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Sorry everyone, I know I'm a little late on posting! I have been taking a few mental health breaks after the festivities and trying to reset my body + mind a little! I know that ear licking is one of my most requested triggers so I decided to make a small audio for you! I added a little bit of room ambiance since it's very difficult to record with my screaming neighbors + cars. Don't fret, I will also be curating another audio this month for more ear attention with a little bit of role play! :3 I think this ear licking is a little more intense than usual so if you have requests, please don't hesitate to let me know! I am also just considering making a purely ear licking audio without any other triggers! Please let me know what you think or if you have any requests! Moving forward,  I will be taking more time this month to prioritize my audio-related platforms and will be streaming one less day on Twitch! 



I can't put my finger on it as to why. But this has been my go-to listen as I'm falling asleep in the last while


I keep coming back here once or twice every week.