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Hikaru found Amy in her room. Since it was still early in the morning, Amy was dressed for bed, and as Hikaru had learned Amy liked sleeping nude when she could get away with it. The naked half-elf had not bothered to put a single thing on and had just let her into the room. A fact, Hikaru found a little distracting, but she did her best to not let it get to her. Instead, she focused on the issue at hand.

Her mind was still steaming with indignation and anger. Ending up pregnant was not something she had wanted, and while she was a little mad at herself for not realizing that this was possible. She was just as mad at Amy for taking advantage of her, naivety. As soon as the door was closed she exploded. The words coming so fast as to be barely understandable. Remarkably Amy was able to glean the gist of what she was saying.

Amy settled onto the bed, and her expression remained rather calm through the entirety of her rant. She then waited a few minutes for her to calm down a bit before replying, “I said I was going to teach you all the pleasures of being a girl, and I really meant all of them. You never objected earlier.”

Hikaru redfaced responded, “I never said I wanted to be pregnant!”

Amy leaned forward in a way that emphasized her rather flat chest, and tilted her head, “Well you really seemed to enjoy the process. Besides I was quite clear when I said I was going to teach you Everything about being a girl. I even emphasized the word to make sure you understood and you never objected.”

Hikaru recalled the conversation and slumped to the ground as she made another protest. Yet, nothing she was saying seemed to be getting through to the girl. After several rounds of back and forth, Amy suddenly tackled her pulled her into an embrace and gave her a hug. “Railing at me isn’t going to help. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t want to be pregnant, you are now. You need to prepare. Speaking of preparing, we need to get ready for the day. We have a lot to do today.”

With that, she was suddenly released, and Amy went about getting dressed. Hikaru just sat there feeling very unsatisfied with the way things had gone. She felt a little better after venting, but she hadn’t even gotten an apology or any kind of remorse from Amy. It almost felt like Amy was enjoying the conversation. Dejectedly she left the room, to gather her stuff. 

Aurora stretched lazily. She hadn’t yet changed back to a full dragon yet, and was still tagging along with Arlie and her friends. She was quite pleased with how they were taking her lessons. Sure they resented them now, but Aurora knew they would be thanking her later. They were making a lot of progress and the twins while still not exactly comfortable with being naked were making very good progress with their nature magic. Honestly, she could have fixed their issue with being naked with a snap of her fingers, but she had chosen not to. She had her reasons for that, most involving an old friend, a friend she respected deeply.

Pushing herself off the soft bed, she had made herself, she got to her feet. Her bed was little more than a mound of dirt and leaves, created through a simple use of nature and earth magic. Heading for the others, she was thinking of today’s lesson plan, when her nose detected the scent of blood on the air. A quick scrying revealed that a brisk march ahead of their position, a wagon train on the road to Arcs was under attack. The really odd part? The attackers were a pack of Vorlaks. Aurora was a bit confused about how that worked, until she noticed the alpha. It was an unusually powerful male, who her senses told her was about to evolve. All of its packmates were female. Suddenly it all made sense to her. It wasn’t really a pack, but the harem of a very strong Vorlak. Though it was still unusual.

Using her scrying she looked over the field, and almost dismissed the caravan as lost until she noticed a young woman hiding in a hidden storage compartment that had been locked from the outside. The compartment was even enchanted to make it very hard to find by senses both conventional and magical. The dragon suspected that someone had stuffed her in there to protect her. The dragon smiled to herself, this presented an excellent opportunity. One she couldn’t dismiss, afterall she made it a point to know who all the powerful figures within a week’s flight of her lair. While she didn’t recognize the woman, her magical aura identified her as the daughter of someone she did. Someone who could make her charge’s trip to the Blue Temple much more expedient. Afterall, since none of them could fly, they would have to charter a boat. While that was something Arlie could afford having a strong backer would make it easier to find someone going that way.

