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Pafi looked around the guild room before heading for the door. She’d checked the house and Phylis wasn’t there. There were some things she needed to discuss with her, like where to hold the funeral. Misaki was her partner, and being a young dungeon, couldn’t really travel. That meant if they wanted her to attend they would have to hold the funeral here. That was a very important point regarding the funeral, but not the only one they had to discuss. Even if a good chunk of it was already a done deal, the temples had a date set for when they would have to do it and now they just needed to know where.

Briefly nodding to the elven receptionist she took the door into the back. It wasn’t hard to find the office since she’d been there more than a couple of times.  Reaching the door she knocked three times before letting herself in, but Phyllis wasn’t here. Instead, she found her mate Misaki and the aide Melisa. Pafi had to say the aide looked pretty cute in just a skirt, the look suited her so well.

Misaki noticed her first and gestured her in with a smile, “Pafi! How are you doing today?”

She headed on in and let herself fall into an empty chair, “Well enough, I was hoping to find Phyllis, but I guess you will do. Unless you happen to know where she is?”

“I do, she’s playing with Misha. I think it's nice to see her not just moping somewhere. Half the time I don’t think she even knows where she is.”

Pafi smiled wryly, “That sounds like my child, and no she likely doesn’t. I guess you will do instead. The temple has asked me to make some final decisions for the funeral. Most important of which is where we will hold it.”

“And you want my thoughts?”

“Well naturally, you are mated to my girl. I know you never met Kael so I can’t expect him to mean anything to you, but you being there would be meaningful for Phyllis.”

She frowned, “I’m, um, flattered, but I can’t... exactly travel, you know?”

Pafi nodded, “I know, it would mean holding the funeral here, and that’s what I wanted to discuss with you. The temples will be done preparing his body in two weeks and we can’t really delay after that. We have fifteen days until the funeral because of that. So I really need this decided now, and the temples want an answer by the end of the day.:

Misaki, using her sight, looked in on Phyllis again, then replied. “I can see the problem, but Phyllis really isn’t in the state of mind to discuss something like that.”

The older woman sighed. “I had a feeling that was the case. Losing him cuts deep, and I can’t say I’m not feeling it either, but on top of losing him Phyllis is dealing with all the...”

“Consequences of becoming a girl and she’s still learning. I understand that, and I figured that was part of it. After all, at her age, I’m sure she’s dealt with death before, but if you talk to her...”

Pafi giggled, “I know what you mean, but from experience I can tell you the pregnancy doesn’t help. All those hormones and the mood swings, throw a recent loss into the mix and you’re in a tailspin.” Then she turned more serious, “Now about that funeral...”


Arrieta stepped out of the inn with Miri who groaned when the light hit her face. “You okay Miri?”

She nodded, “My head just hurts, I think it’s time for you to harvest a bit...”

Arrieta shaking her head, reached over, “Nonsense, it’s far too early for that.”

Miri pouted, “Ah, but I like it!”

“Maybe when we get home.”

“You’re just going to eat Xiri...”

Arrieta chuckled, then said, “Okay looks like a noise headache but I don’t recall it being that noisy at the inn. Was anyone being loud earlier?”

Miri nodded, “Yeah that boy next door, I think it was Erik, he was practicing his singing.” She winced, “He’s not very good, hit all the wrong notes.”

Arrieta smiled, “Oh I remember him, sweet boy. Singing talents aside, I found him rather pleasant, a welcome change from your typical theocracy trash.”

Miri gave her a look, “Did you mate with him?”

Arrieta shook her head, “No, but he was very cute. Maybe if I’d had more time. Oh well, there is always next time.”

“So you wanted to.”

Arrieta smiled but didn’t say anything more as she led her charge towards the Moonlight Departures building. It was about time they got home, she had something to look into and a young mother-to-be was in desperate need of her services. Darious might be a bit of a slimeball, but if he did have a redeeming virtue it was that he cared for his own. Unfortunately, that didn’t extend much past his own blood, but he still cared for his family. Something she was able to use to her own benefit. A part of her almost didn’t want to leave, Bordertown was so idyllic and men like Eric just made it more pleasant to live here too. The Theocracy was just a nightmare of a place, propped up by their foul god, but that cesspool would fester if nothing was done. For her own god, she was going to prove herself worthy and change that land. Even if it took a hundred years, she would do it.

Thoughts and plans in mind, she made her way to the guild. Miri kept pace behind her as they passed the various adventurers and locals on the streets. There were also quite a few demons looking for fun times among the people out and about today. She passed a very cute demoness who was wrapping herself around an equally cute young lady who had her boobs out and on display. The sight was rather cute and sexy. Something Arrieta would have been tempted to stick around and watch if she didn’t have places to be.

Stepping into the guild she found it was a little busy with several young men and women settled on sofas and chairs while a bored looking receptionist sat behind a desk. Arrieta sighed and headed for the desk, “When is the next gate for Salmus?”

