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Arlie stretched a bit before slipping out of the bed. She was a bit sore, but felt deeply satisfied. On the other side of the bed, the twins were getting dressed. She watched them for a moment or two before reaching down and grabbing her panties that were discarded at some point during their activities. Not that she recalled exactly when, as it was a bit of a blur. Slipping them on, she then went to wrap her chest. As she was securing the chest wrap, she glanced at the door. Her mage senses had just informed her that someone was at the door.

“Someone is waiting at the door,” said Arlie.

Frowning Lily asked, “Who would be at the door?”

Rose commented, “I’m pretty sure Horon wanted to do maintenance when he got up, and Thron said something about practice when they discussed their morning plans last night.”

Arlie scratched her cheek, and replied, “I’m not sure, but it feels like Aurora.”

Lily glanced at the door, and then incredulous looked back at Arlie, “Your joking right!? That doesn’t even make sense.”

Arlie knew it didn’t make sense. Aurora was a dragon, and a big one at that. There was no way she could even fit in the door given that she dwarfed the building in size. While it might be possible with a spell, Arlie knew of no spell that could shrink such a large creature to the point that it could fit in the door. The only size-changing spell she knew of, didn’t work all that well when it came to living beings which came as no surprise given that the spell had been created by the ancients for moving large stone blocks across great distances, and was never intended for use on living creatures. Until recently the spell had been considered lost, but some adventurers had recovered a tome containing details of the spell. The only reason she even knew of the spell, is that while in the market with Ria she had heard mention of an auction for the spellbook. The adventurers who found it had put it up for auction, and Ria had then told her the basics on the spell.

She hadn’t been interested in the spell then, but now she found herself wondering if Aurora didn’t know some variant that allowed her to shrink. Grabbing her robes, she replied, “I know it doesn’t make much sense, but that’s what I sense.”

Rose while pulling up her leather pants, said, “Well she is a Dragon God, so who knows what she can do.”

Arlie didn’t say anything, but Lily quickly conceded that point and decided that Rose had made a good point there.

A moment later, the three had finished dressing for the day, and Arlie stood in front of the door. She was hesitating to open the door. Mostly as she wasn’t sure she wanted to know what Aurora wanted, but she knew she couldn’t hide in this room forever. Not to mention, she knew that if Aurora wanted to she could make her open the door. Sighing, and deciding she needed to get things over with, she slipped the lock and pulled the door open.

The sight that greeted her was so far outside her expectations that she froze for a moment. Not sure what to say or do. She had expected to see a dragon waiting at the door, and likely shrunk by magic. Instead, she found herself looking at a young girl. She stood entirely naked, but if you ignored the wings, scales, and the tail, she looked almost human. Not to mention she shared some resemblance with herself and other members of her clan.

Arlie took a moment to study the figure of the girl in front of her, and was immediately jealous. She stood a good ten centimeters maybe a little more taller than Arlie. Something Arlie was envious about. She often wished she was a little taller, and the girl before her had a similar figure to her own. However, she was that little bit taller that Arlie always wanted to be. The coloring of her scales gave her an exotic look that along with the wings and the tail lazily swinging behind her just enhanced her appearance.

Arlie suppressed her surge of jealousy, and then she said, “Would you like something to wear?”

Arlie was hoping she would say yes, as she found her naked figure to be a little distracting. It was rather hard to know where to look. Her hopes were quickly dashed, and promptly smashed against an imaginary cliff. The young-looking girl in front of her, replied while frowning cutely, “Why would I want clothes?”

Arlie tried to answer that question, but every answer was shot down.

“Uh, to hide your figure from prying eyes?”

The dragoness giggled at that, “And what do I have to hide? No, don’t answer that. The answer is nothing.”

“To pr ...”

Interrupted before she could even finish with, “My scales serve that purpose, and even if my form has changed my skin is quite tough. The only weapon here that could even pierce it is ... No, I shouldn’t even be talking about that.”

“So that ...” and again she was interrupted with, “Nah, I don’t care if you feel a little uncomfortable. You will get used to it.”

“I’m not going to be able to convince you to put anything on, am I?”

Aurora leaned forward a bit and grinned saying, “Nope!”

Arlie had barely processed that before Aurora cheerfully said, “Now if you three are done mating, we can get on to training.” glancing at the twins, she continued, “Yes, I mean three.”

Then she looked at Arlie and gave her a sad look, “I know you don’t exactly remember, but when you do I will let you explain. In the meantime, you three all need special lessons.” She gave the twins a fierce look, “Especially you two, before you lose control of that magic flowing through your bodies.”

Lily was the first to interrupt, and said, “Why do we need training?!”

Aurora sighed, and replied, “I won’t go into details, but during your lovemaking, Arlie did something without thinking. Good thing she can only do it once, but it awakened your capacity for magic. Now, Arlie can teach you the basics, but some of what you need to know is element-specific. Problem is she doesn’t match your affinities and can’t teach you about your elements. 

Lily, you seem to have awoken to an affinity to Light, Nature, and Earth. While Rose, you have an affinity to Dark, Nature, and Sky.”

Arlie glancing at her feet fidgeted awkwardly, and asked, “What exactly did I do?”

Aurora didn’t answer the question. While the twins sat heavily on the bed, and looked at each other. Neither one liked the direction this conversation seemed to be taking, and the next bombshell was not to their liking as well.

“Light is a nice strong element. Quite powerful and versatile. Although since it embodies destruction it lends itself mainly towards powerful offensive spells. However it does have nondestructive uses, and it does have some powerful healing spells. Including a very powerful spell called ‘The Sun’s Healing Light.’ The Dark element is its counterpart, and is equally powerful and versatile. Naturally, it embodies creation and lends itself towards defensive spells. It also has powerful healing spells, but it gets a bad rap because the element can be used for the forbidden branch of magic known as necromancy. However, the dark element is not inherently evil as is commonly believed. Nor is light inherently good as is commonly believed in fact, because of those common beliefs the reverse is often true. Of the users I mean, not the elements.

Now Nature magic is also quite useful, but we are going to have to change your style of dress. To really get a feel for Nature magic, minimal clothing is recommended, the less you wear the better. In fact, it would be best if you were naked, as nature magic works best when there are no barriers between you and nature. Elves are the best teachers for it, specifically Forest Elves, but I know a fair amount as well. Nature mages can control plants, and have a limited ability to control the weather. Not as potent as a Storm Mage, but they can call forth rain or mist. Powerful nature mages do not need plants to strike but can create them out of the raw nature mana as temporary constructs. However, I feel you two have the potential to go far enough on the path to evolve that affinity into the next stage.”

The twins didn’t wait for her to start describing their next affinity before protesting. “We are not undressing!”

Arlie didn’t think protests would work with this dragoness, but chose not to say anything.

The Dragoness listened to them complain for a few more moments, before speaking, “Well I never said you had to be naked, but you will need to learn about the element and how to control it. Although I think it would be foolish to dismiss nature magic out of hand due to misplaced mortal ideas.”

Arlie sighed, and interjected, “I think it would be best if we get this over with now while the boys are occupied.”

“BUT! Arlieee, she wants us to walk around naked in public!”

Arlie was about to say something, but it seemed Aurora didn’t feel like continuing the argument. Suddenly she felt the now-familiar sensation of Aurora taking control, and the three of them ended up following her out to the courtyard. Where she promptly began her lesson, and silenced any protests from the twins.


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