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Some rewards for Caught on Camera tier I have finished so far, more to come soon as I work through the queue! I switched to a slightly sharper brush for these, not sure if the it's noticeable in the end product but I sure feel the difference when working on these! It's not as forgiving as the softer version I have used (the one I still use for my regular lineart) but I feel like that's the very reason why it improves my work flow. Basically I can't go "I'll figure out that part later" as much! 😂 I feel like it supports the style I aim for with my stickers as it makes me to focus even more on clear shapes and silhouettes, which are some of the principles I try to focus on when working on something that's viewed on small displays.



Wonderful as always!


So delightful, I love the range Kismet and Chowder went through!! XD