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Pafi walked down the path, following the young dungeon girl her newfound daughter had chosen as a lover. She was certainly cute, and from what she could tell actually cared for Phyllis. Even if her demonic nature meant she was less than faithful. Demons tended to be rather free when it came to sex, yet they did cherish their lovers and their children. Of course Demons were known to have many children. Her grandchildren weren’t going to be lonely, that was for sure. Not only that, but they would have no shortage of caring mother figures looking out for them. Say what you want about demons, they did know how to build a community, well lust demons at least. Pride demons were okay too, Wrath demons had short tempers though and tended to be rather solitary. The one she remembered interacting with had been rather swell, a charming old brute, who was rather popular with the ladies. Pafi had even considered it once or twice, but never really went for it. That had been around the time she was courting the man who would become her husband and Phyllis’s father.

As the trees opened up, she was treated with the view of a freshly made arena, where Phyllis could be heard complaining, while a naked girl lectured her. Pafi quickly noticed her features, she was a bit different alright, but what caught her notice was the weird mix of Abyssal magic and a mark of the divine. It was faint in both weirdly, but there. Frowning, she said as she drew closer, “An Abyssal touched by the gods, how interesting.”

The girl looked up, “Ah, you must be this young lady’s mother. I’m Arrietta, and for the record I’m only half Abyssal, my mother was an Atarli, my father’s human.”

Pafi frowned, “Human? You mean someone actually liked the look of an Atarli? Aren’t their tails covered with boobs?”

Arrieta giggled, “Dad loves Mom’s tail,” she paused, “Anyway care to help me fix this? It bothers me that your daughter is pregnant with such atrocious mana flow. That can’t be good for the baby.”

Pafi sighed, “I’ve been trying to help her with it, since I got here.” Another sigh, “It doesn’t help that she got pregnant so soon after becoming a girl.”

Arrieta glanced at Misaki, “The dungeon?”

“Oh that wasn’t me. A certain goddess of mischief, managed to sneak a cursed ring onto her finger.”

Arrietta blinked, “Can I have that?”


“The ring, surely you still have it.”

Phyllis nodded, and raised a hand, “I can’t take it off.”

“Let me see it,” said Arrieta.

Phyllis frowned, but held out the hand, and the half breed looked it over. “Hmm, looks like the main effect has run its course, that makes this easy.”

“What easy?”

“Removing it, the thing about cursed objects, is that once their purpose has been achieved, circumventing the lock that keeps them equipped is much easier. Watch.”

The other girl focused her mana, and then applied it at three spots. The ring glowed, and then broke apart. Reforming a moment later in the abyssal girl’s hand, “Thanks for the ring!”

“Um, you can keep it.” she grimaced, then frowned, “I sure don’t want it and don’t need the reminder, but um, what are you planning to do with it?”

She smiled broadly, “Been to the Theocracy recently?”

Phyllis shook her head, “It was a mess last time I was there. I’ve done what I can, but it’s...”

“A rotting carcass, with the biggest eyesore being the church itself,” commented Arrieta, “I find them a bit distasteful, mainly the high priests really, I know a few people who are quite nice.” she sighed, “The worst part is how little they care about girls. It’s all about the boys with them. I don’t think they even track what my mother’s kind do or what the other abyssals in their territory are doing, so long as it doesn’t affect the boys and that serpent coming here? They won’t even bother trying to kill it.”

“Sounds like things are getting worse then.”

“You could say that, if you are a guy, things are pretty good, especially in the core. For girls however? Well let’s just say we will be here all day if I tried to explain it. As for the ring, it will help speed up my plan to clean up the Theocracy.” She sighed, “I have a lot to deal with, the church, my sisters and cousins, serpents and then there is the Tymesian Maneater I think moved into the capital recently.”

Pafi paled, “Are you sure?”

“No, I’m not but there are signs. I heard a few things.”

Misaki frowned, “Tymesian Maneater?”

“They are another species of Abyssal, and as the name would imply they eat people. The church actually hunts them, unlike my cousins, but they are tricky creatures. Able to change their shape to better blend in with their prey. Most Tymesians are actually female, it’s very rare to find a male one and it’s the females you have to worry about.”

Misaki shifted before settling down on a seat, “So why are the females the ones to worry about?”

“They are the hunters, the ones who actually eat people. Male Tymesians are gentle mannered and from what mom told me, exist solely for breeding. The female will typically eat the male once she no longer needs him or finds a prey male she likes.”

Misaki had many questions and so did Phyllis. The group settled around the arena and started talking. Of course Phyllis didn’t escape a lecture on mana control for girls and Misaki only had so long before she was back to grinding.


Lydia pushed the door open with a smile. Howard looked up at her entry, her grin widened, “Hey there big boy, let’s see how you are doing!”

  She walked up to him, drinking up the look of pain in his eyes. He was so fun, honestly she enjoyed having him around, but not too much. She knew Howard would never fully understand, not unless she made him and she didn’t want to do that. Getting him to behave without really corrupting him was a pain but it was so worth it. 

Settling on the bed, she smiled as she looked over his dick. The strain of the hook in his erect penis was starting to tear the flesh, the duct was especially hurt. That was good, she wanted to see tearing like this. The head was quite swollen and purple as well, a bit of blood flowing from the tears, while down below his balls looked swollen and tight. They were swelling up quite nicely, they looked just ready to burst. Her pussy twitched at the thought, it was fun breeding with a male about to burst. Yet she held herself back, as fun as he was, he’d already done what he was supposed to with the last session. Besides, she wanted the pure stuff from him for her womb, by now his seed was being changed by her venom. Making it better for other females, like Viri once she was ready. That wasn’t going to be much longer, Viri was close to proper breeding age. 

