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A couple of days had passed since Arlie had her little awakening. Aurora had underestimated how much of a handful she proved to be for her companions. In her current state, she was a far more impulsive individual, and not unlike a pet or small child. Thron found out real quick to keep his distance. Especially after she tried to kill him. Aurora wanted to say she didn’t see that coming, but honestly, she had. Arlie was not particularly fond of him, and without her filters, there was nothing to stop her from trying. Aurora already knew that she barely tolerated him, and was mainly annoyed that he never took the hint that she was not interested. Her touch on her mind had even told her a little more. Under that annoyance was some respect, but she did not even see him as a sexual partner. Poor Thron was stuck in the friend zone.

As for why she had tried to kill him. Well, he had come up to her yesterday and tried hitting on her again. That went about as well as would be expected. While she didn’t speak, her body language very clearly displayed her disinterest. Like a dragon female, she warned him off with a low powered zap. Just like any dragon who did not see a male as worthy. Unfortunately, he did not take the hint and kept trying. That’s when she started trying to kill him and almost succeeded. Thankfully for the poor boy, the twins intervened and were able to calm her down. Well, distracting her was more like it. Arlie was rather affectionate towards them, and again she was lacking her normal filters. Aurora personally found it rather amusing. 

As for Emilia, the group still could not get her to wear anything. Nothing the group has was good enough for her. Not that her nudity had mattered much as the others were too busy keeping Arlie in her clothes to care. It seemed Arlie’s modesty had gone out the window, and she was rather quick to shed her clothes if she found them inconvenient or uncomfortable. A fact the boys certainly did not complain about.

The party had just reached one of the larger towns on the border of Ukova and Varixyies. Her companions needed some rest, especially given the extra headaches they had to deal with between the monster attacks, and Arlie’s behavior. They had reached the town late in the night, and were currently staying in a decent inn. Aurora had overheard the twins planning for the day, and among those plans was clothes shopping for Emila.

Suddenly her thoughts were broken by a rather strong projection coming from Arlie. It seemed she was dreaming of events long past and had not yet figured out how not to broadcast while sleeping. Aurora shifted and watched the dream in her mind’s eye. All while remembering the past attached to it.

The deck shuddered under her feet, as she stepped through the door. Before her was a balcony overlooking a room full of people. A command center with numerous people coordinating the actions of others. A nervous young woman stood by the chair sitting near the edge of the balcony. She reported quickly.

“Resistance is a bit higher than expected, sir. The Darkations are making a real stand of it here.”

She looked at the woman as if she was an idiot, and replied, “Of course they are. After a million years of war we stand on the precipice. If we succeed here, it will mean the end of the Darkation race. Now how goes Operation Stolen Heart?”

No answer was given for the scene faded away, only to be replaced by another scene from even further back.

The deck shuddered under her feet, and a wall exploded. A barrier of mana formed, blocking the debris and flames from her body. She ducked under a collapsed bulkhead and turned a corner before reaching her destination. There had been a door here, but now there was only twisted metal. Beyond the twisted metal which once was the outer wall, a gaping hole now existed. Through the hole was a sea of endless black and the twinkling of stars. A shimmering field of light being all that held the atmosphere within, and distorting the image beyond. She barely paid attention to that, and instead focused on the young-looking woman leaning against a ruined sofa. Her body was a mess, her legs were gone. Her left arm mangled beyond all recognition, her face burned. A large piece of shrapnel had also gone through her chest. Her heart tore at the sight, and she leaned down.

A quick study told her that the woman was dying, she had been hurt too badly. All of her energy was going to one thing, protecting the child growing in her belly. The child was unscathed, her mother having shielded her from whatever had happened. She did not even hesitate, and she used her power to change her form. Then with a quick spell, she transferred the child to her own womb. She may have been too late to save the woman she had loved, but she would be damned if she let her progeny die with her. At the same time, she stayed with the woman she loved and comforted her until the light finally left her one working eye.

Again the scene faded to be replaced with another, and no connection to the previous chronology.

