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Lily knocked on the door, but there was no answer. She sighed, and really wished she had not lost that little game earlier. Now she had to be the one to check on a certain troublemaking dragon. She was about to just leave when on a whim she tried the door and found it unlocked.

With a bit of trepidation, she pushed the door open and looked inside. She saw nothing, but she did hear some noise coming from the bathroom. It sounded familiar, and she was not sure why, but instead of immediately retreating her gaze wandered towards the open bathroom door. She froze, Lily was not sure what she had been expecting, but what she saw was not it.

Right there in plain sight was the familiar naked form of a certain dragon lady, and behind her pressing her bare breasts against her back, and rubbing up and down was a young woman. Perhaps in her mid-twenties. The woman had a decently large chest and a good overall figure. Not that she could see much from this angle. 

Suddenly Aurora spoke, “Don’t just stand there staring, it’s rude! Either you join us, come over here where I can see you, or leave.”

Something about that statement just did not click with her. It took her a few moments, to process it, and she still wasn’t sure what Aurora meant. Aurora sighed, and spoke again, “Well?”

She stuttered in response to the prompt, and next thing Lily knew she was walking forward. She tried to stop her legs briefly before she recognized a certain dragon’s power being used on her. Seems Aurora lost her patience, and before she knew it she was sitting on a stool near the large tub.

The dragon smiled at her happily, and the other one seemed to barely even register her presence. Lily did note the expression on her face, and realized she was too deep in bliss to really pay any attention to her surroundings. Looking at the girl, she finally found her voice, “Did you have to do that?

The dragon leaned back a little and said “Clearly I did. Based on how you were acting, I would swear if I did not know better that you were a virgin pup.”

She blushed, and pointed at the woman behind her, “I was just surprised. I had no idea you were into that kind of thing.”

Aurora giggled, “Oh, this? It’s more her than me. Can’t say I don’t enjoy it, but I mostly just wanted a bath.”

Lily blinked, and exclaimed, “Wait! You aren’t manipulating her into doing that?”

Aurora glared, “What kind of dragon do you take me for!?”

She gave her a look, “The kind that just changes people into something they aren’t with the barest justification.”

Aurora shook her head, and replied, “I have a code you know. With the exception of people like that boy from this morning, I don’t change people in ways they don’t want to be changed.”

Lily tried to give her a look in response, but the other woman was proving rather distracting. She found herself watching as the other woman moaned in pleasure, her eyes rolling up. It took her another moment before she could even think to say something, “What boy are you talking about, and what gave you the right to change him!!?”

Aurora waved dismissively and shifted positions slightly. “Oh, just a spoiled brat whose parents failed in the discipline department. I fixed that, and don’t judge me. I am confident if you had the same powers I did you would do the same thing. Just don’t let the temptation go to your head.”

“Huh?” said Lily not noticing the odd smile on Aurora’s face, “What makes you think I would do that? You can’t just go around changing people!”

Aurora chuckled, and her eyes flashed, “I guess the best way is to settle this is with a little test. I will give you the power to change people temporarily. Prove to me that you won’t use it, and you win. Use it even once, and you lose. Naturally, there should be a price for failure, your sense of modesty seems appropriate. Win and you get to keep it, lose and I take it from you.”

Lily was a little distracted. If she was thinking straight, maybe she would have put more thought into this little bet. Instead, she accepted it. Aurora gave a very bright and wicked smile, and then her eyes glowed briefly, “I’m going to knock you out for this. It will hurt less that way.”

“Hurt? Wait, what are y...” she trailed off as darkness took her.

Lily groaned. Her head hurt, and she felt like someone had beaten her over the head with a club as hard as they could. At first she could not even think through the pain. First, she noticed a presence, comfortably stroking her, and speaking to her. Not that she could understand the words.

After a few minutes the pain faded, and she became aware of her surroundings. She was in a bed, right next to her was Aurora who was looking down into her face. “Feeling better? Sorry about the headache, but changing a person takes a bit of knowledge. I had to teach you quite a few things. Sticking so much knowledge in a person at once is bound to cause a little pain.”

Not yet remembering the bet, she returned a confused look. Aurora noticed, “Give it a moment, you will remember.”

Then she did remember, and she turned red, blurting, “Why did I even agree to that. I don’t even get anything for winning, and you did not even give a time limit.”

Aurora giggled, “I did not, did I? Well, we can fix that easily. I’ll take the power away once we leave town. Not much of a test without people to tempt you now is it? And as for your prize, I will do you a small favor. Just keep in mind that you already agreed to the price of failure, so there is no negotiating there.”

