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2019 is nearly over, Xmas is here and it's a good moment to drop a few lines here to say: Thank you!

Two years ago, three friends created Cherry Mouse Street just for fun. And things have changed since then (a lot!) 

We created some OCs, hundreds of Pin-Ups, and our first comic book: Ride or Die: Adventures of Chloe & Amber... and, of course, we met some incredibly talented people on the road. 

This two years have been incredible and, let me tell you, none of this would've been possible without your help. Yes, I'm talking to you, fellow patron. Thanks to your monthly support we can combine our real life jobs with this adventure and create more content for everyone to enjoy, not only here on Patreon but also on Twitter and other social media. 

We want to share this characters and this stories with everyone and keep creating more and more... and that is only possible thanks to your support. We are building a wonderful community around our characters and we can't be thankful enough for helping us make this happen! 

We are working on a lot of new ideas for this 2020. Chloe and Amber will return in issue 2 of Ride or Die, there'll be new comics featuring new OCs, collaborations with other artists, drawing tutorials (long-time requested but yeah, it's gonna happen!) and lots of new projects that we can't wait to share with you all.

In the meantime, we just want to wish the best Xmas ever and a Happy New Year!

2020 is going to be awesome at the Cherry Mouse Street! 

Thank you for your support!

The CMS crew.



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