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Phillip looked around while feeling rather unsure about why she was here, or why so many ladies were here at this hour either. Her mother had dragged her out here and Misaki had followed along, but so had the Queen, her mage Shiori,  and the four royal guards she had with her. In addition to the company, Mira’s party had tagged along. Phillip noticed they were all wearing new dresses, but she had heard some of the details. The Slime King quest had gone wrong in several ways, and the expedition came back sans equipment. Apparently Delilah managed to keep her robe, but she had elected to wear a new dress to the shrines. There were also a few ladies from the expedition, here several humans, a couple of catgirls, and even a pair of elves but they were off on their own.

The shrines were part of a temple complex recently built by the mages. It was located on the east side of town towards the Bluewood. The earth mages had taken freshly cleared land and raised a large hill upon which they had settled the complex before diverting water from a river a few kilometers away to fill a moat. The wide moat around the hill was certainly a feature of the place. The shrines were mostly open to the sky, but there was a central building in which the major gods had their shrines placed. Phillip recalled Timura wanted her to visit her shrine, but she had not told her mother about that. Which left her with a few questions on why they had come here.

“So um Mother? Why are we here?”

Mother giggled, “For your renaming ceremony obviously.”

Phillip gave her a look, “Mom! I don’t need a ceremony, I’ll...”

“What, find a way to become a man again? Sorry to break it to you, but you are pregnant. Meaning you are going to be a girl for the next few years, if not more and don’t think I didn’t notice the ring you are wearing.”

“You saw?”

“I did. That’s a pretty strong curse, but I have an idea about the ring itself. So after the ceremony, I’ll take you by Timura’s shrine. If the goddess is willing she should be able to remove it, but since you are pregnant the curse has effectively run its course.”

Phillip deflated a bit, she knew what that meant and had largely been afraid that was the case. From behind Misaki hugged her whispering, “It’s okay, trust me it will be fine.”

She felt herself relaxing a bit, as the group filed into the main building. Every step taking her closer to Systeria’s shrine. She was the goddess of the system, and as a result Renaming Ceremonies were under her purview. With each step, she felt a surge of emotions as she considered the impending ceremony.

Recalling Misaki mentioned that she had been male in a past life, she wondered, “So, um, Misaki, how did you handle?...”

“Being turned into a girl, and given a girl's name? Not well, but Dewari was there for me. Honestly, I don’t think I would have handled things as well without her, and don’t worry I am here for you, like she was for me.”

Those words helped, and she had to admit merely having a supportive presence was reassuring. Even as she was faced with questioning her identity. She’d been Phillip for as long as she could remember. For even her name to change was a real blow to what she knew. Her eyes drifted to her mother and wondered what name she was going to be given. Something close to her own name that she could get used to would be nice, but she didn’t really want to give up the name Phillip.

Noticing Mira coming up while holding the hand of the much larger Michael, she asked her, “Attending a renaming as well?”

Mira nodded, “Yeah Michael here told me the other day that she was ready to accept a new name, but we had that quest to do so we held off.”

Phillip blinked, “You don’t mind not being Michael tomorrow?”

She frowned, “I can’t say I don’t mind, but I feel the need for a change.”

Phillip knew her own chances to become a man again were low as her own mother had pointed out. Well try nearly non-existent, but she didn’t recall Michael failing a second time. She still had a chance to be a boy again. So why was she doing this? “I see, but don’t you still have a chance?”

“Of being a boy again?” she nodded, “I do, but, um, I don’t want to be.”

“Oh? Well, um, good luck with your new name and life.”

The group made their way down the halls and were soon joined by a couple of priestesses at the doors of Systeria’s shrine. The pair of young women were dressed in the colors of the goddess but their outfits differed. The girl on the left was a beastkin with lovely gray wool, she had two very impressive horns on her head, but what Phillip noted most was her chest, as it was huge. Did the girl have a minotaur somewhere her in lineage? They were that massive.

Her counterpart was an elf, a dark elf from the look of things, and as a result her robes were cut so that her pussy was on display. It was a cute one, with large puffy lips and was even painted to draw the eye. The lips had been splayed open, held that way by something unseen. The now-revealed flesh had been painted with the petals of a flower. It was an interesting display, with certain meanings among dark elves. This girl was looking for a partner, it was the only reason she would paint her pussy that way.

The pair smiled, “Welcome, how may we help you ladies today?”

Her Mother, Pafi stepped forward, “We are here for a couple of renaming ceremonies.”

“Of course, certainly, if you ladies would come in, we can get things ready,” said the priestess on the left as she gestured in. Her partner smoothly opened the door to Systeria’s shrine in the same moment. Phillip felt a lump in her belly as it did a couple of flips, but headed on inside anyway. She never really could say no to her mother, and mom was right. Not that Phillip liked it.

