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Misha giggled as she broke the surface of the little lake, she’d have preferred more space but this was awesome. Being cramped up in a small pool all the time sucked. She smiled at the thought of an even bigger space and then looked over at Eriko. The older girl lay on her back, giving Misha a great view of her naked body. Why these land dwellers wore clothes, she never understood, Eriko was very pretty. “Race you to that island!” She shouted as she pointed at one nearby, there were several, but she didn’t think a land dweller would be able to make it further than that one. Not in a race.

Eriko giggled. “Sure, I’ll try my best for you.”

Misha dived before making for the island. Slicing through the water with ease, behind her she felt a bit of magic and glanced back to see the other girl actually keeping up with her. She giggled to herself and moved faster. If the other girl could keep up, no point trying to go easy on the land girl. This was going to be fun.

A pod of fish swam in front of her, but they dispersed quickly to avoid her. She giggled a bit, as she watched their silvery scales reflecting the dungeon light as it filtered through the water, green plants below added to the atmosphere. A twist of her tail, and she weaved behind some of the taller sea plants, ones she wasn’t familiar with, but she’d never visited every sea. Different waters had different plants, she liked these plants, they were so pretty.

Not that she stopped to admire them, as she weaved her way around them. Behind her, the elf woman raced through the water, a wave of magic helping her keep up, barely. Misha giggled, she was winning! 

Before she knew it they were at the shore of the island, as she settled herself in the damp sand, she turned to the panting elf, “That was fun!”

“Glad you enjoyed it!” She looked up, a slightly sad look on her face, “Sorry I can’t stay much longer.”

“See you again later?”

Eriko nodded, “Sure will! And next time I’ll prepare a swimsuit.”

She frowned, “Why? You are very pretty, and clothes just drag you down.”

Eriko giggled, “You’d rather I be naked next time I swim?”

Misha nodded and the other girl sighed.

“Shiori will never let me forget this but sure.” Her voice quieted, but Misha could still hear her, “I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this.”


Town of Union Point:

The young girl walked down the road, the air in the town was already starting to feel different. The Mistress was going to be leaving soon, beside her several mothers carried their babies. Babies who happened to be the last kids in town, almost the last, there was another girl being led naked alongside them for the Mistress to eat. She was finished with the town anyway, and wouldn’t be back for a few years. 

The young girl sighed, as she rubbed her belly, she was going to miss the Mistress, but she would do her proud, and raise her baby up nice. The town was going to be overflowing with babies soon enough, who was going to miss one or two little ones? She giggled slightly at the thought, it was going to be more than that of course, but Mistress already taught her what to do if the town’s folk started noticing their babies were missing. They weren’t supposed to notice, but there was always the chance.

Reaching the square she noticed the lack of men laying exposed with their dicks out. It felt kind of odd, not having them out here for the girls to breed with, but Mistress was giving them back to their wives now. Mistress was already done working on the people. Her mind drifted back to the past. At the time she had been walking with her mother just after enjoying a wonderful time with Mistress. A smile graced her lips at the memory, Mom had taken her to the female resting area as she needed to pick someone up.

While there she got to see a room full of young women with their bellies pierced by special tendrils. One of the girl’s whose belly looked like it was about to pop was suddenly sliced open. It was something special watching skin split like that without any blood, letting the swollen womb lift out of the body, giving her a view of one very swollen ovary, the other shrunken. Her mother had told her at the time she had seen the process too, and about how the swollen one would be taken and replaced, while the shrunken one would have something inserted into it. At the time, the girl had only known it was part of Mistress's plan.

Now she knew what the whole process was about, two processes caused the swelling of the one ovary, one was the introduction of a compound that causes the eggs to swell as they engorge themselves on the special compound, the other process was the transfer of eggs from one ovary to the other. Once the swollen ovary had all of a female’s eggs, her ovary would be removed, a specially prepared replacement ovary would be inserted in its place. This new ovary would carry modified eggs and would be regenerative by nature, ensuring the girl had a near-limitless supply of eggs.

As for her other ovary, a magical regulator would be inserted into the now empty and otherwise useless organ. The device was there to serve to regulate their pregnancies, adjusting growth rates and number of kids based on requirements set by Mistress. The girl was told it was mostly there to make sure they got pregnant often and had litters, it would also ensure they got horny often so they would breed as required.

Mistress had also worked on their breasts, to ensure everyone would have adequate milk supply and shared her plans for further development. Nothing that would need doing now, only after a few visits. She smiled at the thought, she almost couldn’t wait to see the town Mistress envisioned. It was going to be fun!

