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Arlie shifted a bit, and burrowed a bit deeper into her pillow, and muttered “Five more finger spans.”

Rose who was trying to wake her looked, at Lily whose chest was unfortunately Arlie’s pillow. Lily who was growing a little impatient and tried to push Arlie off her. Not that it was easy, in fact, Arlie was quite heavy. Given her poor position for it, she failed to do more than jostle Arlie, and Rose moved to help her.

It proved to not be easy to wake Arlie today, but they managed to do it. Arlie stretched lazily, as Rose informed her, “The Sun rose about half a handspan ago. I let you sleep, but I think its time we get ready to leave.”

Arlie was feeling a little horny though, and there was something she wanted to do, now that they were no longer in the dungeon, and not under the influence of some enchanted gear. “Let’s have a little fun first, and then we can go have breakfast.”

Rose frowned, and Lily cocked her head cutely. Arlie did not answer the unasked question with words, but instead, she suddenly kissed Lily. She coated her tongue with a bit of lightning mana, just enough to be felt but no more. Lily just sat there stunned for a moment, and then she began to return the kiss. Rose also sat on the bed stunned for a moment, and then she pouted, saying, “Don’t just kiss Lily give me a little attention as well.”

Arlie broke the kiss quite happy to have what she already felt for them being reciprocated here. Sure the dungeon may have been part of this, but she didn’t care. She didn’t respond with words though, and proceeded to kiss Rose as well. Who quickly returned the kiss. She didn’t speak mainly because she wasn’t sure how to admit that she had been in love with her best friends/ sisters for years.

Rose was quick to return the kiss, and Lily grabbed Arlie’s bare breasts, and began to fondle them. The twins had stripped her out of her clothes last night, and then shed their own. It was why the only item they were all wearing were their panties. Varixyians rarely wore nightclothes outside of their wealthier nobility. The nights were warm here, and most considered nightclothes to be a waste of coin. 

Arlie let her fondle her breasts, as she enjoyed the sensations. She focused instead on exploring Rose’s mouth with passion, and vigor. The mana she was using helping to enhance the experience. Deep in her core thanks to Lily’s ministrations a gentle heat began to build and as it did her mana began to flow. In a way that had never happened to her before, but felt quite pleasurable. Her very being wanted to draw on it and she did. Feeding it into a mana coat to enhance their pleasure. Little did she realize what she was about to do, and if she had maybe she would have hesitated here. Instead, she gave in to her instinct to make them hers, and her theirs.

She wanted to be theirs with all her being, and she wanted them to belong to her in the same way. Little did she know that this desire was causing her to draw on ancient magic that came from the Skylords. A similar magic derived from it was employed by dragons when selecting their lifelong mate, but she was drawing on the original. Not that she even realized it.

Before long they were completely naked as they indulged in each other’s bodies. Their flesh began to glow in a gentle yet vibrant light, as lightning sparked from their skin. Lightning that shifted hues and colors never sticking to one for long. None of them seemed to fully register the glowing magic as their minds were too clouded with the immense pleasure that the mana was causing. The twins were a bit more aware than Arlie who had given in to her instincts, and they felt the magic was offering them something. The feelings of warmth and love that felt attached to it caused them to accept. None of the three fully understood what they were doing, maybe if they had they would have given it much more thought.

As they rubbed their bodies against each other, the magic sank deep into their flesh. Surges of pleasure rippled up their spines, and simultaneously the three climaxed. Sticky fluids leaked from them to stain the sheets of the bed. Arlie let out several loud moans, as she pressed against Rose who was beneath her. Her genitals grinding roughly against that of her partner. Behind her, Lily was pressing her breasts into her back. She could feel the hard points of Lily’s erect nipples as the passed with each movement. Going up and down over and over again. At the same time, Lily used her fingers to play with Arlie’s boobs. Suddenly she rolled Arlie’s nipples between her fingers, sending electric tingles up the soft flesh.

Arlie moan again, as more sticky fluids ran down her leg, and mixed with the fluids that Rose was letting out. The glow of the magic intensified in that moment, and they were driven into a further frenzy as their movements intensified. They changed positions, with Arlie moving to grind against Lily, as Rose moved in from the side to pleasure them both. Skilly fully using her tongue and hands she played with both girls chests, as they grinded against each other.

A wave of mana rippled off them, as a surge of lightning rippled through their bodies. The glowing light rapidly shifted hues and colors before settling on a mix of gray, golden-white and black. The gray light settled on Arlie and seeped into her body before vanishing from the room. Next to her, the golden light flowed into Lily, while her sister Rose absorbed the black light. None of the noticed but their eyes began to change. Arlie’s dark black eyes lightened in mere seconds to a pleasing dark gray, while Rose’s pleasant brown eyes darkened to black. As for Lily her lovely brown eyes lightened in color and shifted to a lovely light golden hue. 

From deep within the twins a massive surge of mana rushed forth to fill their as yet unused mana pools. Excess mana spilled into the room. Neither twin knew it yet, but they had just awakened as mages. However, they had awoken to the power of a high mage without the training that normally came with it. Something that would prove a problem for them later, but at the moment they were rather distracted with each other.

Arlie pushed herself more deeply into Lily, as she enjoyed the feeling of Rose sucking on her left breast. As her pussy slid against her partner, her clit brushed against her partners. Sending electric tingles surging up her spine, and causing another climax. With it a bit of the haze she was under vanished, and with it, she noticed that the twins were a bit out of it as well.

A quick controlled burst of lightning mana from herself was enough to clear her head, and that of the twins. Clear-headed for the moment, she had the strong feeling that she had done something. Something that could never be undone, and something she might regret. It would be a long time before she truly understood what she had done, and she would learn that she was right. She had done something irreversible. As for the regret part, that will remain to be seen.



Ship sailed! And come on Arlie! What there to regret? You love them dearly from long ago and twins finally understood their own feelings and love you too.