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Coming soon!

Who's excited? 😎




😨 oh god, i surprised! it's a second porn wars!


Haha, an intense cover!


Im very excited 😳🥳. They look like lionesses. Awsome job 😁👍


Super excited !!! I love Chloe but I don’t see her winning this. Penny has been portrayed as being far superior to Chloe sexually, she makes Chloe look like a novice when it comes to sexual skill and experience. Plus, she is far more stacked and packed than Chloe. Penny’s tits are far bigger and she is much thicker with a much bigger ass. Penny up to this point has easily beaten Chloe at every turn. I love the rivalry but it’s really hard seeing Chloe being so massively outclassed by Penny. Chloe is the legendary OG slut of the CMSverse and yet Penny makes her look like an amateur lol. On their character sheets, Chloe is described as the Porn Queen, but Penny is the Porn Goddess. That says it all. It’s really sad but Chloe has no chance, Penny is in a league of her own.


No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear! *revs power dildo*


*Cue Rocky music*


Chloe’s comeback!!!!


I love Chloe lol, she's the face of the CMS verse, but on her character sheet she's described as the Porn Queen, whereas Penny is described as the Porn Goddess. Chloe doesn't stand a chance. Physically she is massively outclassed, Penny having much bigger tits and a much bigger ass and being far more stacked and packed than Chloe overall. Plus, Penny is far far more sexually skilled and experienced than Chloe, anything Chloe can do, Penny can do far better and Penny makes Chloe looks like an amateur. Penny has beaten Chloe at every turn with ease. Its not looking good for Chloe. The way its going, Penny is the new face of the CMS verse, Chloe doesn't have the skills or abilities or body to match the supreme sexual prowess of Penny.


That’s just a title. Chloe matches penny in sexual skills, different body types don’t mean anything, the only thing that made Chloe lose last time was that a) she got too complacent and b) she lost her cool because Penny was with Nate. Penny’s goddess thing is just the usual dominatrix gimmick, Chloe can do others.


Can’t wait for those Penny on Chloe scenes!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It hasn't been confirmed by CMS that Chloe is a match for Penny, the way Penny has been portrayed so far implies she is far superior to Chloe in all regards. Plus, the physical aspect makes a difference. Penny's tits are far far bigger than Chloes and as a result far more impressive and better for giving titfucks, she is more muscular and stacked, so she is stronger and she has bigger, more muscular thighs and a bigger ass to throw back and use to drain cocks more effectively. Penny dominated Chloe in the first comic, Chloe had no ability to get anywhere near Penny's sexual skills and experience. Penny is portrayed as outclassing Chloe in every way. Even if the physical aspects didn't make a difference, Penny's body is still far more impressive, Chloe has much smaller tits and a much smaller ass. Plus, the titles on the character sheets are relevant, why call Chloe the 'Porn Queen' and Penny the 'Porn Goddess', Queen implies that Chloe is one of a group of top pornstars, whereas CMS calling Penny the Porn Goddess shows that she is in a league of her own, above all other sluts , she is the 'goddess'. I'm just going by what has been shown in the comics. I prefer Chloe to Penny, I love Chloe, she is iconic and legendary, which is why it is so hard as a fan of hers to see her being so massively outclassed by Penny. It makes her look like an amateur slut. I wish the dynamic was that Chloe was sexually superior to Penny since Chloe is the legendary OG slut, I really wanted to see Chloe destroy Penny and show she is superior, but Penny is far superior and the fact she was labelled as the porn goddess from the outset shows that she was created to surpass Chloe. Also, on the cover, Penny is above Chloe, she is looking down at Chloe whereas Chloe is looking up at Penny, showing that Penny is superior and dominant, staring down at her inferior rival in Chloe. The Cover itself shows the power dynamic with Penny on top.




I hope nobody will get hurt...too much 🤕😵🤣🤣


second cumming?