Walking up the platform, they soon reached Mistress, who gave them a lovely toothy smile. The mothers with her, carried the five babies they had brought and placed them down. Mistress snaked her tongue out and licked them for a moment before pulling all five into her mouth at once. A crunch, screams and crying followed but only for a moment as Mistress enjoyed her treat. The girl smiled, knowing how she saw babies. They were just tasty treats. Her hand drifted to her own belly again, she smiled, she couldn’t wait to feed a few to Mistress’s baby.

She watched with a smile as the naked young girl was brought up to the platform. That girl was the last kid in town, about seven years old. The young girl watched as she was tasted for a moment, Mistress’s tongue wrapped around her. The other girl shuddered for a moment, then suddenly the tongue pulled her in. There was a scream, but she didn’t hear a crunch. 

That came later. Mistress took her time, savoring the kid. Who quieted down quickly, then there was a sudden crunch, and a cry, as Mistress began to eat. The entire time, the young girl enjoyed the sight. It was so nice seeing this, just like with her sisters.

Once Mistress was done, the girl heard a voice, “Having fun Rika?”

The girl nodded.

“Glad to hear it. Come here, give me a hug before I leave.”

She approached and pressed herself against the giant serpent for a moment. Enjoying the warm scales against her naked skin. Only for them to depart all too soon. As the serpent started slithering away, she felt a warm yet strange tint to the air. Almost instantly she knew what it meant, and she turned to follow the already departing mothers. “Bye Mistress, see you in a few years!”


Aya followed her mistress down the temple corridor. Her mind shifted back once again to the past. Recalling how she had woken up at the alter just a few days ago, a couple of priestesses standing over her and her mistress. She’d ended up walking down this corridor then too.

At least this time, she didn’t have Mistress controlling her. Of course, back then she wasn’t exactly pleased. She’d just gone through a hellish experience with Rumina, been killed by a slime, and had her manhood taken from her, a shitty day all around. Then it just got worse, what with her meeting with Mistress.

After all of that, her new name, and her lessons, things were finally starting to look better. Mistress was actually going to take her out of the temple. Her heart fluttered a bit, at the prospect. She was actually looking forward to this. For a moment she even considered trying to run, but then she discarded the idea a moment later when her gaze drifted back to Mistress. Back when she was Flamewind, she had heard stories of royal vampires and now that she was living with one she knew how little justice those stories did for them. They were far more terrifying and she recalled thinking they were nothing but stories. How naive of her, her mind flashed to Reia, the cute vampire girl she’d just had to have. Why oh why did she do that, that was perhaps her worst mistake as Flamewind. Especially since Mistress knew every sordid detail of that little affair, and one thing the stories made clear was that you don’t mess with the Vampire clans. Now that she was paying for it, she really understood why.

Her mind flashed back to just before her branding when Mistress had... been in her mind. She shuddered at the memory, that hadn’t been fun either. Idly she fingered the brand. It was part of why she couldn’t really run away, but it was far worse than that. At least in her mind, sure it wasn’t the slave’s brand she gave to her girls. What she had been marked with was a servant’s brand, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.

She was suddenly brought to the present a moment later, when Mistress stopped by the door. “Ready to see the town Aya?”

She groaned, she hated hearing her name. Why did Mistress have to use it so often? Letting out a breath, she replied, “Yes Mistress.”

Mistress pushed the doors open and Aya gasped at what she saw. Stepping out of the temple she was greeted with the sight of a busy town. Numerous Drow and Dark elves walked by, chatting and generally going about their day. Yet it wasn’t the locals that drew her eye, instead her eyes took in the numerous stone structures, that looked to have been carved out of the rock and delicately engraved. Glowing crystals sat by every door, while polished wood made up the trim of the structures. They were gorgeous. Her eyes went up, she took in the ceiling above, there was no sky, no sun. While she had never been here, she knew exactly where she was, the Underdark. Yet it wasn’t the place she imagined, she didn’t see strange rituals conducted in utter darkness. Aside from the dress of the locals, it felt like a normal town, but the place around it was something else. Especially with how glowing crystal was woven into the engraved stone far above her head. The way the light flowed and glimmered and added shadows to the city was just magical.

Mistress entered her view, “Like what you see? There’s more to see, come we have some errands to do and there is someone I would like you to meet.”

Silently she followed along, more focused on the sights.


Austin Williams

I wonder who little Aya is going to be meeting?