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The dragon lady had a rather cute and enchanting smile on her face as she spoke. Emila was so enraptured with her voice that she barely paid attention to what the dragon lady was saying. Her mind did latch on to a few keywords and she found herself agreeing to something without really knowing what the dragon was offering. All she caught was that she would help her get the confidence she wanted in her body. She heard someone say something about being very careful with her words, but she just couldn’t take them seriously. Emila did not need words to know that the dragon lady in front of her was being honest. Not a single word was a lie. The trap she did not see was how those words could be interpreted. The dragon lady said she was going to give her the confidence she wanted in her body, and the dragon lady certainly was going to do it. The problem was she had not recognized the significance of what she had been thinking just a few moments before. Nor did she catch the part about the dragon lady having read her thoughts or the apology for it.

Next thing she knew, she was following the dragon lady into a tent. With a wave of the dragon lady’s hand, a mirror appeared before her. Emila felt like a puppet and yet could not bring herself to care as she stripped down in front of the mirror. Standing naked in front of it, her mind noted every flaw she thought she had. The extra fat clinging to her frame that she had never liked suddenly melted away. In its place, new muscles took their place, and she soon saw a tone and lithe version of herself standing in the mirror. Her white hair changed and took on a glossy sheen that gave it the vibrance she realized she always felt was missing. Her butt shrank a little, and then up top, her breasts gained a little padding. Not much, they were still A cups, but just a little more and they would be a B cup. Her skin darkened a bit and took on that creamy tan she had always desired. Then she felt herself shrink a bit as her frame lost a couple of centimeters, but the result in the mirror felt worth it. She had already been small before, but somehow being just a little smaller made her cuter. Seeing the new her in the mirror filled her with new confidence in her body. Deep down she already recognized that mind magic was being used on her, but she just couldn’t bring herself to care. Nor could she really muster the will to resist.

As new confidence filled her, she felt some of her concerns and worries be stripped from her. At the same time, she began to take a hard look at herself. As she did she looked over the past few hours and her thoughts first. As she did, she realized she had never been jealous of the larger racks she had seen on the other girls. A little envious maybe, but actually she wanted to touch and play with them. A desire she had long repressed because of the expectations of her station. Even if there were solutions for her particular proclivities. She began to realize that she liked girls, and she always had. When she had seen the dragon lady, her attraction was so strong that she could not help herself, but pay attention to her. She could not help the fantasies either, but as she looked into herself and her actions more deeply those fantasies grew stronger. Caught in her introspection, she did not even notice when certain qualities of herself were removed from her.

Suddenly a voice whispered into her ear and broke her from her introspection. “Like what you see?”

She nodded, “I look so much better, but I do wish my breasts were a little bigger.”

“Well, I can only do so much at once. Flesh-shaping is a delicate art, and I am less practiced than most. There is someone nearby more practiced if maybe a little rusty. Although in her case she got all the practice by undoing the work of her errant son.”

“Errant son? And why didn’t you just ask this woman to help?”

“Her son is commonly known as Marcus the Exile, and as for why, well I didn’t really need it, and no point digging up painful memories. Besides, just because I could not instantly give you the bust you desired, does not mean I could not give it to you. You still have some room left to grow, and I used it to control how you will appear in the future.”

She had heard the name, Marcus the Exile. It was the name of a god cast down by his own father. Exiled from the domain of the gods for his odd hobby. He created many artifacts in his time, and one of the most famous was a mysterious device called the ‘Girl Factory.’ The artifact was a divine object capable of turning men into women. Now unlike a gender-changing potion, it did more than just change their gender. It also apparently messed with their minds, and it could do it on a massive scale. It came as no wonder that Marcus the Exile made many enemies. 

However, while she had heard of Marcus and knew some of the artifacts he had made, and what they do. She had never once heard mention of his mother, nor was much known about who his father was. There was a bit of religious debate on that. One group placed his father as Jontharr High God of Creation and Destruction. It made sense given that Jontharr was the High King of the gods and also the most powerful. Not to mention he was a proponent of the divine tenant, “to all things there must be a balance.’ However, not all believed him to be the father that cast down Marcus.

