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Heya! It's another month and a long overdue status update is in order. So let me quickly go over a couple of things that has happened in the past few months.

To start things off, I wanted to first talk about a huge issue that has surrounded my content and finances, and that's the ongoing battle between me, a couple of other YouTubers and Omnia Media, the network I was in.

You guys might remember Omnia Media from me mentioning them in the credits sequence of my Five Nights at Freddy's video. Omnia Media was the network that I was in for several years and I was happy with them for a very long time, with them providing me access to sound libraries and licenses that at the time I wasn't able to get on my own. This relationship was pretty good until recent years where Omnia was bought by another company, and recently they have resorted to paying content creators late... or not paying them at all. This includes me. I've made a longer video summarising that situation, so if you haven't seen it yet, take a look at it here if you have the time:

As such, finances have been a little bit dire. Because I work on my main channel videos on my own with little to no assistance, videos take a while to make, and because of the wilder production value I'm using for videos nowadays, they tend to rack up a lot of dosh, dosh in which I haven't seen returns on precisely due to my lack of uploading. It hasn't reached emergency levels yet at least, but please forgive me if things are a little shaky, since I'm dealing with not receiving any ad-revenue for some months because of this network. I'm now pretty much mostly reliant on supporters here, as well as on my Twitch. So if you're able to read this right now because you've pledged... thank you :)

A quick side note before I get to the second point: I've also patched the Baldi's Basics video to add fancier and better subtitles, all done in Comic Sans! Watch the video and check it out for yourself!

Secondly, the information you've been waiting for... future videos!

If it isn't obvious already, I am currently in the production process for the next major main channel video, which is the sequel to my 2023 3-hour FNAF video. The script of which actually is already done, since I wrote both parts back to back, and $15 Patrons can read it right now if you look back in my Patreon! I will be adding some extra/new stuff to the script to accommodate the time between me writing it and the amount of content that's been made in the years after, so before you ask me about whether I've covered an event or not, don't worry, I'll eventually get to it! The second part of the FNAF video is looking to be just as long if not longer than part 1 because once again I underestimated just how much content I wrote, and if I'm honest, from reading the script again... I think this might be my funniest video...

In addition to this major main channel project, I've been in the process of working on some lighter main channel styled content on my second channel. Currently my second channel is a hub for me to upload stream highlights and let's plays, mainly of games that catch my interest or games I'm going to make videos on soon. But recently I actually had an idea to start making videos on my second channel similar in style to what I do on the main channel, just without the uber-high production quality due to not having enough time to do that AND main channel videos. To that end, I have gotten started on a video about how I became an SCP speedrunner. This video should be out in a couple of weeks, but here's some 3D work that I've been brewing in the meantime:

This is just barebones so far, but I'm in the process of mixing my Blender workflow with my Unity workflow while working on videos so I can make some cool environments for your viewing enjoyment! Luckily, I was able to renew my contract with PC Specialist who were nice enough to gift me a new PC that will help me throw a lot of heavier work at it! Here's some snapshots :)

Finally, it's just cropping up to my 5 year anniversary streaming (as well as the fact that it's been 10 years since I created my main channel). I'm super grateful that you guys have been watching my content for as long as you have, and I hope to private some more content for you guys moving forward. As always if you have feedback or anything you want to mention me about in terms of future content or past content, do not be afraid to give me a shout in the comments or message me here! I'm trying to utilise Patreon more now that the site's fixed itself.

Thanks for listening, and I hope to see you with more cool updates soon!



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