“Sorry the direct gate is closed, some idiot mage flooded our Salmus location. The entire building is just pouring water out the windows, but there is a gate to White Rock opening in thirty minutes. I’d recommend taking it, then heading to Sunlit Journeys who can then gate you to Salmus.”

“Thanks, how much for the ticket?”

The young woman smiled, “Five gold.”

Arrieta handed over the coins, took her ticket and inquired, and for the child’s ticket?”

“Currently one gold.”

She smiled, paid for that as well and then took Miri to wait. Sitting down she noticed the other girl on the sofa she picked. She was cute with bright green hair, a cute little button nose and long elven ears, her skin was paler than the average elf though, and the air around her felt a little colder. “Let me guess, you are half frost elf?”

The girl looked up from her book, “Sure am, my mother was from up north, my Father was a young ranger in the Royal Guard. They met during a diplomatic function between The Kingdom of Stormwind, and the Queendom of Frostwood.”

Arrieta blinked, “Frostwood? I don’t hear much about that place.”

“I doubt you would, Frostwood is in the far north, cold unforgiving lands that no one else really wants. We don’t get many visitors either, aside from the few merchants and envoys from Stormwind, and we aren’t one of the great kingdoms that everyone talks about either.”

“Right, so what brought you to Bordertown?”

She smiled, “I came to check out the dungeon, still haven’t gone in but it sounds like a fun time.”

“And you are going back already?”

The other girl chuckled, “Nah, I’m waiting for my friend, she finally had a moment of free time and agreed to join me in the dungeon. Of course, she requested we try to seduce our way through. That girl loves a good romp and has a thing about dungeons.”

Arrieta giggled, “Ah she’s one of those people,” then she gestured at the book, “So what were you reading?”

The girl looked at the book, “oh? This? Nothing much, just a little something on the history on the Kingdom of Nothik.”

Arrieta frowned, “Never heard of it.”

“Shame but I guess I can see why. The Kingdom collapsed six hundred years ago. Back in their prime, their mages had been the foremost experts on automatons.”

Miri suddenly moved closer, “What’s an automaton?

The girl giggled, “Well aren’t you the cutest thing.” then she turned more serious, “Automatons are mechanical people built out of metal and magic to do a task. Not unlike a Golem, but they are more... sophisticated.”

Miri frowned and mouthed over the unfamiliar word.

“Basically she said they are better than golems.”

Miri lit up, “Ah! That makes sense.”

Arrieta gestured at the book, “So what happened to them?”

“The book is pretty much a cautionary tale, but it basically boils down to the dangers of their beliefs. The Nothik people had a saying; ‘Guilt is in the blood.’ Effectively they believed the sins of the mother were the sins of the child as well. During the latter years of their kingdom they started using Automatons as Wardens and Peacekeepers and they had programmed their automatons with their beliefs.”

Arrieta’s eyes widened as she realized where that was going. “They didn’t!”

“Unfortunately they did and it backfired. Within a few years they were ruled by their creations and it wasn’t long before their neighbors noticed something was up.”

“I can imagine. Likely not that different from an Abyssal setting up shop, they can avoid notice easily enough due to their mind abilities but sooner or later someone notices that something is odd. That sounds different, but I’m sure the visitors would have noticed something was off sooner or later.”

The other girl sighed, “Yeah I don’t like thinking about those things. Thankfully they aren’t that...”

“Maybe before, word of advice if you have reason to visit the theocracy be careful. They’ve been getting more common down there.”

“Unfortunately not the first time I’ve heard that and I’ve been hearing stories about strange boob monsters stealing children in the night too.”

“Boob monsters? I haven’t heard that story.”

“The traveler I talked to came from Bleakwater, they said things were going strange down there. Young kids were getting sick, and people were seeing monsters in the night. In the dark of the shadows they’d see something that looked like a mass of tentacles half of them ending in boobs, the next they’d see a young girl inviting and eager for sex. Men and women alike would leave an encounter dazed and hapless. Some nights kids would vanish from their homes, a few people said they’d seen them carried off into the night by the monsters.

Arrieta blinked, “Ruyikaita, those are Ruyikaita.”

“A what?”

“The Ruyikaita are the monstrous servants of Qilvi Puppet Queen. I”d say that traveler made a wise move to get out and thanks for telling me about this. It is certainly something I would like to look into.”

“Um, correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t the Qilvi a particularly nasty species...”

“Oh, very but I can handle a few of them. Still something does feel off about that story. A Qilvi is usually much more careful about using its Ruyikaita and abducting kids.”

A door opened and a new figure arrived calling a name. The woman they’d been talking to said, “Well this has been interesting, but my friend is here. Maybe we could meet again?”

“Sure, I’m Arrieta and you are?”

“Kessi, look me up next time you are in town.”

She smiled, “I will,” just before a voice called, “The gate to White Rock is now open...”

“Well that’s us, lets go.”


Misaki stretched, “Okay, I think that about covers things.”

Pafi smiled and said, “I’ll get this to the temple and see you at the funeral.”


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