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This month's rewards included a couple of portrait sketches as well! These were a lot of fun to draw, especially now that I have found brushes I can comfortably create traditional pencil-like textures with. ^^ Here are the end results of these!

This is also my last post for 2023 that is coming to an end tonight. I really can't thank you enough for sticking with me for these past couple of months I have been running this page. Truth to be told, life has had more downs than ups lately, causing me not being able to be my best self and not reaching as many of my goals as I had planned for this year. The reasons behind my stress are completely unrelated to launching my Patreon - on the contrary, this has been one of the major things that has brought joy and hope during the stressful times and reminded me that it's ok to create just for the sake of joy of it.

I'm not going too much into detail and I don't intent to turn this into a vent post, as this year in general was amazing and many of my dreams were fulfilled - including starting this page and of course moving in with my partner. 💛 Sometimes life just happens all at once and it catches up to you at some point, I bet many can relate to that during these times. December has been better for me already, and I'm forever grateful for my lovely and ever so patient partner who has reminded me that it's ok not to give your 120% all the time. For a chronically anxious person like me that's easier said than done, but I'll be starting 2024 by taking a week off for myself so that I can get back as good as new. (I'm scheduling some posts for Patreon so that short vacation of mine won't halt any updates here!)

It has made me so happy to see people using the reindeer base I posted earlier this month. 😭 💛 I have been asked about a base tier, and while I'm not 100% set on that plan as I don't consider myself that experienced at making bases, what would you think? I wholeheartedly enjoyed working on the base, and truth to be told I already have some ideas for new ones! It will take me some time to prepare for something like that, but thought it wouldn't hurt to ask if something like that would interest you. :)

I'm off to celebrate new year with my partner and friends soon, so see you all in 2024! May the new year treat you all well. 💛



I looove that cat (Maine Coon?) portrait so much - so expressive, and I love the stripes! As a very anxious person I know how you feel, and I'll go further ahead and say that you don't even need to do your 100% all of the time and that it's better to take it easy, be more lax with your expectations and have a steady rythm than get yourself burnt out or hurt while trying to overperform. Hope you enjoy your mini vacation and Happy New Year!!