Some believed it to be Xari, High God of Chaos. A powerful dark god who brought change to whatever land they touched. It also made sense, but a few problems emerged. The first is that very little is known about this particular god. Not even there gender is known. Some believe them to be a man, others a woman. However, none know for sure which gender is actually the case. Also, Xari always creates two opposing forces when they bring chaos to a realm. Marcus the Exile, however, does not have a counterpart not then nor now. There is no god that was seeking to turn women into men. However, the dragon lady in front of her had just revealed that his mother was that counterforce, the balance that Jontharr’s tenant required. Only she was returning the changed to what they once were. Little did she know that the true story was far more interesting than she believed. That both gods had a connection to Marcus and a connection to each other.

She pushed the religious thoughts aside, and then took another glance at her naked figure in the mirror. Then she looked down at her old travel clothes. The ones she had removed earlier. They were just plain clothes that she had used a lot before. Just know they didn’t feel right for her new body. They hid too much, and just had no style. To her new eyes, they were garbage. She wanted something revealing that accentuated her figure. Something that drew eyes to her new figure. Tossing them to the side, she decided it would be better to walk around naked. A small part of her told her there was something wrong with that idea, but she had no idea what. The weather was great, and this time of year was always quite warm. So she didn’t need any protection from the elements, and clothing only really served two purposes. To protect, and to enhance.

The outfit at her feet was only really good at the one and utterly failed at the second. So without a thought, she threw them aside and then turned back to the dragon lady.  Emila smiled, and said, “in that case, I feel this is more than satisfactory. Thank you!”

“Glad I could help you feel beautiful. Now let’s move on to other matters. My friends and I are on our way to the Blue Temple. Arlie needs to take the trial there. Since your home is in the same direction would you care to join us, or do you need us to drop you off somewhere?”

She scratched her cheek, and then replied, “I would love to join you. I was heading back home anyway. Although, I do have a couple of things I need to do on the way.” Glancing down at herself, she then said, “like buy some formal dresses, for those special occasions and events. Maybe something that shows off my breasts, or my thighs. You know both might not be a bad idea. I’ll need something to really draw the eyes. Nude works, but sometimes you just need to enhance it.”

Aurora nodded, and said, “Want something to attract a mate with? I guess I can understand that. Normally I would just polish my scales and add a few accessories. Anyway, I think you will have a few opportunities to shop on the way.”

Emila nodded, took one more glance at her figure in the mirror, and then started to leave the tent. While saying, “In that case, I will be happy to join you on the way. Although it would be best not to spread who I am. Since everyone here seems to know who I am. They should understand why.”

Aurora followed her out, and said, “Don’t worry, I will make sure that the others don’t spread your identity as a Princess of the Kingdom to the general public. Not that I expect you will need the guarantee. All of the girls are smart enough to know better. With the boys, the one is rather stupid, but he is a little too focused on his crush to say anything. As for the other, he will be too busy admiring your form to bother gossiping your identity to others.”

She was glad to hear that but did not say anything. Instead, she took in the looks. She wasn’t sure why, but the pair of twins were regarding her with pitying looks, and Arlie the mage sighed when she saw her. She seemed to mutter something to herself, and then she took on a bright look, and said, “You look nice. Did you get what you wanted?”

She nodded happily, and replied, “Yep, just look at me. I am so cute now.”

Arlie sighed, and then said, “Well as long you are happy with it. I guess its fine. Anyway, Lunch is done. So why don’t you come over, and join us for lunch.”

She looked around and saw the boys coming over. The bodies of her dead companions were still in a stack, but a few more graves were ready to accept them. She was sad to see them there, but she wanted to make sure they at least were buried properly. Informing their families would also be difficult but it had to be done. She felt her stomach growl then, reminding her that she had not eaten in hours. Emila nodded, and said, “Sure, I will join you for lunch.”


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