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Hey guys!

It's been a while since the last Patreon Status Update and I know I need to be a bit more active on Patreon but if I'm honest, a LOT of things has happened in the past month that has affected a lot of future videos for better and for worse.

First and foremost, there was no upload in January. Reason why is actually because I've been dealing with some issues behind the scenes especially legally and to do with sponsors that haven't paid me as well as contract issues, which has led me down a rabbit hole of trying to get out of bad deals and videos that I still haven't been compensated for to this day. This does sound like I'm making excuses but because of this I wasn't able to push out the FNaF video for that month like I said I would so I do apologise... however I do have some good news to share about that video! 

I've been working on that video on and off since my update at the start of January, and I'm finally at the point where I can conjure up a good game plan for the structure of the video and what I'm going to tackle, and I've made the conscious decision to work on another long video in which I will cover the entirety of the franchise again from beginning to present day, including Security Breach and my many struggles working with that game and getting it to work. It's taken me hours to beat all the games and I think I can probably write something real good about the game at this point, so Ascended patrons can look forward to a good script on that front soon!

I will also be providing some more assets from previous videos as well, including PNG packs and more so I utilise this page a little bit more, since I know a lot of you probably don't deal in Discord: just in case though- my Discord server is http://discord.gg/thaf and I am extremely active there!

I also managed to get myself a brand new PC from your support! The old PC was providing issues for recording gameplay and editing videos at a high quality without crashing all the time, so I managed to convince PCSpecialist to give me a brand new PC that will be able to do almost everything I can throw at it... including running Security Breach at a stable resolution without everything breaking, which is great! I've been experimenting with new ways to make content for the main channel including venturing into the uncharted territory of 1440p or 4K videos just so you can get crisper gmod skits from me lmao

As well as this I've been taking more mental health breaks to make sure I stay healthy for future videos because good god the stuff I had to deal with in January would be enough to put someone to sleep for a good 3 or 4 weeks: I think I'm finally in a much better headspace to create content now, so there's also that :)

But as I said before, thanks so much for being so patient with videos on the main channel. The beginning of the year is always the worst part of the year for content creators due to a lot of things happening, but I think I'm finally at the position where I can really drive the video home and make sure I provide something entertaining for you guys now I have more time to work on things like videos, T9, streams and merch! If there are any questions that you would like to ask me, as always I am active in my own Discord server and you can comment on this status update with your burning questions as well!

Thanks for the patience and I'll see you in the next one! 




Take your time, man. Your mental health is important. And glad that your doing better