The shrine itself was a fairly spacious circular space built around a prominent statue and the altar beneath it. The statue was a depiction of the goddess. Systeria was a woman of average height with magnificent sky blue hair that shone in the temple light like a thousand suns and flowed all the way to the floor, yet never touched it. Her skin gleamed like polished metal, smooth and unblemished with a light tan. Her eyes held a glimmer of timeless wisdom and looked like they could see right through your soul and glowed the same blue as her hair. Her slim figure was encased in a flowing system blue dress that almost seemed as if it was forged from pure light, yet did nothing to conceal her figure, nor did it hide her boobs. Not even her pussy was safe from prying eyes, but someone had thickened up the light to hide her nipples. Didn’t do anything for her pussy though.

Phillip had a feeling this particular statue had been made by a dark elf, they tended to display the genitals of all the female gods they made a statue for. Even those traditionally depicted with those hidden, but the Dark elves had a thing about concealing breasts, even if they were traditionally on display for a given god or goddess.

The priestesses placed down offerings on the altar and directed everyone into positions. Phillip found herself placed prominently before the altar and settled next to Michael. On either side of them was her mother Pafi and Mira. With Pafi being next to Phillip, and Mira standing next to her charge Michael. The two of them were the ones being named, while Pafi and Mira had taken the position of the Guardian. Most often given to a family member or someone who could be considered your caretaker, the Guardian’s role was to give the new name. She knew the goddess however had final say in accepting the name.

As they were settled, the priestesses began to sing. Their voices meshed as they sang the song of the goddess. It was a song of how she had been born of the primal gods, how she forged the system and granted the world its blessing. To this day she continued to maintain the system and grant the world its blessings. The song spoke of her father who gave her the spark with which she forged the system, the charges he gave her.

Then the song shifted, as they began to beseech the goddess. Each note meshed together to the point it was impossible to tell where one note began and the other ended. Nor could you tell whose voice was who at this point. The air began to charge with magic, as the goddess’s statue began to glow brighter. The altar shimmered and the offerings soon vanished into the ether moments before a mist swirled to light around the room. The foggy mist had a mysterious charge to it and it obscured everything. For a moment or two before it suddenly condensed into a single point, where it began to glow brighter and brighter with each passing moment before becoming the goddess herself. Her statue did not do her justice, as she was a hundred times more magnificent and regal in person. This version of her wore the same dress as well, but it hid neither her sex nor her boobs. Giving everyone a rather interesting view of her body.

She looked around the room regarding it, “Hmm not a bad shrine. Shame I am not in the main altar, but at least it's not that bastard Aurorus.” Then she focused on the two girls awaiting names. She smiled, “Welcome, I have heard your pleas, speak your names.”

Phillip found herself compelled to speak, and not long after Micheal did as well. Soon followed by Pafi and Mira. No one else spoke.

The goddess looked them over, “I can see why you two have been brought before me. You have a new path before you and must adopt a new name to reflect it. I shall hear the new names, may the new name suit your new path.”

Pafi spoke first, “My son has become my new daughter, to bless her new path and future daughter I have chosen the name Phyllis.”

The goddess smiled, “A wonderful name and congrats on the child-to-be. May her path be as blessed as her mother’s has been. It has been spoken and now it shall be, from this point forward you are Phyllis Greybeard.”

Then Mira spoke, “My friend has been unsure of her future but has made her choice now. I wish to give her a name to reflect her new path forward, for that I have picked the name Michelle.”

The goddess turned, she looked them over for a moment and then smiled, “A wonderful name. I wish you well with your new path. It has been spoken and now it shall be from this point forward you are now Michelle Redfeather.”

With that the ceremony was done but the goddess didn’t just leave. The air felt magical as she took a few steps forward, and knelt down to look Phyllis in the eyes. She grinned, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard much about you from Timura, she is a bit disappointed you haven’t been to her shrine yet. She hopes you have been enjoying the blessed armor she gave you.”

Phyllis blushed as she recalled the princess knight armor she had been granted. It had come at the price of her old armor, but it was also so... so embarrassing. Sure, pretty much nothing but maybe a dragon could harm her in it, but she just didn’t want to wear it. Not that she had any other options. At the moment she had it stuffed in her closet at home, “Um, well... it’s good but...”

“I see, but I am not the one to complain to about that.”

Then the goddess moved and turned to Pafi, a mixed expression on her face, “I suggest you also make the time to speak to your patron, she has some good news for you and some bad. I’m afraid you will be getting the bad news in a couple of days regardless, the post had a little difficulty finding you since you were not at home.”

“Why do I feel worried?”

The goddess sighed, “It’s not great, but it is not my place to tell you.”

Then she turned to Mira, “As for you, young lady I suggest you find a patron of your own and quickly. Your great great relatives will find you soon, and you don’t want to be without a Patron when they do.”

Mira frowned, “Huh? My relatives? Why would that need...”

“Trust me, you will thank me later.”

Finally, she turned to Michael, she smiled, “As for you young lady, I have no pressing advice or things to say, but I do suggest you protect your friend Mira. She will need you in the future far more than you need her.”

With that the ceremony came to an end and the goddess vanished. Phyllis felt the tension leave her and then her mother asked, “So Phyllis? What is this about not visiting Timura’s shrine?”

She felt the blood drain from her face.


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