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Hikaru felt a surge of panic as her mind frantically tried to figure out why the staff didn’t change her. There was a part of her that could sense how many charges she had left for the day, and she had them all. The staff had just stopped before a charge could be used. Her panicked mind remembered what the goddess had said about being pregnant would prevent her from being changed. However, she had only had sex with Amy in her girl form. So she dismissed that, and came to an entirely different conclusion. The goddess must be angry with her, and she slumped to the floor.

Her staff drew those charges by channeling divine energy through her. At least that was how she understood it, and those charges could be increased by improving her relationship with the goddess. It wasn’t much of a stretch for her to conclude that the goddess could interfere with the use of her staff. However, she couldn’t think of any reason other than being displeased or angry that could justify this.

Sitting on the floor, she kept drawing a blank on what she could have done to anger the goddess. At least until she considered prayer and her time in a dragon’s temple. She had not thought much of it before, but she had not been very diligent in praying to the goddess. Not to mention, being in the temple of another might have been an insult. Thinking she finally had an answer she clutched her staff tightly, and began to pray.

She had not actually expected an answer nor for it come so quickly. Almost as soon as she began praying the goddess replied, and suddenly she felt very calm. All her worries seemed to have slipped away, and were replaced with a sense of contentedness. “You know I told you that if you got pregnant you wouldn’t be able to change back.”

She took a moment to reply, and said, “I can’t be pregnant, I haven’t ...”

The voice of the goddess interrupted, “Done the necessary bits? Actually you have.”

She felt a surge of panic over the forced calm from the goddesses presence, and rapidly slipped her hand down her skirt to check her pussy. As she was checking it, she heard an amused chuckle, followed by the goddess speaking again. “I guess you didn’t realize. Then again your old world never really studied magic. Amy told you that magic could be applied to just about anything you can think of, remember? Now did it ever occur to you that a male wouldn’t necessarily be needed?

As she listened to the goddess her face gradually paled as she began to realize what she thought was impossible, may have actually been the case. Reluctantly, hoping it wasn’t true she meekly asked, “I’m pregnant?”

“Only a couple weeks in, but yes.”

That wasn’t what she had wanted to hear, and she was immediately assailed with numerous conflicting emotions. A strange mix that she was having a hard time processing, and for a moment she was just numb. Suddenly she felt a comforting warmth spread through her body, and the goddess said, “Don’t worry you will be fine. I do suggest you visit the library. They do have a few books that I recommend you read.”

Just as the goddess mentioned the books, a few titles burned themselves into her memory. It was a very odd experience, and it felt like her brain was burning as it happened. By all means, she found the entire experience something she didn’t want to repeat. She didn’t even realize she was begging the goddess to stop until after the burning pain receded. With the pain gone, she got the distinct impression that the goddess was about to leave. Almost in a panic, she shouted mentally, “Wait! I don’t want to be pregnant is there, ...”

The goddess replied in a fashion that made her wish she hadn't asked, the tone was sickly sweet, but she could sense venom behind it. The pain in her head seemed to react to that venom and came back as a rather mild burning sensation. One that she tried to ignore.  “I will not allow you to abort it. Mistakes have consequences and you have to live with them. So please do not ask that again sweety, alright? However, if you can find a girl willing to carry your child for you, I would be willing to transfer it, but keep in mind there is a cost to that.”

Then she felt an odd feeling around her belly. She wasn’t sure what it was, but it felt eerily similar to what she felt when her staff changed her form. Deep down she knew exactly what that feeling was. It was the goddess’s divine power likely being used to protect her unborn child. Then the goddess left, and with her gone her calming influence disappeared as well. Like a dam breaking her emotions surged, and she began to cry.

Hours later Hikaru woke to sunlight streaming into her face. She felt numb and uncomfortable as well, and it took her a couple of moments to recognize that she had slept on the floor. A few moments later, her memories of last night resurfaced. Unlike last night where her emotions were jumbled and overwhelming the night has helped her calm down. Now she felt, ... betrayed. Along with some anger and displeasure, mostly directed towards Amy.

She hadn’t slept with anyone but Amy. That meant Amy was the one to have gotten her pregnant. However not all her anger and displeasure was directed at Amy, a good amount of it was directed at well herself. For being stupid and not thinking. If she had stopped to think for even a minute, then she might have realized that magic could be used for more than just sexual stimulation Amy said she was using it for. That magic could in fact also be used to make female-female interactions capable of producing a child. The more she thought about it the angrier she got at herself for being blind to these things.

Stretching, she pushed herself off the floor, and proceeded to exit her room. She had a deep need to confront Amy and she felt it best to do it as soon as possible. Even if a part of her knew that the conversation was going to be awkward.

The goddess had not actually fully left Hikaru, but had merely withdrew her presence. Feeling the need to look after Hikaru for a short while. As soon as presence was withdrawn she watched Hikaru succumb to the full force of her emotions. The goddess had known this would happen however and was not surprised. Nor was she surprised that Hikaru had failed to heed her warning and ended up pregnant. The goddess expected that Hikaru would learn from this. There were many lessons that Hikaru could learn from this.  Some of which she felt the young woman would need to learn sooner than later.

Speaking of lessons, she realized she had forgotten to tell Hikaru why she shouldn’t ask about abortion again. Honestly, she wasn’t a fan of the concept, neither side of her liked the concept. Her creation side was appalled by it, and well her destruction side saw it as pointless. The real reason she reacted the way she did though was because there was a goddess out there who really hated the concept. Her main aspect was fertility and she absolutely despised anyone who as she saw it spurned her gifts and aborted a child. Even entertaining the thought could attract her ire. This is why she had done Hikaru the favor of blessing her child and given her way out if she could find one. Although she already knew that Hikaru wouldn’t use it. Hikaru would consider it, but ultimately decide that the cost that she had mentioned was likely not worth it.

In the short term, she knew that Hikaru would first confront Amy, but after that, she would need to go to the library. The sooner she did so the better. A few of the books that she had gifted the girl knowledge of contained information on the gods. Although she would have to get permission from the priesthood to read those given they covered gods not in the Dragon Pantheon. Something that wouldn’t be too hard, as she had already alerted the priesthood through her old friend Aurora.

Then she noticed something happening elsewhere and her attention was drawn back to a certain forest. It seemed that a certain party that was dealing with a certain dragon’s whims had stumbled across the scene of a battle. Broken wagons, and dead bodies were scattered everywhere. Some of them were human or elf, but the rest were monsters.


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