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Hikaru laid back on the bed feeling a bit uncertain about this. In front of her, Amy crawled towards her naked. This time, she wasn’t soaked to the bone, and her body actually could respond to the sight in front of her. Not being cold she could really enjoy the naked figure before her. Amy’s chest was rather flat, but she still had a bit of a mound. Her nipples were small and delicate, but she had large pink areolas. Her body was toned from years of working in the field, and yet she seemed lithe and delicate. She had a decently padded bust and firm thighs to make up for her small breasts. The shape was nice and round. Her skin was lovely and without scars. Although she did have a couple of birthmarks, including a cute one on her left boob. Her shoulder-length green hair hung loosely framing her cute face. Her expressive blue eyes seemed to draw her in for a moment before she noticed that Amy had very little body hair. What she did have was extremely fine and easy to miss if you weren’t looking for it.

Then again she had far less in her female form than she did as a guy herself, and what she did have was quite fine. She guessed it was a girl thing, and she had to admit that it looked good. It also meant that she didn’t have to shave as a girl, which was a plus. She shivered a bit under Amy’s gaze feeling a bit as if she was the prey, before a predator.

The smile on Amy’s face seemed quite predatory as well. With a lovely lilt, she said as her fingers delicately probed Hikaru’s sex, “You seem to be quite sensitive. I think I can easily show you a few things, but perhaps we should try a bit of magic.”

A bit confused, she tilted her head, as she suppressed a shudder. “Magic? How does that apply to sex?”

Amy’s eyes seemed to glint, and she leaned forward, “Magic can be applied to just about anything you can think of, and there are spells that can make even simple things feel much better. Common practice is too just coat your fingers or skin with mana thereby altering its sensitivity, but using an element also has its advantages.”

Just as she said that Hikaru felt a strange tingle even though Amy’s probing had hardly changed. The tingle felt kind of good, and the heat in her belly began growing very quickly while her pussy dampened in seconds. Amy said something but it hardly registered with Hikaru, and a moment later Amy brushed her clit. Hikaru was completely unprepared for the sudden rush of electricity going up her spine or the rush of heat that followed. She climaxed instantly her vision going white, as she entered what turned out to be a long orgasm.

Amy took full advantage of her orgasm and began using her skilled fingers to take her to greater heights. She pressed her thigh against Hikaru’s twitching pussy and began grinding while with her fingers she began to play with Hikaru’s larger breasts. The half-elf started by massaging the soft flesh her fingers coated with mana, naturally, she added a bit of her favored element. The addition to a small bit of ice mana cooled her flesh a bit and caused her to shudder under her.

Hikaru’s orgasm was quickly followed by a second, when Amy rolled and pulled her nipples, her thigh digging deeper into Hikaru’s sensitive flesh and rubbing against her clit. Amy began letting out heated breathes of her own. She had already made all her preparations beforehand and was really enjoying showing Hikaru the pleasures of being a girl. She wasn’t kidding about teaching her about all of them, though. Leaning a bit forward she let go of a breast, and immediately began to suckle on it. Using her tongue to stimulate and roll the nipple. With a hand now free, she reached up and brushed Hikaru’s ear. The pleasure delirious female below her let out a heated moan, as her pussy spasmed staining the sheets below them. Amy giggled a bit between her own heated breathes, as she adjusted herself so that she could grind her own pussy against Hikaru’s.

Hikaru at that moment seemed to come back to herself, but looking into her eyes Amy could tell she wasn’t really thinking and just seeking more pleasure. Hikaru suddenly grabbed Amy’s small mounds and began playing with her nipples. Amy was already close to a climax of her own, and that small stimulation was just enough to send her over the edge. Her pussy began to squirt and their juices mixed, and as they did a magic spell she had cast before they even started activated and the fluids glowed a gentle pink. That pink shifted hues as the seconds past and began transitioning between colors as it turned purple until settling on a light blue before the light faded away. Neither really noticed the light, and if Amy had she would have known the special significance of the final color. Afterall it wasn’t quite the one she had expected. Though she would find out the results later on her own.

Instead, the two remained close until their heads cleared, and breathily Hikaru said, “That felt amazing”

Amy smirked, and said, “There is so much more I can show you.” Just as she pushed her head between Hikaru’s legs and began to probe her folds with her tongue.

By the time morning came, Hikaru and Amy had gone several rounds with each other. Hikaru was kind of tired out but very satisfied with what had happened. She hadn’t exactly been a virgin before, but her first experience with sex as a girl had been so much better than anything she had experienced before. Amy had proven very skilled at combining magic with physical stimuli and Hikaru had orgasmed so many times that she had lost all track of time.

Maybe it came as no surprise, but she was the last to get up in the morning, and while she felt fine for the most part her skin was a little sensitive this morning. While she was getting dressed she found her pussy was a little too sensitive today, and that her panties were rubbing her wrong today. This prompted her to take them off, and stow them in her bag. Her chest was also a bit too sensitive today, but she was able to wrap them without making herself uncomfortable.

After getting dressed, she came down to find Amy preparing something, and the others waiting at the table. She headed over to Amy and quietly asked her a question.

Amy leaned down and whispered back, “Sorry, I must have used mana coating a bit too much last night. Don’t worry the side effects usually don’t last more than a couple of days at the most.”

