingle on her chest that bordered on burning. She gasped in surprise, and it took her a moment to respond. While she had never been spoken to before, she realized that she had suddenly drawn the attention of a goddess, her goddess. “I’m honored that you would speak to me, but are you saying that both Hikaru and Amy are experiencing whatever this is? Also, what do you mean ...”

She was cut off before she could finish asking her questions. “Slow down. We have time. Yes, they are both experiencing the same thing. My friend is linking you three together with a bond in response to a prayer Hikaru sent. I suspect the three of you will eventually be permanent mates because of this. Part of what I meant about her measures often being rather drastic. Although I can’t say that I am not guilty of drastic measures myself. To answer your other question, I marked you. I will be coming to see you soon, to test your affinities and see what your baseline abilities are. If they are as high as I expect you may very well be worth teaching myself. Although given whose name you bear, I will hold you to a very high standard.”

She had no idea what to think, and decided to avoid asking about that first one. She just did not want to think about that one, so she asked, “Name?”

The voice replied, “I am speaking of the First Lord Goddess Ruri whose domain was knowledge and discovery. You would not know her though seeing as she is long gone. She was my teacher, and my friend once. She was a knowledge seeker, fully devoted to the discovery of new things. Always reveling in new discoveries and seeking to learn more. To the point that she often completely neglected other pursuits, like having children. The others ultimately forced that issue. Don’t read much into it, the gods were young then, their numbers few, and their enemies numerous. The gods never actually meant to force that issue, but Skylords have an ability. They can link their minds together, to act as one. They did this many times, and one time while linked their group consciousness made the choice. So she did have a say, and given her nature never had a problem with it.”

She stumbled, and flushed red as she responded, “I never thought I would hear about a goddess being raped.”

The now amused voice giggled, “I guess from a certain point of view that is true, but I would not see it that way. Dragons have the ability as well. If you would allow me to, I can demonstrate.”

She wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but her curiosity got the better of her, and she agreed. Almost immediately she felt different, as her whole being seemed to expand, and suddenly she was in two places at once. In one place, she was sitting in a tavern watching a young girl who had made a foolish bet with her. One that would cost the young girl her modesty. In the other she was walking down a slightly crowded street, heading for the inn. It was a hunt for Amy, so that she could confront her, and suddenly she understood. Right now she was not an individual, and in the case of the goddess it was most akin to masturbation with consequences. Really weird to think about, and yet somehow it seemed natural. Just as it seemed natural right now that she was both a young half-dwarf with some elven blood and a powerful ancient dragon.

Suddenly many of her concerns seemed small in the light of her new being. She knew much of the knowledge she had just gained would not be hers to keep, yet this experience would mark her. In what way, she did not yet know, but before she went back to being plain old Ruri she wanted to take care of something first. She was going to confront Amy, and besides, she now knew something that Amy did not, and that something was rather amusing to her. It seems that by some quirk of chance, Amy had messed up. That same spell that had gotten Hikaru pregnant had also worked on her, and it had worked on her really well. Hikaru had a daughter coming, Amy had more than one daughter coming. Although she was not going to tell her that she was going to have triplets. Still, it was not quite enough, Amy would need a firm hand to keep her in line. The dragon in her knew just the thing to discipline the errant young lady. Naturally, it would start with a good spanking, one enhanced by magic.

She found Amy in her room at the inn they had been staying at. Amy seemed to be a little distracted when she answered the door, and was more rude than normal, “Can it wait? I don’t really have the time to deal with whatever you want.”

Ruri pushed her way in, and said, “Not really. I think it’s about time we had a talk. About Hikaru and what you have been doing to her.”

Amy gave her a look, and said, “What are you talking about?”

Ruri looked the taller woman in the eyes, and said, “You know exactly what I am talking about. I finally managed to get the story out of Hikaru. I know why you two have not been speaking lately. You impregnated her without even asking for her permission.”

