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hey there, I just wanted to inform you about some modifications I'm planning to do on february on the tiers: 

-I'm gonna combiner together the sketch and inked tiers, fixing them at the price of 40$. Now, you can ask with that tier OR one sketch OR one inked work, depending on your tastes. This decision depends on the fact that I noticed that it requires me more work to do a sketch than an inked work. I still have to decide the number of the pledges available, but I'll stay between 5 and 10.

-I'm gonna add a new 5$ tier, that allows you to partecipate at a random extration at the end of the month, and if you win you'll get a full colored pinup  of your choice (no OCs for now, I'll see in the future). Or at least this is the idea.

-As you may have noticed, I started working on the arts for an hentai game I'm working on with my wife. I still have to decide the price-tag for the tier and the rewards, but I'm planning on doing a tier for supporting the game, that will allow you to access to preview contenents as arts, wips and updates on the game.

Remember that I'm still thinking the details, and this modifications may end up a little different from what I wrote here. I'll let you know in the next days.
That said, thanks again for all your support, and happy new year!

P.S. please remember to send me the requests for your rewards by the 15th of the month. If I won't receive the request by that date I'll guess you don't want to claim your reward this month, and you won't receive it.


Secret Sketchbook

when will the modifications take effect