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Hey there, patrons!

I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to chat with you about something that's been on my mind recently. As some of you already know, I've been feeling pretty stressed and worn out lately and this has started to affect my health. I've been running CMS alone since January and this has been affecting my ability to keep up with our regular comic posting schedule.

From CMS, we always want to make sure we are giving you the best content we possibly can, but lately, I've been struggling to keep up with that standard. So, after giving it some thought, I've decided to take a little break next week to give myself some time to recharge and refocus.

During that week, there won't be any new comic pages, but I'll be sharing some lewd illustrations with you all instead. I hope you enjoy them, and I really appreciate your understanding as I take this much-needed break.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you for your amazing support. It means the world to me, and I can't wait to come back refreshed and ready to create more comics for you all.

Thanks again, and I'll see you soon!




Take care and rest up. All we have is our health, so prioritizing it is key


Please take care of yourself! Everything else can wait :)


Feel better!


Yo, yeah take time. Breathe a bit. Art deadlines are stressful and don't always lead to the best product. I have been supporting you over a year at this point and I will support you through some down time too.


We understand completely! The quality of your work is amazing and it must take a lot of energy to do so. Have a wonderful and well deserved rest!

Quan Nguyen

Take care of yourself! You've earn a break. However , I would gladly sacrifice the quantity of posts to having fewer posts of better quality. Not saying what you out out isn't of quality, perhaps focus on characters and storylines that you Patreons, and you, enjoy. Like I like comics with Fanny and Chloe, dotn really care fore the Ride Or Die stuff.


I don't know if it's something you'd be interested in, but perhaps you could spend some time sorting and consolidating the existing work, so it's easier for people to navigate their way around? If there is an easy-to-access back catalog, I have no idea where it is, and that would be something I would appreciate having. My hope is that assembling something like that is low-stress yet productive enough to help take stock of what's been done and get inspiration on where to go next.


Hey, taking a break is necessary sometimes. Your health, both mental and physical is priority number 1. You take care of yourself for as long as you need.


All creativity needs downtime. Just like you must allow your muscles to recover after a strenuous workouts. You have more than earned it.

Jef Vinson

It was nice of Penny to give you the time off. Enjoy the vacay.

Aiden Fox

Enjoy however much time you need! We'll be here when you get back! ❤