She stood before a large creature, a majestic and ancient dragon. The dragon regarded her for a moment or two before speaking. “I do know of a place that meets those requirements, but it will need a lot of work. The planet is rather devoid of life. What are you planning anyway, Jontharr?”

She shifted her feet, and sighed, “I’m old my friend. Sometimes I wish I could just follow in the footsteps of my fellow lords and allow myself to die, but I can’t. My power will be needed again, but other than the constant challenges from deluded lordlings seeking to prove themselves I don’t have much to look forward to. So I found a way to die, without actually dying. I modified the Ritual of Rebirth so that I can live with new eyes. I will need a guardian though, and I have chosen you, Aurora.”

The dragon shifted almost nervously, and responded, “I am honored, old friend. I must ask though what have you foreseen?”

She shifted nervously, and replied with great dread, “The return of the Fallen. Don’t ask me when it will happen, but far into the future the ancient seal will break. As the last guardian of the Forbidden Lore, only I can really oppose them.”

The dragon sighed, “I know it is easier said than done, but you should take an apprentice.”

She shook her head, and said, “there are none worthy, none who won’t be tempted by the lore I guard. If I take one now, they will be twisted by the same evil that created the Fallen in the first place. Well, you are worthy, but we both already know your answer.”

The dreams faded, and Aurora found herself back in her room. She was not too worried about others seeing those dreams. Humans tended not to remember their dreams, and she could easily erase them from those who did. She pushed the dreams out of her mind and slipped out of the bed. It was still early in the morning, and since she was awake she figured it was time to get started on her day. That, and she wanted a bath.

She crossed the small room and headed for the door. There was a bathroom behind the other door, and while she could fill the tub with magic, she liked having a servant when taking a bath. The maids here did not normally offer that service, but she had met one daydreaming about it earlier. Although with a bit more of a sexual tinge to it than she desired, but it was close enough for her. She could get what she wanted, and the young maid would get to fulfill her fantasy. No need to influence the mortal in question, and she knew exactly where to find her.

Stepping through the door, she turned for the stairs. The maid she was looking for was downstairs. She drew a couple of looks, as a maid and a couple of early risers all stopped to stare as her nude form passed them in the hall. No-one stopped her though, and she made it downstairs without incident. The attached tavern downstairs was rather empty given the hour, but there were a couple of people there.

One of which, a rather drunken male noticed her enter the room and stumbled his way towards her. While she was approaching the maid she was looking for. He cut her off, when he drew near, “Hello beautiful, you looking for some fun? I know where we can have some fun.”

She looked him over, and then zapped him, “Go find someone else to hit on, weakling.”

Aurora was not joking when she called him a weakling. She could sense that he had no magical ability at all, and he clearly did not spend much time working. He was fat, and not particularly muscular. Signs that he would make for a very unworthy mate, and judging by his thoughts he was not particularly intelligent.

The man did not seem to take the hint, as rage crossed his ugly mug, and “Well, slut clearly you don’t know who I am. I’m going to make you regret that.”

Actually she did know who he was. The spoiled and perverted son of a rich local merchant, and the leader of a local gang. Not a very successful one either. As it was small, and barely managed to get away with small-time crimes. So she answered his posturing, by listing all his failed stunts. Like the time he and his buddies tried to break into the public bath with a recorder crystal. A magical crystal used to record images. Naturally, they did not get very far, and daddy had to bail him out of jail. That was not the only incident in the town she revealed. With each one, his face darkened, and he suddenly lost his temper. Grabbing a nearby chair, he swung it at her.

She easily blocked the chair and took it from him before putting it down. Then she decided that it might be best to remake the foolish boy. Without warning, she pushed into his mind, and unlike Emila, she was actively remaking him into something he did not want to be. It took her only moments, but by the time she pulled out he was no longer the spoiled pervert, who thought he could get away with anything. Instead, he was a model merchant’s son. Well behaved, and well manner determined to fix his mess of a life. She could not fix his stupidity, but she found he did have a bit of a talent for numbers. Being in his mind, allowed her to influence him to use it.

Done with the foolish boy, she sidestepped him and made her way to the maid. Who was busy talking to another nearby customer of the inn.


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