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Hey guys! It's been a while since the last status update so I just wanted to inform you guys about where I'm at currently with regards to my life and my channel.

First things first, new videos.

Right now I have a very elaborate road map filled with ideas for where I'm going to take my content in the next 2 months. I've got a lot of ideas that I want to do and I'll use this post to give you guys an epic teaser of what to look forward to in the next month, starting with the


The Decline of Black Mirror is a video that I've wanted to make for a while, a while being immediately after Season 5, where I confirmed my biases that the season has been going downhill. I wanted to try and do another film review to see if the Black Panther video was a fluke: hopefully it wasn't and this one does well, but even if it doesn't do well I have a bunch of other videos that I'm working on as well. This one won't take long to edit and the final script will probably be available for patrons to look at tonight :) 


Working title: The Resurgence of Minecraft. This is a video that I probably should've made a while ago but I wanted to work on the Black Mirror one first, but I think this one will probably resonate more with my viewers when it's released because it's trending and it's related to gaming, but this one is a video that I'm going to enjoy editing a lot; this one might be long as well, but I'm writing it back to back with the Black Mirror video so it should take long before that one is released. 


I'm planning on making a bunch of horror related videos in October and I'm also planning on streaming a lot of horror games because at this point it's kinda clear that my channel is undergoing a major change in that a lot of the content is more horror based. I'll keep making the odd funny video or the odd cartoon roast if people call those kind of videos that... they probably don't... but in October I want to try and litmus test my audience's taste for horror so I'll be working on those videos for October.


This video has been in the works for about 2-3 years at this point and since demand is increasing, I think it's time for me to finally work on it. More information about that video in particular will be released as the weeks go on.

And I think that's it with the videos, time to talk about the Minecraft realm.

If you're reading this, that means you're legible to get access to my Minecraft realm as a priority member. If you want to join, just comment with your Minecraft username and I'll add you as soon as possible! This realm will be for gaming nights with Twitch subs and Patrons so if you want access to that too, I strongly suggest you join the Discord server to know when I start gamer time :)

Again, strong re-iteration that you should probably join my Discord server :)


Regarding my own life and my health, I'm doing pretty good at this moment in time but right now I constantly struggle with overworking myself and thinking I always have to top my last video one way or another. This has made me a massive perfectionist and I've deleted so many scripts thinking that they're not good enough. I'm working on major projects now that I'm pouring everything into and I really hope you guys enjoy them when they're released.

As well as this, I'm also on the fence about things like university in the future; I'm moving into the second year of uni and I'm not sure if I can manage everything at once since I really want to move out sometime down the line. I'll see how far my Patreon goes as well as my YouTube and commissions and if I can make something out of it then I'll be very happy haha. Thank you for coming to my TED talk and JOIN MY DISCORD.



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