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You asked us about Penny's wedding ring... This is all we could find about it. 

Kinda disturbing... 🤔


Do you want to know more about the cherry-verse? Go to the cherry-verse channel on Discord and let us know what the next Extended Lore should be about.




Okay my intuition is tingling. Idk I feel like ambers dad is related to this. Like theres little bits here and there. little abstract shaped just below the surface. hmmm



Jef Vinson

...so if I'm reading this right: Penny was [redacted] in [redacted] to [redacted] back in [redacted] because she [redacted]?


No, actually [redacted] was the one who [redacted] when [redacted] and [redacted] and that's why [redacted] ended up [redacted] in the first place

Lying Lark

Looks like Miguel is in Ride or Die 3

Jef Vinson

Oh, OK. I got [redacted] and [redacted] mixed up. Thank you for clearing that up.


Oooh. Sweet lore dump!


The case is getting juicier!

Sascha Schiffer

If Amber gets her hand on this file she is gonna kidnap Penny to get a lot of cash ^^. I love how you guys take the time to build this whole world and connect the links - i freaking love it!

Thomas Holland

Chloe’s about to be put in retirement by Penny by the time she’s through with Chloe. or can the alpha be broken, next time on everyone loves pennyZ!