Lily was glad she could fix that vague time limit, but she was already beating herself up inside for betting her modesty. That was stupid, and she knew it. She had no problem with losing the power after leaving town. That just meant she had to survive until Arlie went back to normal. They planned to stop here until she came out of her shell. Since Aurora did not seem like she was going to give up on taking her modesty if she lost, she wanted to make sure the prize was worth the risk.

“I can live with that time limit. Just one thing, what do you mean by small favor?”

Aurora smiled, “Well pup, a favor is just what it sounds like. I will do something for you that you request. As long as it is reasonable, and can be defined as small. So I won’t make you a queen if you asked, but if there was a group causing you trouble I would take care of them if you asked.”

She asked a few more questions and found that a small favor from a dragon was pretty valuable. Maybe it was worth risking her modesty for. Who was she kidding, it was a stupid bet. Nothing was really worth that. She was betting a part of herself, for a silly favor. Stiffly, she agreed to taking the favor, but inside she was a mess. 

She slipped out of the bed and walked out of the room. The entire reason she had come to see Aurora in the first place forgotten. A part of her was already sifting through the new knowledge Aurora had given her. Changing people was a more involved process than she had thought. Her mind lost in thought she did not notice her sister chasing Arlie down the hall.

Rose noticed her sister and her expression as she rushed down the hall of the inn after Arlie. She did not have time to think about it, but did make note of it. Rose had just finished giving Arlie a bath, which was not easy when all she wanted to do was play. It seemed that without her inhibitions that Arlie was incredibly playful, and she was beginning to learn just how strongly Arlie was attracted to her.

Last night had been rather hard given that Arlie was more interested in the contents of her panties than dinner. Made things very interesting, but at least she managed to avoid drawing any unwanted attention. Although she had learned quite a few things about Arlie that she had not known before.

She had caught Arlie staring at nearly every girl they passed. At least it never went past starring, but she had noticed a pattern. Arlie may have looked at every girl she passed, but her gaze tended to stay longer on shorter girls. Also of note was that she completely ignored girls with giant breasts, she didn’t even look at the rare cowkin they saw at the market. Not even when her outfit failed. Yet almost every boy and a good number of women stared at her everywhere she went. It seemed that Arlie paid the most attention to girls that looked like either herself or Lily. Maybe that played a role in why she fell in love with them.

She knew for certain it was love now, because of how Arlie was acting. She dismissed those thoughts as she finally caught up with a naked Arlie. Tackling her from behind, she got her onto the floor. Only to immediately regret that move. Arlie giggled beneath her, and it was quite evident that this was just a game for her. Unfortunately, Arlie had led her all the way to the attached tavern, and she was not exactly dressed either.

The noise had drawn the attention of several patrons, and she flushed bright red from the attention. Arlie had taken off before either of them could get dressed after that bath. Now Rose was regretting that she had not even taken the time to put on a pair of panties at the very least. She even noticed a couple of young men who seemed to have had just one drink too many. She could already picture what was going to happen.

Those men would likely try and hit on them despite the obvious. Being naked just made it certain, and she already knew how Arlie reacted to Thron. She knew that Arlie could still cast spells in her current state, and she would try to kill them if they did not back off.

Suddenly she felt a few fingers brushing her nipples, and she glared down at Arlie who was starting to play with her breasts. “This isn’t the place for that.”

Arlie just gave her an uncaring look, and just continued to do it. She tried to ignore how good it felt to have her breasts played with, and instead watched the pair approach with trepidation. Before she knew it they were in easy earshot, and one of the boys produced a sheet of cloth, and the other some poles. While she was a bit distracted by Arlie, she watched with some confusion as they set them up obscuring her view of the tavern. Then one of them came up, and with a slight lisp said, “I take it your friend recently got bitten by a Lisect."

Rose gasped when Arlie suddenly thrust her fingers into her depths. It took her a moment to place the name. They were insect monsters. Well technically anyway. They were mostly harmless. The result of a failed experiment the only thing to fear was their bite. Their venom was well known for making people mentally regress and extremely horny.  Lisect venom effects were dependent on the amount they got in you. The more you were bitten the stronger and more intense the effect. Rose honestly did not know much more than that about them. She only knew what she heard about them from adventurers that had done work in Eastern Ukova. They were only found in Eastern Ukova and some parts of Western Varixyies. Although they were more common in Ukova, as that is where the mad mage who made them had set up his lab. At least there was an antidote for Lisect bites, even if it wasn’t easy to make, and not cheap.

She suppressed a moan, and replied, “I wish. At least then there would be an antidote. The dragon following us could better explain this.”

At just that moment, she heard a very familiar voice, “She’s just under the influence of a magical bond, and a recent mind mage awakening. Mind mages with very strong talent, occasionally regress when they first awaken.”

Rose already knew that was in part a lie, and exactly who said that.


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