Lydia put that thought aside, as she looked up, “Looks like you are about ready, now let’s get this hook out and we can go have some fun.”

He frowned, “Um, sure?”

She smiled and then yanked the hook out. Watching with delight at the tip of his penis tore open, a bit of extra blood gushed before her venom kicked in and slowed the flow. Idly she stroked it, smiling as she watched the thing twitch cutely. Lydia watched it for a moment longer before dragging him along by his injured dick. He followed along like a cute puppy, as she led him out of her room and out the back door. Keeping clear of Viri of course, she didn’t want him near her. Not right now and she was happy that Viri didn’t want to see him either. Viri’s training was coming along nicely. 

Lydia recalled how Viri used to cry every time Howard left, it had taken a long time to retrain her to be excited when her father leaves, and disappointed when he comes back. It was cute watching her act like an excited puppy when it came time to say goodbye to her dad. Of course, she had Viri waiting in the other room to say hello, but first she wanted to have some fun. There was no point wasting a chance like this.

Crossing the backyard, she led him to a hidden door that led them to a neighboring property where she kept some of her girls. Lydia had to be careful, more so than some of her rivals since the church would actually hunt her kind. Now she didn’t think much of their elite, but the church could certainly cause her problems if they caught on.

Stepping into the connected yard, one of the younger females greeted her. “Lady Lydia? Are you here to hurt me!?”

She giggled, as she looked the little one over, her legs were still missing from yesterday’s harvest. She was currently laying out in the sun, while a device was stretching her pussy wide open. “Not just yet, your pussy needs more stretching, enjoy the sun.”

The girl smiled, “Sure thing,” she replied while rubbing her reddened skin, “I think I have a nice burn going on.”

“Oh, looks like it, I can’t wait to see how your skin peels off later,” said Lydia as she passed her leading Howard inside. As the door closed, the girl called back, “See you later!”

She smiled and took Howard into the main lounge room. The gravity felt lighter here, a product of the magic cast upon the space, while a strange mist filled the room. Nothing Howard would need to worry about though, since she’d cast a spell on him to protect him from the corruptive effects. 

As she walked, a pair of young kids seemed to float past, wailing a bit as a mass of tentacles chased them. It caught the smaller one, a long tentacle pulled the little one in as she screamed. It wasn’t yet old enough to be properly trained but it seemed some of the young were having fun. A smaller tentacle formed from the mass, small barbs growing quickly before wrapping around a leg. Tearing small chunks of flesh that were quickly eaten. The wailing turned into full-blown screams, as her leg was torn up, followed by the other soon after. For a moment Lydia considered intervening but decided to watch as the little one ate the girl she had caught.

Once the little mass of tentacles finished the baby girl it had caught, it fluttered down to the ground and curled up. While the older girl tumbled out of the room, that one seemed to be lucky, she’d avoided being eaten several times in a similar fashion. Lydia figured she might just feed that one directly to one of her babies. Right now she didn’t really want the prey babies growing up. Well most of them anyway, she did have a few, she wanted to grow up, but that lucky girl wasn’t on the list.

“Don’t mind the little ones, they are just having fun with their food,” said Lydia, as she pulled him towards a young woman who had been watching the spectacle a moment ago. The woman was a newer recruit, she had a good figure, excellent bone structure and she was tasty. Her left boob was still slowly healing from the tasting done earlier today. Lydia idly wondered if she should go ahead and harvest the right. Then decided to leave it for now, and work on marinating the breast instead.

Pulling Howard up to the girl, she guided him to her hole, whispering into his ear, as he prompted him to breed her. She was just the first of several girls she had in mind for that. Her babies were going to need safe prey to hunt. These girls would provide that.


Akula shifted in her seat as the wagon bounced a little. A naked toddler toddled up from the rear, a smile on her face as she offered her arm. Akula returned the smile, the arm was covered with little bite marks and she pulled the girl in to bite her. She’d been biting her and her sister lots. She liked them, they were so willing to be bit and didn’t mind. It was so fun to bite her. The girl giggled as the teeth sank in, “That feels funny!”

Akula smiled, “Well I decided not to kill you yet.”

The girl nodded as she settled into her lap, ready for more bites. As she bit the girl she kept thinking about what she would do with them. The twins were so young, they would need to serve the brood, but being young did make them quite flexible in how she could change them. Mentally shrugging she shelved the matter for now. She still needed a nice cold place for her brood first, then she blinked, right she needed to change this girl to better handle the cold. With that thought in mind she changed her venom for the next bite. The girl gasped as her fangs sank into her again, flooding her with the new venom. “So cold!” lisped the girl cutely.

She hugged the little one more tightly for a bit while the venom worked, but did nothing. After a moment her sister came up, equally covered with tiny bites. Akula smiled and pulled her up, giving a quick bite in greeting with the special venom she picked too. Getting the little one to shudder, it was so cute. 

Just then Terri turned up, she blinked, “Oh? I hope they aren’t bothering you too much.”

“Oh, no I’ve been enjoying biting them.”

“That’s nice, um, Mom wanted me to let you know that we’ve nearly reached our intended camp for the night.”

“Neat! How long before we get into elven lands?” she asked, knowing they had crossed into Borderlands, some time ago.”

“A couple of days, I think.”

“That sounds good, I can’t wait to reach the Frost Wood.”

“That would be a bit, it’s on the other side of Stormwind,” said Terri.

“I know, but I want to be there now. It sounds lovely, perfect for a proper nest,” she said while rubbing her belly. She’d played with her studs a bit already, but without a nest it wasn’t wise to birth her children. Not yet, anyway, but soon perhaps.


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