Reaching the tents, she entered the closest one. That tent happened to be Arlie’s, and given that the sun was just starting to rise it came as no surprise that she was still sleeping. She looked quite cute a vulnerable curled up in her disordered sleeping roll. Her blanket had slipped revealing her bare skin to the world. Aurora had never entered her tent before, but was not surprised to find her naked. Sleepwear was a very foreign concept in Varixyies, and in neighboring Ukova it was something only the upper class had. Around here most slept either nude or in their underwear. Although there were some men, mostly warriors, knights or guards that would sleep in their armor.

Kneeling the dragoness, reached down and gently shook the girl. Arlie proved to be a light sleeper, and was easily awakened by the slight jolt. Although it still took her a minute to fully awaken. When she did, she quickly pulled up the blanket to cover herself, and in a confused tone, she asked, “Uh, do you need something?” then her face went worried, but before she could even voice her fear, Aurora was speaking.

Aurora chose not to answer her fear, even though she knew what it was, and simply said, “Get ready, Quickly. We need to move quickly.”

Sensing the urgency in Aurora’s voice, Arlie without a word slipped out of her bedding and began getting dressed. Her modesty temporarily forgotten. Aurora left the tent and moved to the twin’s tent. Those two proved to be a little harder to wake, but they also quickly understood the urgency once she got them up.

As for the boys, Thron proved easy, while Horon initially misunderstood her presence in their tent. A misunderstanding that she quickly relieved him of. The poor boy was cute in his own way, and she might have played with him in that fashion he wanted if she didn’t have other concerns. Although she would prefer it if he was stronger first, but she did know a few spells that could fix it. Spells that were made by those perverted dragons that preferred playing with human and elven girls. However, those spells were designed to be cast in stages and were meant for females. Not to mention the first stage was supposed to be cast on the target at the onset of puberty. Those perverts actually liked taking them young, and then molding them for several years before they started the real thing. However, she had no doubt if she used them with Horon there would be side-effects. She mentally filed a note to have a talk with him later.

Arlie followed the cart, as she searched with her senses. Aurora was basically forcing them to march, but she was afraid to ask why. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what could cause a dragon as powerful as Aurora to feel the need to move with urgency. So far she had not seen any monsters, but she did recall that one Vorlak that had mauled her because she had failed to see it magically. She shuddered as she recalled that incident. It was a very painful and embarrassing memory one she did not like to recall.

As she walked she couldn’t stop thinking about the urgency she felt from Aurora. Something about it was bothering her, but she could not put her finger on what it was. Looking ahead, she briefly considered asking the naked dragon girl what the big hurry was about, but again that fear resurfaced. A hardened lump in her throat. A part of her was telling her that she didn’t want to know, but unlike earlier, she pushed it down. Closing the distance, she asked nervously, “may I ask why we are moving so urgently?

The dragoness looked back smiled gently, “Of course my child. Up ahead, a wagon train is being attacked by a pack of Vorlaks.”

Arlie felt a surge of panic, bile rose up her throat. Desperately hoping she had heard wrong, she meekly asked, “A pack of Vorlaks?

The dragoness nodded, and replied, “I know its odd, very odd.”

Now both afraid, and concerned, she asked, “Should we not be, ... going the other way?”

The dragoness giggled, and replied, “Of course not. Besides, you worry too much. Other than the Alpha you alone could easily destroy that pack with a single spell. The Alpha might give you a little trouble, but he can’t kill you.”

Arlie didn’t like the sound of this and was really wishing she hadn’t given in to her curiosity and asked the question. Sometimes ignorance was bliss, and this was one of those times. “... Uh, I ...”

Aurora didn’t even let her finish her sentence before she declared, “In fact, this pack should be great training for you and the twins. I’ll have you three fight them on your own.”

Arlie had to fight down another surge of panic. She really didn’t want to fight a pack of Vorlaks. She almost protested as well, but she already knew it was pointless. The dragon had already made up her mind, a fact that was very apparent to Arlie. Her aura, posture, and expression all screamed that she had made up her mind. Slumping her shoulders, she trudged along behind the dragoness with each step feeling like a noose was tightening around her neck. Muttering to herself, “I really shouldn’t have asked.”


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