A little alarmed, she almost shouted her surprise, but managed to catch herself, in a rather dejected tone, “You mean I will be this sensitive for days?”

Amy shook her head, and replied quietly, “Eh.. Likely not. I have to admit that I am feeling a little sensitive today as well, but we should be back to normal by tonight. If not then it will be tomorrow night.”

Hikaru felt a little assured by that, but it didn’t help that down below was a little breezy. She moved away and settled at the table. All while being careful not to move too quickly, as she didn’t want everyone to know that she was walking around without panties. Even if two of the other members of their group liked to walk around naked, they were goblins and that was normal for them.

Thankfully breakfast went by without incident, and the headed down the road. All of them glad for the brief but comfortable stay in a roadside cabin. However, the day wasn’t without its own incidents. Thankfully they didn’t encounter any monsters, but much to Hikaru’s embarrassment she missed a root sticking out of the ground while they were passing some bushes. Her foot got caught on the root, and she stumbled. She managed to avoid face-planting, but her skirt got flipped up revealing to all her companions that she was walking around without panties today.

Around the same time that Hikaru was treating her party members to a free view of her ass, Arlie and party had reached yet another boss door. This floor had been tougher than the last, and all of them looked a little rough. The local monsters were lesser wrath demons, and like any demon of the wrath circle, they were quite strong. They had gone through their healing supplies, and Arlie had used up over half her mana on healing spells. She wanted this to be over, and she hadn’t found a safe room so even though her mana was mostly depleted she was going to challenge this bosses test with her friends.

Pushing the door open she looked around. Settled into a silver throne padded with cushions was a breathtaking demonic beauty. Unsurprisingly she wasn’t wearing a scrap, which gave Arlie a great view of her assets. Hers were rather good in fact, but they were outside of Arlie’s preferences. She was quite tall for a woman at around a hundred and ninety centimeters if Arlie had to guess. Her body was fairly muscular and had a little too much muscle in Arlie’s opinion. Her pussy was hidden by an untamed bush, and frankly, Arlie preferred hairless ones, and was thankful that her own was naturally hairless. While the twins, well they used to have body hair, but they didn’t grow body hair anymore. That was Arlie’s fault, but it wasn’t intentional. Then there were the boss’s breasts they were absolutely huge. Arlie had never seen a pair so large, and she just didn’t like them so big.

The boss smiled as she entered, and leaned forward, “hmm, I take it you want to take my test?”

She nodded, and the boss produced a vial containing a light blue glowing fluid. She tossed it lightly and Arlie caught it in her hand, “My test is on healing knowledge and ability. You are going to need some many, so you might want to drink that.

Arlie appraised the item, and recognized it as a mana potion. Basically it was concentrated mana in liquid form. Often used in the making of many potions as a base. This little vial contained almost as much mana as her entire mana pool. Making it quite a potent fluid. She took a sip, and let it permeate her pool for a few moments before taking a second. It was far too potent to just chug it. Chugging the entire thing down in an instant would be stupid. Although since people were stupid the clans often sold diluted potions to adventurers. This one was the undiluted product which meant it was far more effective.

The boss seemed to approve of her slower intake of the potion and waited until she had finished before, saying “Okay, let’s begin. We will start with this child. I want you to heal her injury.”

As she mentioned a child, a little girl and table materialized before Arlie. The girl was poorly clothed with only a single small scrap of cloth to cover her groin with. The girl was clearly moaning in pain, and the cause was immediately apparent. The poor little girl who could have been more than eight had a large branch going through her stomach. This was going to be a bit of a challenge.

Arlie started by using a sleep spell. It took a while, but the gently soothing nature of the mana allowed the girl to forget the pain and lulled her to sleep. With the girl now sleeping calmly, Arlie began to probe the wound. It was evident that it was deep, and that she couldn’t just remove the branch. Thankfully the table had a wide array of common herbs and healing supplies at her disposal. She quickly prepared a poultice and applied it around the wound. Then she fed the sleeping girl a potion she made using some other herbs, before grabbing some cloth to place around the wound.

When she was finally done with her preparations, she removed the foreign object slowly while simultaneously casting a healing spell. As the object left the wound closed around it almost as quickly as the object was being removed, the poultice seeped into the wound and helped promote the regeneration and keep the bleeding to a minimum, while the cloth absorbed what blood poured out from the wound. Every couple of minutes she would stop pulling to apply a potion. It didn’t take long before the object was out, and she was using the cloth to clean up the wound. Not that she had one anymore, her stomach was completely healed and the skin was smooth again. Although, it would be a bit tender for a few days given that it was entirely new flesh.

The boss who had watched her work, smiled, “quite good, and rather passable job I might add. Could have been done more quickly, and you didn’t need to place that cloth over the wound though. As a practical test, this shows that you at least understand the theory.”

Arlie actually had a lot of practice healing injuries. Voros wasn’t big enough to have a dedicated healer, so she often ended up doing the healing. Before her, her mother had been the town healer in addition to wearing the local mage hat. She knew that Ria would have made sure someone from the clan was watching the family home by now, and doing her normal duties since she couldn’t be there right now. So she felt confident that she could pass this test on healing.


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