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Hey guys! I am here to announce new content. Second-tier patrons now have a new set of content to enjoy. Namely, the new side stories. Side stories largely exist for world-building and will tend to focus mainly on side characters as they explore the world. The intro for the first side arc is already out. Side stories will be titled with a simple number system to help guide you. 1-1 means that it is side story one, part one. 1-2 naturally means it is the second part. 2-1 however means that it is a different side story. These side stories will remain on Patreon for the time being, and will allow me to focus the main story more heavily on Misaki. They will not post to Scribblehub until they become immediately relevant to the plot at hand.

Patrons don't forget these stories are for you, so don't be afraid to ask for the content you want. If there is a particular character you want to see more of feel free to ask. If you have any suggestions for improving this naming system feel free to make them as well.


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