Amy just stared her down. Not saying a word in response.

“Nothing to say? Well anyway, you are going to march down to the temple and apologize to her now.”

Amy laughed, “I told her what to expect, not my fault she did not listen.”

Ruri’s eyes narrowed, “We both know that she is rather ignorant when it comes to magic. Knowing you, whatever you said was rather vague and indirect. Now are you going to apologize to her or will I have to march you down there myself?”

Amy pointed at the door, “Leave, I don’t have time to deal with this nonsense!”

Ruri’s eyes narrowed further. Amy was normally not so rude, but it seemed she did not want to listen. She knew part of it was that Amy just wanted to keep studying the newly formed bond. A bond that was already giving her a bit of a picture and Amy really didn’t feel guilty about what she did. The moment it was brought up, she felt smug satisfaction coming from Amy. Evidently she either did not see how this was affecting Hikaru or did not care.

So rather than respond with words, she closed the short distance between them. Grabbing Amy, she pulled the larger woman down onto the floor with her. Her small body was deceptively strong thanks to her Dwarven heritage, and she easily had Amy sprawled across her lap, with Amy’s rear exposed and in the air before Amy even realized what was happening. The first loud smack echoing through the room, followed by a yelp made it quite clear what was happening.

Amy’s emotions about this were quite clear both in her voice and over the bond. Emotions that drove her to try and struggle. A struggle that proved fruitless, as Ruri ignored her words, and easily kept her right where she wanted her. Another mana laced hand came down, and a second smack echoed through the room, then another and another.

Each time Ruri ignored what she was saying. As Amy was not yet ready to give. So another after another came until finally, Amy gave. She stopped trying to fight and started begging her to stop. 

Ruri finally stayed her hand when that happened, and maneuvered the larger girl so that she could see her face. Her eyes were clouded with tears, but at this point, she could feel quite clearly that Amy was ready to give in. With a smile, she told her, “Sure, I’ll stop, and then we will march down to the temple. You will apologize to Hikaru, and then we will set down some ground rules. As long as you follow them everything will be fine, break them and there will be another session for you.”

After that things went rather smoothly. It had been interesting watching Amy apologize, but they all knew she was not entirely sincere, but it was a start. Ruri knew it was going to take some time for the bond to really start showing an effect, and she was going to have to keep an eye on Amy to make sure she followed the new rules. Rules she had discussed with her on the way to the temple. At least the new arrangement had them talking, but it certainly was not the most civil conversation. Ruri had not left Amy with Hikaru for long, and after the apology had brought her back to the inn. Ruri then checked on their goblin pets, who were busy doing their own thing in their room.

At the moment she was now lying in her bed, and after hours of being in commune with Aurora, her mind was separated. Aurora had separated from her only minutes ago, and was asking her a question, “I’m sure you understand my earlier point now.”

She nodded but knowing Aurora could not see the gesture said, “I understand. We were one, it was not possible to tell where I ended and you began or the reverse. With more minds, I can’t imagine how hard it would be to tell. I think I can see what happened. They decided they needed more numbers, and so they as a group procreated. It was the same with us punishing Amy, we made the choice together. I know the choice was as much mine as yours. I might not have used the same method myself, but I was going to confront her.”

Pure approval filtered back, “Very good. I see you understand. The choice was hers as much as it was the groups’. Anyway, I look forward to meeting you in person.”

She felt a little nervous, “I’m not sure how to feel about that.”

“I don’t take students often. In fact I have already taken more this year than I have in the last decade. Consider it an honor if you must, and I do have some things to teach you. I don’t yet know you affinities, but our communion did reveal to me some of your ability. You will be a very strong girl once taught and trained in the arts. I’ll also need to teach you how to reject dragons, you will need it.”

It took her a moment to process that last line, and she asked, “Wait! What do you mean by ‘reject dragons?’” Only Aurora was already gone, and Ruri got no answer.


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