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🚨 Read our updated Terms of service. 

👉 NOTE: If your commission idea has been rejected/ignored in the past, please try with a different thing this time👈


Drop us an email with references and description of what you want cherrymousestreet@gmail.com

⚠️ To take benefit of your Patron discount (Waffle and For the patch!), make sure the subject is:

Patreon:(yourusername) Commission

IMPORTANT: We receive lots of emails every day. We will only reply to emails that include info about the commission, references etc.

✔ Hi, I want a commission of my character eating sushi in a mini dress like in the pic attached.

❌ Hi I want a commission.

Are there any slots open?




No OCs anymore? That's a bummer. Now I have to think about pop-culture characters I want in NSFW situations.

Captain Kashup

Aaw, no OCs, that's a damn shame..


No OC's? Damn. Guess that's me done


I can’t wait to see what they are


What do you consider a "content creator"? Is this a cross-marketing thing as in "needs to have a certain range"? Or is it a reference thing, that you want to have ample reference when drawing a character? I am out this time around, but as someone who has commissioned you for a piece of their OC before and who is technically a content creator (as in, I create content of my OCs and put it online for people to consume) I am trying to figure out if it makes sense to safe up for one of the next rounds or if another Twelf piece is out of the picture per se.

Jef Vinson

Request sent. Fingers crossed.