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Heya again!

Bringing you yet another status update to the Baldi video, and it's good news and bad news at the same time!

So remember how I said this Baldi video was going to be short? Well I severely miscalculated how much there is to talk about with regards to the mean green math teacher and now I've got another monster video on my hands. Granted this will be much easier to edit and it's not going to be incredibly long, but the stuff I've written adds up to what could potentially be a 45 minute video. This does mean that I'm going to have to work on this video and the FNAF Video back to back. I managed to cut the video down from an obscene length but I've SOMEHOW written back to a long video ://

Progress is going pretty good, I've started learning Blender to help me with some production value stuff for my next video and I'm really excited to show you the stuff I've been cooking with regards to some of the visuals for the video- it's taken ages for me to get the aesthetic I want but I've been hard at work for it and progress for that will be posted here over the next couple of days. I've been working on daily animations and renders for the time being to practice!

I'm also going under some preparations to make July a very hectic month for me, as I'm working on 2 main channel videos, uploading frequently on T9 and streaming regularly to make up the lost time from the vacation, so be prepared for a load of spam over the next month! Thanks for your continued patience and I hope to see you all again soon :>

 - Thaf


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